
Showing posts from 2003
Ah Christmas. I don't remember when the last time I wrote was, and I can't look back at the moment because it took me a half hour to get here. I finished the book I was reading while I was waiting for this slow, slow contraption. So, in case there is overlap or I forget something, I'm sorry. I'll start with Christmas Eve. We went, as always, to my grandparent's house. My cousin Adam wasn't there because he had the flu, and we don't want my grandfather contracting any strange viruses in his state. Other than that, the dinner went without a hitch. I had some shrimp, pasta with red sauce, pasta with linguini sauce, some more shrimp, and there was a huge plate of cookies for dessert. I got some soft pajamas from Lauren which was cool, and I gave her the book that I just finished, which Angie gave to me and I know she'll love. My grandpa also gave away a TON of money to my mom and my uncle (I accidentally peeked at their checks) but my mom wouldnt
Well I'm home for Winter vacation, I can tell by the crappy computer I'm using. It literally took me 20 minutes to get to the page where I can add new entries in my blog. I had to get my book and read it while I was waiting. This computer is horrible. Besides the computer, everything else seems to be going just fine at the moment. This is probably because I haven't checked my grades yet. After that, it might just go downhill. But no worries, Christmas is coming up, and I just last friday finished my shopping. As I've probably mentioned, I bought things on E-Bay this year. Four presents, to be exact. It was so fun, and now I can't wait until the people I got them for open them and see their uniqueness. Also on friday I got a cd player system installed into my car. It seems to be working perfectly, and I'm loving it, since I've never been able to drive and play cds before. Joe accompanied me to Circuit City and Eastview, and I think we both had
Well it must have been right after I ended my last post that I started feeling sick. Last weekend I just remember saturday through monday being total shit. Saturday the chills started, by monday I had a fever of 101.4, and I had to do a presentation in the afternoon that day. My professor realized that I was feeling HORRIBLE and she decided to bump up mine and Alex's presentation from last to 4th. It's a good thing because I really couldn't sit there for 3 hours and just wait without coughing and sneezing and feeling crappy. That was my last day of classes, and I didn't have a final til thursday, and by then I was feeling a little better. My cold is FINALLY just ending but now I have a random toothache. This past weekend Angie came to visit before she flew back to Michigan and we exchanged presents, she got me a few books that I can't wait to read, and from what she's told me, she enjoys the "Fair and Balanced Look at the Right" book tha
So my first weekend back at school... I don't have too much to write about, but I have free time to write so I thought I would now before the blog got to be overtaking everything with its long-ness. Anyway, we played 4, count them 4 broomball games in one week. Usually you play 4 the whole season, but we were awesome and kept winning all our playoff games. We finally got to the championship on thursday night and BEAT the Cheshire Cats. So now you are reading the blog of a member of The Clovers....the new co-ed recreational broomball champions for fall 2003. The other members include the excersize machine: Angela Silco, the hottest member: Patrick Scalisi, the wall: Pete Tuzzolino, the moving wall: Nick Covall, and the guys who never seem to get tired, Tim Hanley and AC...something. There was also our captain, Emily Wood, who was not at most of the games but when she was there, you could tell. I think our team was amazing and I'm glad we have t-shirts to show for it
Wednesday night was the big "everyone go out" night for probably most towns, and in Geneva it was the same. I saw people I haven't seen in about 4 years, and some people that I see constantly. I had a drunkenly good time, even though I got split up from Joe and ended up talking to Sue and Cody Morrow about smoking cigarettes. I found Joe again at the end of the night and he gave me a ride home. Thanksgiving Day was different from past thanksgivings, but still a good day. Usually we go to my grandparent's house, but since my grandpa has been sick, we went to my aunt and uncle's house instead. My Uncle Billy deep-fried the turkey and it was the best turkey I've ever had. I bet it was really bad for me though, he went through 4 gallons of oil to cook it. We ate earlier in the day, like normal people do on Thanksgiving. Usually we wouldn't eat til around 5, but my grandpa gets tired more easily now and we decided to eat dinner around 2. After I got
