
Showing posts from 2005


So I hear that blogging is old news. Well, good thing it's FINALLY old news after I've been blogging for the last 5 years. Anyway the new thing is "Vlogging" with...videoblogs. Well I'm not comfortable enough with myself to do that, (even though I COULD technically).... so I'm going the next best step: Pictureblogging. These are chronological pics of last night's outing with Sue and Joe. Oh and most of the pics are.....Sue, Joe, and I. Of course. Forever narcissists. Joe is very proud of his new shirt, mostly because it's true. The following (and above) pics are pretty much just me making idiodic faces....and I wasn't even drunk Aww how cute are we? And Joe is STILL proud of his shirt..... Uh oh it's the return of the ex's ex! (Elise) And this time there's pictures! She became Joe's new best friend, much to my chagrin, but she's a very happy and/or drunk girl....and I couldn't really be mad This is when we both sho

And life is a soap opera

I really don't enjoy drama. I don't. It just happens to creep around me like a mocking fog. I just found out a huge secret that my parents have been keeping from me, and let me say that shocked isn't a strong enough word for it. I am beside myself with confusion and oddly, nervousness. I have no idea why I'm nervous, but apparently that's what giant family secrets do to a person. I'll gladly talk about it (I have a feeling I'll be pissed for awhile) but not on here. Feel free to IM or call. And, yes, I am getting drunk tonight. Very drunk.

Ken Wanatabe, marry me.

I love him. I don't care that he's old enough to be my father, I even kinda like that. Memoirs of a Geisha is an amazing movie.....mostly because of him. The Last Samurai is a watchable movie only because of him. Move over Hugh Jackman.... Top 3 Christmas songs of all time: 1: Pepino the Italian Mouse 2: Dominic the Donkey 3: Snoopy and the Red Baron Yeah I like the traditional shit too, but it's way overplayed. Plus gotta respect the Italian Christmas traditions :) Merry Christmas everyone.

Why nobody should leave Erica alone with Christmas Cookies

This one is called "Angry Gingerbread Man" because he's being forced to wear an ugly green suit with red buttons This is "Reindeer with a Species-Identity Disorder"....ya know....cause it thinks it's a horse.... This one is "Maggie Simpson" but probably only true Simpsons fans will understand it This was going to be "Snow Capone" (a fedora and a cigar) but he wouldn't stop touching himself so I named him "Snow Pervert" This is "Screaming Angel" as a tribute to Edward Munch. This is what happens when Lost isn't on tv :(

Some Weekend Fun

So I don't get out very often anymore. No reason really, I just usually don't. But around Christmas I usually get to see old friends more, go out more, and generally have a rockin time. Friday was the boss' Christmas party, and saturday was Sue's birthday party. Both were interesting. Things I learned on friday: --Pot Luck dinners with many attendees = looooots of food --Down Syndrome children are very good at Sign Language...and when they're 3 they're adorable! --Black Labs slobber. A lot. --Cheap wine does not get me drunk. --Playing Taboo with Michael will always bring about the words "porn" "me" or "sex". Now saturday. The big day. Well after I arrived home I went to Joe's to hang out and drool over movie trailers, then to dinner with Sue and Joe at our favorite place, Ciccino's. Mmmm calzones...After that we met Sue's roommates at her house, got each of our respective cars, and went to the hotel to meet Gabe and Jus

It's story time!

Before I get into the weekend fesitivies (which I'm actually gonna put in a different blog entry), never has a book made me laugh out loud so much as any David Sedaris book. If you want to laugh, pick one up. For example, this excerpt is from "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim" Unlike the jolly, obese American Santa, Saint Nicholas is painfully thin and dresses not unlike the pope, topping his robes with a tall hat resembling an embroidered tea cozy. The outfit, I was told, is a carryover from his former career, when he served as the bishop of Turkey. One doesn't want to be too much of a cultural chauvinist, but this seemed completely wrong to me. For starters, Santa didn't used to do anything. He's not retired and, more important, he has nothing to do with Turkey. It's too dangerous there, and the people wouldn't appreciate him. When asked how he got from Turkey to the North Pole, Oscar told me with complete conviction that Saint Nicholas curre


So I'm at Joe's house right now and we're waiting to go to dinner and watching trailers on We just watched the X3 trailer. I think I just had an orgasm. God I can't wait. The DaVinci Code trailer is pretty good too.....

