The Deal with Kevin Spacey: Part 2

I figure I better finish this captivating cliff hanger before 2013, so I'm writing this just under the wire. Starting from the end of the previous blog entry, here we go:

A little over a year ago now, my best friend Angie posted a link to my Facebook page of a trailer for Kevin Spacey in Richard III. The thing is, this was not a movie, it was a stage play. And the even better thing is, he was performing at BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music).

Mike and I had already moved away from Brooklyn at that time, but I had gone to BAM before, and it happened to be a quick walk from our old neighborhood. That got me thinking that it would not be difficult to get there. I looked on the BAM website, and saw that tickets were affordable. Also, Bank of America members (which, regrettably, I am) got early access to tickets. I believe the tickets went on sale in early November 2011. I called BAM the minute the box office opened that day, and ordered 2 tickets for Mike and I to attend in February 2012.

The ONLY regret I have about that whole experience is that I should have shelled out a little more for closer seats. It would have tightened my budget, and although the theatre isn't huge, I could have spent a bit more to be that much closer to Kevin. Oh well, C'est La Vie.

So February came around, and we took our trip to Brooklyn. I was so excited that I made Mike and I get there super early, just in case they shut the doors on us for some reason. The play was awesome, and the visuals were stunning. When Kevin came out, I felt like a little kid seeing Santa for the first time. Then I got to watch him, in person, for 2 hours. A-mazing. The guy in back of me wouldn't stop crinkling his water bottle and that almost made me punch him, but all in all it was a great show. They explicitly stated that they would throw people out if they took photos during the production, but as the actors were bowing on stage after the show, I took a few shots. How could I not?? They came out mostly blurry because I was scared of being ejected, but here is the best one:
Technically I'm in a room with Kevin Spacey.

 My 30th birthday happened to be in April 2012, and for Mike's 30th the year before, I had thrown him a big surprise party at an arcade/bar in Brooklyn. He wanted to do something special for my 30th, but I didn't think there would be any surprises involved because I knew he was throwing the party. I thought he would just invite some friends and family and be done with it. Well, according to the story I got afterwards, our trip to Brooklyn to see Kevin inspired the "surprise" portion of the party, as you shall see.

So the day of my party, I had instructions to wait in our apartment all day while Mike "set up" the Community Center of our complex. For a month he was saying he was doing a lot of planning and research for the party, but I had no idea what he was talking about. But I didn't ask questions, and just waited patiently until he came to get me for the party. When Mike came back over, he was wearing a suit with a bow tie. I asked him if I should dress a certain way, and he said no, so I just put on a black dress with purple leggings. I figured maybe it was a fancy party.

When we got over there, I walked in and saw a bunch of my friends and family, like I expected. I didn't expect two things: half of my friends were dressed oddly, and the walls were covered with paraphernalia. I didn't look at the walls at first, because everyone was coming up to talk with me. People kept saying "Who do you think I am??" and my brain wasn't working because I was in shock. But I quickly figured out that they were dressed as different characters from Kevin Spacey movies, and that there were things from Kevin Spacey movies (mostly The Usual Suspects) around the room.

This is a group shot of all the awesome people who dressed up for the party (and me):
John Doe, Girl from LA Confidential, Lex Luthor, The Negotiator, Bobby Darin, Girl from American Beauty

Mike had ordered a giant vinyl wall hanging of the police lineup from The Usual Suspects (It was the cover for the film, and I had had a poster of the same thing for years in my bedroom.) You can see it behind us in the above photo. 

He had also made a bulletin board and filled it with papers very similar to the papers on the bulletin board from the movie. He even made a "Skokie Illinois" sticker for it, and had friends who couldn't attend the party take pictures for fake Wanted Posters. He even had REAL Wanted Posters on there. He also tried high and low to find a mug with "Kobayashi" on the bottom of it. Apparently they don't make them anymore, so he had to print it out and stick it to the bottom, but I appreciated it nonetheless:

He had also set up a "head in the box" station where people could pretend they had severed heads, like in Se7en. (My husband knows what amuses me.)  Here are some pretty hilarious shots:

The best (and potentially creepiest) part about the whole thing was that he had photo-shopped a bunch of pictures of me with Kevin Spacey. Some of them were super obvious silly photo-shops, but most of them were awesome. He also made up little cute stories and fake movie reviews about the photos. He was afraid that I'd find them weird, and some other people probably did when they saw them, but I just thought they were the coolest things ever. Here are a few of the best photos:             
Just all around amazing.

This makes me so happy. Don't judge me.

Like I said, don't judge me.

After I'd admired all of Mike's hard work, and watched snippets of The Usual Suspects that Mike had playing on the Community Room tv, I opened some presents, and just hung out, enjoying everything.  All in all it was a great day.

The party theme was an awesome surprise, and I didn't see it coming at all. I'm so lucky to have a husband who not only works really hard to plan my 30th birthday around my love of another man, but gives me fake photographs to help me continue on my psychopathic way. That is why I love him. (Mike, that is...)  


rorytmeadows said…
Erica, You are nuts! We should have been friends LONG ago. Ugh is life.
Erica said…
Haha it makes me happy to see that you posted a non-negative comment this time!

And I would have been friends with you in college, if I wasn't so afraid to talk to you back then. Oh well. Hope everything is going well in your life!

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