Well obviously my paper is finished now. Hopefully it's of a good quality, but mostly I'm just happy that it's done. Of course I have another 2 papers due (my last 2) the week after Thanksgiving break so that sucks too. I'm getting to the point where I really just don't care about the quality of my work. Okay I have 2 weekends to catch up on, and they're both pretty interesting. On friday the 14th I was a good girl and didn't drink at all. This was because I was hooked to electrodes all night sleeping at my internship. Yes, I volunteered to be a subject at the sleep lab and they gave me the royal treatment. It was me and Arick who volunteered to sleep there, so we got there and filled out some random paperwork, then I got hooked up first. Imagine having to sleep with 5 electrodes on your scalp, 1 on each side of your head (near the eyes), 2 on the chin, 1 under the chin, 2 on the chest, and 2 on each leg. PLUS there was a "flow" me
I know I know I'm not writing in here very often....but since some people won't stop sarcastically reminding me to write (accchem Joe) I guess I'll have to. These past 2 weeks have been pretty busy, I had a test on tuesday and I have a big paper due next wednesday that was supposed to be monday but she moved it. So....I'm a little happy about that. I will write very quickly about events occurring for Heather's birthday and after that. So 2 saturdays ago I went to Buffalo with Emily. We got to Heather's boyfriend's apartment, and a bunch of people were there, but not Heather or her boyfriend (Bob). This was a SURPRISE party which I had failed to pick up on. So Bob called Emily's phone and hung up, which was the sign that they were coming over, and we all hurried to tape plastic cloth thing on the door and fill it with balloons. We all waited around til we heard them come up and yelled "Surprise!" That was cool, and she had no idea.
Wow I have a lot to catch up on. I really hate waiting to write in this til the last minute, b/c then you people have to read really long entries and it's annoying. So sorry, but that's the way it's gonna have to be. Let's start with 2 thursdays ago. This was a very busy day for me, and exhausting. I had been studying for my GREs all week, and had to take them at RIT. So I had to worry about finding RIT b/c I've never been there (it's actually very easy) and worry about taking this stupid test at 9 in the morning when I don't know SHIT about math anymore. Well I finally got there, and I expected the room to be a big classroom type of environment. It was the exact opposite. There were 4 cubicles on each side of a very small room that was soundproof. And if other people's typing bothered me, I could put on headphones. I thought that was cool, even though I didn't use them. The entire test was also done on the computer, and we received o
So last week I won free tickets to Comix Cafe in Rochester, ten free tickets to be exact. I think it's gonna end up being the people that live in my house and the people that live in Pat's house, b/c I dont' know 10 people that all really know each other and can make it next thursday. I'm pretty sure we're going to see Jimmy Shubert, who the program lists was in movies like Go, Coyote Ugly, and The Italian Job. He was probably just in the background or something though. I don't care as long as he's funny. This weekend was very busy. Well first of all, apparently I didn't scar Doug about the domestic thing, because he played a cd for me at work, and then let me keep it. I was like "woohoo" free cd! It's this guy that sounds kinda like John Mayer, and I do actually really like the cd. But that was thursday. On FRIDAY, Joe came to my school, because he was on break. He got here at around 6:15, then we went to Pizza Hut with my ho
So apparently being "the most domestic guy I've ever met" is a bad thing. Doug seemed a little offended when he happened to read about that, so I'm typing an explanation. Seeing as though most the guys I know either play rugby, which means they aren't the most debonair guys in the world, or just plain don't know how to do any housework (accchem Joe), it seems as if it wasn't such an insult after all. Besides, who ever said it was a bad thing to be domestic anyway? AND....Doug called me the nerdiest person he'd ever met, so I think he's being a little oversensitive. In other news, I went home this weekend to visit with my family and Joe. He was home friday and saturday nights, so I hung out with him then. Friday we went to see Kill Bill. It was a good movie, but slow at some points. The stand-out scene is the scene with Lucy Liu and Master Tanaka at the long table....just watch the movie for that scene. I wish it didn't end so abru