I <3 NY

I love when, twice in one day, I have to scrape giant chunks of ice off of my car. Awesome. According to, the Finger Lakes area is one of the best lake-area places in the US. (Go Geneva!) Also according to MSN, Rochester is one of the best places to buy a house in the Northeast. Houses are actually under-valued here. In California, by contrast, there are NO cities that are good to buy a house in unless you're really makin money. Not that I don't want to live in CA anymore because I definitely do, it just scares me that places are so expensive there. I know I talk shit about my job quite frequently, but there are some parts of it I really love. When I was in about 6th grade I wanted to be a doctor, until we had career day and I found out I'd have to go to school for an inordinate amount of time. And not minding the school thing now, but definitely minding the blood and guts thing, at least I can pretend like I'm a doctor with some stuff that I do. This new

because I feel like it

FIRSTS. First best friend: Jessica DeBover First crush: Nick Constable in kindergarten because he pretended to be a wolf-man on the bus First date: 12 First kiss: First *real* kiss Cody Morrow 7th grade First screen name: movlover16 First self purchased album: Weezer/Weezer First funeral: My great aunt Rosie First pets: Goldie (dog), Shadow (cat), Spooky (cat) First piercing/tattoo: ears at 9 yrs First musician you remember hearing in your house: Pointer Sisters LASTS. Last cigarette: ummm the last time I went out to the bars Last car ride: 6:00 Last kiss: Andrew 2 seconds ago Last good cry: about a month ago Last movie seen: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Last beverage drank: Water Last food consumed: pizza, chips, and a parfait Last crush: Andrew Last phone call: Andrew Last chirp: ---like Angel said: ???what the hell is this??? Last time showered: 7:40 am Last shoes worn: black boots Last cd played: Kill Bill soundtrack Last item bought: toilet plunger :( Last annoyance: mos

Wish Me Luck

I am soon traveling to Geneva to study even more because I feel like I know shit about CPAP and Cardiac Arrythmias. I'm really missing my professors, I feel like I'm in a class by myself with me as the teacher. So my test is tomorrow, in Syracuse, at 7:30 AM. Hence the driving to Geneva for the night. I will be one happy person on saturday afternoon. Again....wish me (and Arick) luck, we'll need it.

And I shall name him.... Mr. Nuts

Odd title, odd mood. Deal with it. It's really been a very fun day though, I will admit. All the techs were in today and they were being super funny. Ben and I were in very weird moods, we had a contest in Portabella's to see who could pull their seat out the furthest without looking conspicuous or in the way, we said we were gonna make each other pen tattoos of arms on our arms and then body-build, and on the way to the parking lot we were trying to walk all jiggly with our bodies but I couldn't do it so I just walked with my feet turned completely inward which, I think, just scared him. This was all because of too many carbs, which always puts my manic side over the edge. And my boss suggested giving me meth to stay awake.....pfffft. Okay well enough with the explanation of the title, jeesh. First of all, my love karma sucks. Now Andrew, before you have a heart attack, I love you to death so don't take any of this personally. I'm just saying that I *suppo

Mental Centaurs

So let me start out by saying that the current theory among REM sleep researchers is that REM takes things in our memory dating back to up to a week before the sleep occurs, and consolidates the memories from short term to long term memory. This happens seemingly randomly, which is why you can recognize parts of your dreams as things that have occurred in real life but then some parts you don't remember. It could be the tiniest little detail that got put into your subconscious and gets made into a full blown dream later on. Anyway so I was gonna wake up at 8 this morning, but was a little tired so decided to sleep til 8:30. This dream occurred between about 8:10 and 8:30 and let me just say....I thought my creative side was gone....the dream proves me wrong. So first it starts out randomly with this guy coming to my apartment to see some other guy (not Andrew) that I lived with as a roommate (totally nonsexual). He had bangs but a shaved head and at the very back of his head he

