because I feel like it


First best friend: Jessica DeBover
First crush: Nick Constable in kindergarten because he pretended to be a wolf-man on the bus
First date: 12
First kiss: First *real* kiss Cody Morrow 7th grade
First screen name: movlover16
First self purchased album: Weezer/Weezer
First funeral: My great aunt Rosie
First pets: Goldie (dog), Shadow (cat), Spooky (cat)
First piercing/tattoo: ears at 9 yrs
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Pointer Sisters


Last cigarette: ummm the last time I went out to the bars
Last car ride: 6:00
Last kiss: Andrew 2 seconds ago
Last good cry: about a month ago
Last movie seen: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Last beverage drank: Water
Last food consumed: pizza, chips, and a parfait
Last crush: Andrew
Last phone call: Andrew
Last chirp: ---like Angel said: ???what the hell is this???
Last time showered: 7:40 am
Last shoes worn: black boots
Last cd played: Kill Bill soundtrack
Last item bought: toilet plunger :(
Last annoyance: mostly everyone at my work
Last disappointment: not getting the poker set I wanted for my dad
Last time wanting to die: umm not since like 8th grade
Last time scolded: when I tried to wake Andrew up and he got pissy
Last shirt worn: a green sweater Mr. Joe Perry helped me pick out
Last website visited:
Last word you said: ".com"
Last song you sang: Jingle Bells
What color socks are you wearing? white
What's under your bed? wouldn't you like to know ;-)
What time did you wake up today? 7:30 am
Where do you want to go? everywhere
Where are you going to live? California
How many kids do you want? 2 or 3

Current mood? antsy
Current music: people running upstairs
Current hair: dark brown about to get cut tomorrow !!
Current clothes: gray pants and green sweater
Current annoyance(s): Andrew telling me what to answer for every question
Current book: Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim--David Sedaris
Current color of toenails: red
Current time: 6:33 pm
Current hate: snow and responsibility
Current love: little Joe Perry aka Andrew's Penguin


1. Nervous Habits? putting my hair behind my ears
2. Are you double jointed? only my thumbs
3. Can you roll your tongue? yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? I WISH
5. Can you blow spit bubbles? yes
6. Can you cross your eyes? yes
7. Tattoos? kinda want one but no
8. Piercing's and where? 3 in my ears and one defunct one in my navel
9. Do you make your bed daily? nope


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