I forgot to mention in my last writings that I went to a talk at Strong last thursday with the people I work with. I didn't really know what this talk was all about, but I got there and the guy was the chair of Neurology at Harvard Medical School. Yeah. I could tell he was very intelligent, but down to earth too, and I actually understood a lot of what he was talking about. (Circadian rhythms and stuff like that) Some guy asked a question about MPP+ which is something that acts like a Parkinson's agent, and he wanted to know if it was tested in primates. The Harvard guy didn't know the answer, but I did, but I was afraid to say anything. I also had the best coconut cookie of my entire life there. Apparently every thursday is bond with work members day. This guy that works in the depression/sleep lab down the hall from our lab, Doug, wanted to have a dinner for us. So I went with Sara, my supervisor, last night. We got there and he had the cutest little apartment
I don't only write about getting drunk in here as one of my old friends has just told I? Maybe b/c all there is to do in this cow town is get drunk, plus getting drunk is just plain fun. So this weekend I not only got really drunk, I went out to eat 3 times. Friday we celebrated Sara's 22nd birthday (we're all getting so old) and went to eat at the Outback Steakhouse in Henrietta. I love Australia, and I love steak, so I was set. Before that we had gone to the mall and I bought a cute little grass skirt so I can be a hula dancer for halloween (and also freeze to death). I also ended up buying my mom a Christmas present. Who does that? It's like barely October. So after the mall and dinner we went to see Under the Tuscan Sun. It was a great, funny, happy movie, except the last 2 minutes of the movie I would have taken out. Just didn't fit. All the Italian guys were sexy and funny, of course. And I love to see anything about Italian culture b
Okay last week I went to the health center for an annual checkup so I can get my little pills, and the nurse practicionar lady was listening to my heart, lungs, etc with her stethoscope. Well apparently she heard something odd near my left kidney, so she had to go get a doctor, who also heard the same thing. They told me to go get an ultrasound b/c something was odd with the functioning of my aortic valve going into my kidney. So today I went to get the ultrasound, all the while warning people that I was not pregnant when I told them where I was going. I got there and the nurse squirted this really hot gel onto my stomach and put a paddle on it. Then she found my kidney and it showed up on the screen, it was really cool. She took a few pictures of that, my other kidney, and my aorta, and then it was done. She said she didn't see any problem, but I might need a CAT scan just in case. Okay how many more unnecessary procedures am I gonna have? I think it's getting rid
I'm always amazed at the array of people that read this. It's pretty cool. This weekend was pretty laid back. No big parties, but I ended up getting randomly drunk off 2 beers friday night. I was tired and didn't eat at all that day so that's what happened. Asshole is always fun though. Pat was drunk by oh....5 oclock that day because they had a breakfast with a sorority so when I caught up with him he was just sobering up and I was pretty damn drunk. This was at about 10:30 at night and we went to his house. He started watching an Animal House special which I really wanted to watch. Yeah that didn't quite work. I fell asleep while he was still watching tv and didn't wake up that morning until he turned on the tv at like noon. I think I got like 11 hours of sleep that night. Saturday was basically nothing day. Oh yeah I did watch Kids with Pat, Pete, Davey, Tim, AC, and The Beamster. It's kinda weird watching a really sexual movie with 6 gu
I am at the University of Rochester library as we speak....(or as I type?) I decided to hang out with my buddy Sjene tonight and we're chillin here at the library before we head to a gay bar later. Actually I really need to eat a bacon mushroom melt from Wendy's, so we'll end up doing that before the bar. Let me just say that this library is really awesome. This is the first time I've been to the U of R campus (even though I technically work for U of R, my internship is at Strong) and it's really nice. Let's see what's been going on weekend was not as good as it could have been since friday-saturday my body decided to try to kill me. I got a really bad cold friday, which turned into chills and a hugely annoying cough by saturday. Friday night I decided to make the best of it and go out on the town. I was wearing a hot little outfit, courtesy of my strappy shoes and Maura's friend's black tank top, so I was feeling pretty goo