Oh Noes

Well it looks like in a week or two I'll be movin on up to head tech position. Yay. Have I mentioned I hate being in charge of people? I'm a fucking masochist, I LIKE when people order me around. So now I'm stuck with a bunch of techs listening to whatever I tell them, and I get to schedule them any way I want. BUT I can't pull myself off runs because I'm the most experienced and my boss wants me on them still. So not only have I taken over sleep scoring completely, now I am head tech, scheduler, working on abstracts, AND helping Mike upstairs doing a study with colonoscopy patients (don't ask). Oh as soon as Charcy leaves I am asking for a raise, don't worry. I'm not THAT masochistic. I'm also PMSing (with high anger symptoms this month, oddly) and stressed because of all of what I just mentioned and the looming giant test I'm taking this coming saturday in Syracuse. From studying for that, I've realized I could never be a mechanica

the only political thing that I have strong feelings about

10 reasons why gay marriage is wrong... 01) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall. 02) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning. 03) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal. 04) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract. 05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed. 06) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and

and that does it, I am my father

What Classic Movie Are You? personality tests by Apparently my father's defining film is mine as well. So be it, I'm a hippie. Also...dum brand spanking new awesome 17 inch screen built in sub-woofer dvd burning laptop is coming tomorrow!!!! I'm so excited that I'm working overnight right now and I'm not the least bit tired. I'm even gonna sleep on the couch tomorrow instead of the bedroom so I can make sure to hear the guy at the door. (no doorbell) Plus I can finally get on AIM again, even if it just ends up me talking to Sue and Joe all the time, Tim drunkenly asking me to come over to "not have sex", and Doug ignoring me for Ph.D I'll still be glad to be back.

Things I've Learned Over the Long Weekend

I really like paid days off. Black friday isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Apparently not introducing your boyfriend to any hot guys you happen to talk to is a really bad thing When my mom says things like "you sound like a heathen" or "Andrew better marry you, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" I feel better if I just attribute it to her being in a religious cult A dead deer has been in the trunk of my old car I really need to start working out again It is possible to swing dance in Gallaghers Old ladies who've had ECT in the past are scary to talk to Leave me alone with someone I just met in Buffalo Wild Wings and I can have a good conversation I've played ping pong so many times for fun at my grandparents house that I think I could really kick some ass if I played for real Dr. Strangelove is just as relevant now as it was in 1964. My new laptop is going to be here sooner than expected (!!!) Hope everyone had a good Thank

Ouiji Board anyone?

Last night I was using a computer mouse, I put it down squarely on its pad, I looked at the screen the the arrow was just lazily making its way up the screen. The computer wasn't loading slowly and the mouse ball wasn't stuck or on an incline. A few minutes ago I went into the laundry room to fold some stuff and the overhead light flashed. It didn't flicker, it was a quick flash. Never had that happen before. Along with the random banging, knocking, and other odd noises, I'd say the friendly lab ghost is bored and trying to cause a ruckus. Either that or I'm schizophrenic. I guess I'll have to continue to gather evidence. EDIT: I just googled "brainwaves" and "ghosts" to test a theory I have, and there's more out there than I thought. I really think that *if* ghosts do exist, which I'm inclined to believe, people have to be on the right brain "frequency" with them. When I scored the medium's record I found that she h

Some Philosophy for Thought (part 2)

So there's this guy that I went to high school with (and actually was interested in him for awhile...til I realized it was never gonna happen) and I've discovered him again on myspace. So this is what he wrote recently in his blog: So what if life had "save" and "restore" points, just like a video game? This way you could go back to a restore point and try again from there. Things would be different! I imagine every guy, after losing his first sweetie, would spend YEARS going back and trying to fix things.This is an exerpt from Dinosaur Comics. Interesting idea the T-Rex raises here. So here's the question - what save point would you go back to? Post a reply, let's all have a frank discussion about this. Okay since I haven't talked to him in years I'm not going to post this stuff on his but I thought it would fit in well with the way I was going with things earlier. This is what he wrote in a second entry: So let's say you find yoursel

Some Philosophy for Thought (part 1)

"Thought is real, physical is the illusion" Freshman year of college (at Geneseo) everyone has to take INTD 105. It's an inter-departmental course, basically about anything the professor wants. I picked "Gods, Myths, and Values" because I thought it would be something about ancient mythology, which I love. Well mostly the course was philosophical discussion about transcending life and life after death and stuff like that. Being mostly staunchly Catholic for my whole life and exclusively attending Catholic school up until that point, it was a whole new experience for me. In school I had only learned Catholics' point of view on things (and born-agains but that's a whole different story) and my amazing, funny, Italian, good looking.....I mean my professor had us read things like The Koran and Zen and the Art of Archery . He grew up Catholic in Italy but now is nothing specific, although he believes in God. He, along with college in general, really

psychoanalyzing myself

I know I do this quite frequently, but alas, I'm kinda obsessed with how people work and I know the most about myself so deal with it. So since I've lived with Andrew I've seen a lot more food mold than I've been used to in the past. My family and college roommates know that I can't stand it, I can't even look at mold. Andrew knows this but forgets frequently and leaves his dirty dishes sitting around in places I can't find them, and then I don't WANT to find them. So why do I hate mold with such a passion? It really borders on a phobia. The key is in blue cheese. I love blue cheese. I would eat it on salad every day if I could. So that's probably the most ironic thing ever, until I thought about it a little harder. Blue cheese is supposed to look like how it does. A peach that is bruised and fuzzy blue is NOT supposed to look like that. Hence my problem with mold isn't that it exists, but that it turns things into other things. More evidence: --

Picture Page

Remember that old Bill Cosby sketch on like...Nickelodeon or something? I used to love that thing when it came on...all I remember now is a little fake pencil guy. Anywhooooo my ever so sexually harassing boss decided to up the ante today when I came into his office to check a serial number on a computer. I said "can I just look at your computer for a minute?" to which he replied "can I just look at you for a minute?" He's already said such lines to me as "she wants me" and today he thought he saw a giant penis on the computer screen. Luckily I'm the kinda girl who doesn't mind a little odd sexual humor, but he better not try to touch me or I'll kick his little Jewish ass. Wow ADD girl tonight I am. And Yoda as well. One more thing. I am now in love with a drunk Jimmy Stewart, circa 1940. Blame The Philadelpha Story, I had no choice in the matter. On to the pictures! These are FINALLY pics from Steph's wedding, not that they're that

Back to School (and a short story)

First of all, I just read this story on and thought it was hilarious....this one goes out to Erin: In September, after law enforcement officers in North Carolina spotted a reportedly stolen ambulance and chased it through three counties until forcing it into a ditch north of Greensboro, they found the driver to be mohawk-hairstyled Leon Hollimon Jr., 37, who is not a medical professional but was wearing a stethoscope and with latex gloves in his pocket. Strapped to a gurney in the back was a dead six-point deer, and according to witnesses cited by the Florida Times-Union newspaper (Hollimon is from Jacksonville, Fla.), an intravenous line was attached to it and a defibrillator had been used. [Florida Times-Union, 9-28-05] People are soooo weird. OKAY! On to my next topic. I went back to school today. Of course the minute I got there I started thinking of every memory I possibly ever could have from that place and got all nostalgic again. First I went to Brodie, where I ploppe


So I'm all about the academics right now. I've been studying up for the BRPT test in December (the one that allows me to be certifiably amazing and make more money) and half of the shit that's on there I've never heard of in my life, so I'm mostly going by the scant notes to piece together everything. I also have about 5,000 articles at my immediate disposal right in the control room of the lab, but I'm holding off on article searches for now. I also attended Grand Rounds this morning at work, and the guest speaker was a John Strauss, who (listen to this shit) went to Yale, had a residency at Harvard, was chief of psychiatric assessment at the National Institute of Mental Health, came to work at U of R, then went back to Yale and was director of the Yale Psychiatric Institute. So the talk was all about how we need to change how we think about psychiatry/psychology by listening better to the patients and thinking outside the box. Most doctors just ask a seri

An Odd Weekend

Well folks, I'm finally fulfilling my dream of meeting famous people. Oh yes, Ryan Stiles and Knight Ranger were not enough for me, I had to go bigger. I had to meet....dundundun! The Ghost Hunters. Wooooooo. Where the fuck is Hugh Jackman when you need him anyway? So I get a call from my god-brother (yeah that's right) and very very old friend Chris the other night, and he says he's partying with the Ghost Hunters (from the Sci Fi channel show where they try to disprove that ghosts exist). I've seen the show a few times, so I'm like "sure!" and promptly drag Andrew all the way down to Canadaigua. Sue was also kind enough to join us, after I called her and told her I swore it would be fun. Well when we got there the party was just breaking up, but I got to meet a few camera men and one of the guys on the show. I'm not sure, but I think he introduced himself to me as "Tango" and he proceeded to do magic tricks for the next 10 minutes. I did m

Ghosts and Gaming

So a self-proclaimed "medium" stayed in the lab last night. How weird is that? Well when she woke up in the morning the other subject and I were asking her all kinds of questions. She said all this really creepy stuff (if it was true) like how she saw an old lady sitting in her room with her when she was little and her mom came in and couldn't see her. Now I want to believe in psychics because it would be really fucking cool, but most I think are total fakes. Still I give people the benefit of the doubt and this lady seemed really sincere. Soooo I asked her about the lab, since when I'm alone here I definitely hear odd noises and think I see things out of the corner of my eye. I asked if she felt a presence here and she matter-of-factly just said "yeah there's a presence here" like it's no big deal. She said she looked behind her a few times the night before because she thought someone was walking by but nobody was there. I still maintain it&#

Happy (belated) Halloween!