So I went home over the weekend. Sue came home, Angie, Joe, etc (I think I mentioned that they were coming home) and we all had a good time. Friday I saw my grandparents, then went to dinner with Sue and Joe at.....where else.....Ciccino's. (Sue went there for the 2nd time in one day) Then we went out that night with Steph. Angie didn't come til saturday so it was just us 4, then we met Stacey and some of Sue's friends from high school downtown. Nothing much happened, me and Joe looked for Carrie all night and I talked to Nick Cemoni like always. Let's see him one more time, it's starting to get old. I think I hugged CJ Barber....told Anne Marie I would hook her up with Nick....something like that. I also found out I love SoCo and lime shots, which is why the weekend was kind of a blur. Saturday afternoon I went to lunch with Joe and did some wegmans and eckerd rounds. Sue was at a wedding all day and most of the night so I basically hung out with Jo
I'm gonna kill my mom for passing on the acting bug gene to me. She recently said offhandedly to someone that she'd always wanted to be an actress. I was like "DAMMIT" that's why I have this weirdly overwhelming urge to be a movie star. Well everyone wants to be a movie star, but I mean I REALLY want to be one. Of course I haven't acted since high school and I was told in high school that I don't have the right "look" (fuck off Tyler) for it, but it is still like.....a calling for me. I don't know where that came from tonight, except that every time I watch one of those "Diary" things of stars on MTV I think how awesome it would be to be in their shoes. I dream that I'm talking to an actor at least once a month, and I decided to be a film minor b/c I figured I had to do SOMETHING about it. I have nothing else to say about it except that it frustrates me. Random tangent I guess.... And I get to go home to Geneva and se
Okay I was extremely bored tonight because we have no classes tomorrow and my housemates STILL went to bed before 12. They did go to Syracuse today and I didn't so maybe if I did then I'd be in bed too, but I somehow doubt it, being a night owl and all. Anyway, getting to the point.....I was bored and decided to look at old stuff on here. It's so interesting to me that I used to have this huge secret crush on Pat and documented it online. I read it tonight and it's really funny like "I think I like someone but I don't think anything will come of it" and we've been going out for over a year now. Well anyway if anyone wants to read it (even though it's probably just interesting to me) the address is I started liking him in february and then we had a thing where we didn't talk to each other b/c of his retardedness in May and then we started talking again in June. Okay I know nobody is gonna care about that
Hi, remember me? I'm Erica, the proprieter of this blog. I've been extremely busy as of late, and now that it's friday, things are finally starting to slow down. I've already had one assignment due, and my internship stuff is slightly hectic as well. I've also been getting no sleep b/c, since I am back at school now, everything is so different and strange, I have to get used to things. Of course it didn't help that Pat came over drunk at 2 in the morning last night when I had to wake up at 7:30, and he was slightly incoherent and in the words of Maura "bullyish" so he didn't make it very easy for me to fall back to sleep. So now I'm overtired and I know that because I'm into using a strange way of writing in this blog. The week went by pretty quickly, seeing freshman is still really weird, b/c they look about 12. I met 2 freshman guys randomly as they were walking by my townhouse and started talking to them, and I could tel
Okay I've actually done a psychological examination of myself (one of the perks of being a psyc major) and figured out a few things. I'll share them, since this is the first time I'm going through this, and it's better to get things that you feel out in the open. So a couple posts ago I thought I was going crazy b/c of the Martha's Vineyard trip, when in fact, the trip actually just let me act out the subconcious feelings I was having in the meantime. I'll try to clarify (oh and this has nothing to do with my relationship, that's going fine). During the time I was at Martha's Vineyard, I was having fun drinking and partying every night, like normal people my age would do on vacation, but then there was the whole Kevin fiasco. I can't believe I even let myself get into that situation in the first place, and I think that might have something to do with it. Also, the saturday that I got so drunk that I threw up...I haven't thrown up in a y
Counting Crows and John Mayer concert.....very interesting. I had a great time, and it was my first drunken concert experience, even though I wasn't that drunken...or at least not as drunk as Emily and Heather and their other friends. It was still a really good time though. Angela was a good sport when I was hanging around with Emily and her alcohol though, she's a good kid. Aaaaand.......only 161 dollars for my books this semester!!!! (of course I only have 3 classes but STILL) Oh and case some of you read this and not Joe's blog, he got a new car yesterday. An XTerra, AWESOME car. I'm excited to ride around in it, for at least a week anyway.
"And when everybody loves me/I'll be just as happy as I can be" That song basically typifies how I feel about myself as of this moment. Joe put it another way in his profile, a little more harsh but probably just as true. Not sure what I'm talking about? I'm not really either. All I know is that my recent trip to Martha's Vineyard has me all screwed up in the head. I'll tell about the events that took place, and then maybe go into how restless I am now as a result. Joe and I left thursday morning at 8 and finally arrived to the island at about 5. We went out to dinner with Sue at The Wharf, had some good drinks and then went to meet some of her recently acquired Scottish friends. We hung out with them for awhile and then met Vicky (from Scotland of course) at David Ryan's, a bar. We talked to her, drank, ate some breakfast at 12:30 at night (bars close at 12 there) and then went to Sue's house in Edgartown. The next day we got up
Exciting thing #1: I'm going to Martha's Vineyard tomorrow!!!! Me and Joe have separated ourselves from each other for the week until we leave b/c I think that's best, with our history of fighting every 2 seconds. If we don't see each other for awhile, it's all good. We get to see Sue in a day, it's so cool. Exciting thing #2: Pat got a new puppy!!!! I love puppies and take advantage of people who have them just so I can play with them. Actually I would probably do that with most animals. Pat's coming to Geneva tonight, otherwise I would have been happy to go to his house so he can show me "Tess". Tess is a Scottish Terrier and Poodle mix, I believe, and sounds adorable. I want to hook her up with Cooper. I won't get to see her til next week, but I can't wait til then. Exciting thing #3: Me at a gay bar? No way......ha. Well I went to one last night with Nene and it was really fun. I was in Rochester anyway for an ori
Heellllooooooo everyone. This is Erica after two consecutive nights of social drinking. I am sooo tired and lazy right now. All I want to do is sleep, and I can't b/c my brother is being all loud and it's 12:30 anyway. First of all, friday night was spent in Auburn with Patrick and his friends, celebrating Tom Nolan's birthday. He is the last of Pat's friends to turn 21, so they had a party for him. It was a very good night, and I actually talked to girls at the party for once instead of just all Pat's guy friends. I also was sporting a candy necklace which was a hit with Mr. Tim Hanley who stole it and wore it for a little while. Pat had to work on a paper for school yesterday all day so I left pretty early in the morning. Then OF COURSE last night when I went out in Geneva I had an interesting night. Well first I was just talking to Joe and his cousin/cousin's wife, just chillin at Gallaghers. I got to meet Steph's new boyfriend and I saw Ca
Pirates of the Caribbean......AWESOME. That's according to me, who saw Johnny Depp in it and immediately fell in love. If you ask Joe, he will say that it sucked and was horrible and not worth 2 hours of his life. So if you're a Johnny Depp fan or like funny little pirate stories, then watch it. I really think I'm obsessed, I've seen it twice and wouldn't mind seeing it again....and again....and again. Damn you Johhny. I also spent friday night with my suitemates. It was mostly fun, but I wanted to go to the movies and Sara didn't want to b/c "That's 2 less hours we have to talk." Umm we talk too much anyway, talking is overrated, I want to see a movie! So of course I got overruled and we just went to the lake and ate dinner (from Wegmans) and basically did nothing. I also almost got mad at Sara (already, good thing we aren't living together next year) but I controlled it. It was really great to see Maura though, since she was in I
OH YEAH I forgot one thing that happened a long time ago but I forgot to post: CODY MORROW asks for my phone number about 5 years too late for me to give a damn about it, I find that soooooo funny and ironic. Hahahaha.
Where am I? What is this place? Oh yeaaaaaaaaah it's where I used to go to write down my happenings in my life. I should just quit altogether but I know I'll want to write in this at Geneseo. ONE: I have learned to drive my car fully now. I went to Pat's last weeken Well anyway I'm at Joe's right now and I think he's trying to seduce me as we speak....but I can't hear what he's mumbling so it's okay. I STILL don't even feel like writing in this, I just feel obligated to do it, so I'll quickly just say some important things that have happened. d in it and it was a disaster (someone bumped me from behind) but after that it was like I HAD to do it right, so I just started driving and now it's fine. TWO: Last weekend was the long-awaited anniversary weekend with Patrick. It went very well, Pat took me out to dinner at a really nice place and had gotten us tickets to go see "Singin in the Rain" at the Merry-go-Roun
Okay I might have all of what I'm gonna write deleted b/c this new template for postings is weird and I don't get it...oh well I'll try to make it work. So I haven't written in a looooong time and so much has happened over the past 2 weeks and my life is about as crazy as I can handle right now. I just want to say before I get into my craziness that I had an awesome time in DC with Angie and Joe. I got to see a lot of things I hadn't before, and Georgetown and Dupont Circle are both so cool. The first day we had a tour of where Angie works, which is where the senators have their offices. We ended up getting waved to by Robert Byrd, who is a pretty high up senator. We didn't get to see Hillary or Ted Kennedy though. (sigh) We also saw some sights, museums, went to a farmer's market, etc etc and I really want to tell about them all but I can't. Sunday we went to Dupont Circle and to this water fountain thing in the middle of the circle. Alllll