When I was walking up the stairs I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today I wish I wish he'd go away. So that wonderful little rhyme is from Identity , which I made Andrew watch with me tonight. I did this because I knew it was a film he could never guess the outcome of, and though he tried in vain, he didn't get it. Then he blamed it on "5th man" syndrome. (a nonexistant syndrome that he invented which I can't explain without ruining shit for others) but I think he enjoyed it. And I love that film, although it may be just because of my psychologist point of view. I've also watched a number of other Halloween-appropriate films over the past few days. These films were all watched AFTER I went to my friend Steph's wedding, which I have like 4 pics from, I guess I just wasn't in a picture taking mood. I must've also been in a fighting mood and I started 2 arguments with Andrew, putting Joe in the middle (sorry to both of you).

Alfred Hitchcock is my new best friend

On TCM they are doing an Alfred Hitchcock week in honor of Halloween and playing 39 of his films, along with 2 documentaries. I am currently taping on DVR (in no particular order): Spellbound Marnie Sabotage North By Northwest The Birds Rebecca Frenzy Blackmail The Man Who Knew Too Much Rope Torn Curtain Strangers on a Train All of which I haven't seen but are supposed to be pretty damn good. Of course some of his other famous ones like Psycho, Vertigo, Rear Window, Notorious, and Shadow of a Doubt I've seen multiple times already so there's no need to record them. However if any of you have never seen them I recommend it highly. Well...I recommend Psycho, Rear Window, and Shadow of a Doubt highly. The others are just window dressing. (not sure if that phrase fits but I'm tired) I'll let you know on the ones in the list, but I expect that I'll enjoy them.

Out of the Past

So I go out on the town last night, for the first time in awhile. Andrew is not with me, because as he said "none of my plans for the night included going out" which in turn means he wanted to spend some quality time with his computer. That's fine with me, so I go out with Charcy and a few of her friends. First we go to Keys in High Falls, we skip the 5 dollar cover and have martinis while watching a drag show and some dueling pianos. A queen starts talking to us and calls me beautiful and says I have great tits. So I, once again, am the attraction of a gay man. We leave there, go to SoHo. Very very crowded. With assholes. The minute I got there some guy tried to finger my ass through my pants and I really wish I knew who it was so I could hit him. (or at least glare a lot) We go out to the tent and some tall guy starts smoking with us. He keeps looking at me and asking how tall I was. Well I'm 5'8 without heels but I had like 2.5 inch fuck me boots on last night

The Human Mind In All Its Splendor

Yeah, you like that title? I'm f-ing tired and I just read a blog that was better written than mine. You know what that means....Erica is gonna use big words and talk about weird shit. First of all, I really never thought of my film obsession as a bad thing. Since DVR came into my life I'm watching more movies (see previous blog post) and Andrew is also making random comments about me watching too much tv (I only DVR Sex and the City, Howard Stern, and Reno 911). I don't watch THAT much tv. Anyway I know everyone says "tv rots your brain" which I whole-heartedly agree with in certain circumstances. If a 15 year old watches 6 hours of random shit every day instead of playing sports or hanging out with friends or reading, then yes it is rotting their brain. However I am a 23 year old girl who has already gotten a bachelors degree and I have no (proximate) friends, extra curricular activities, or computer at the moment. So I watch tv/movies. If someone would donate a

Movie OCD and some pics

I really have a movie OCD problem. Seriously it's weird. Maybe it's not movies, it's lists, but I've turned it into movies. I love making lists (in my head, or on paper) then getting the stuff done that's on the list. I just really love lists in general anyway. So I used to get things in the mail (a loooong time ago) that were advertisements for the movie club thing where you pay like 5 cents and get 20 movies or something stupid. Well these things listed all the movies that you could buy, and there were probably around 100 on there. I used to circle all the movies I'd seen, keep the ads, and when I saw another film that was on them, I'd circle that too. This happened over a series of probably 7 years and if I go sleep in my old bedroom even now I'll go look and circle more movies. This got so bad that now when I think of certain films I automatically think of the one next to it on the list. Like "Bridge on the River Kwai" makes me think of &qu