
So I hear that blogging is old news. Well, good thing it's FINALLY old news after I've been blogging for the last 5 years. Anyway the new thing is "Vlogging" with...videoblogs. Well I'm not comfortable enough with myself to do that, (even though I COULD technically).... so I'm going the next best step: Pictureblogging. These are chronological pics of last night's outing with Sue and Joe. Oh and most of the pics are.....Sue, Joe, and I. Of course. Forever narcissists.

Joe is very proud of his new shirt, mostly because it's true.

The following (and above) pics are pretty much just me making idiodic faces....and I wasn't even drunk

Aww how cute are we?

And Joe is STILL proud of his shirt.....

Uh oh it's the return of the ex's ex! (Elise) And this time there's pictures! She became Joe's new best friend, much to my chagrin, but she's a very happy and/or drunk girl....and I couldn't really be mad

This is when we both shouted "EX PIC!" and then I just decided to uncomfortably smile

Some friends decided to get in on the picture action: namely Kevin and Jon

I think there's a monkey in the bathroom!

More weird faces, this time a little bit from everyone...and a little action too!

Jeff Morrow (previously aforementioned in past blogs as the lawyer older brother of the first love of my life who used his tactics to try to get me to hook up with him...repeatedly) unwittingly posing in a pic with Sue. I accosted him later because he was blatantly ignoring me, and a guy who goes from hitting on me consistently to ignoring me makes me confused, so I said "what, no hi?" to which he said "the last time I saw you I greased my hair up all good for ya and you didn't even like it" to which I said, "....I don't remember that." which apparently made things worse. Either way he was dosey-doe-ing with me by the end of the night.

I dont' know this guy, but he's got to be cool, he made a little beer pouch on his crutch!

Some good songs come on (courtesy of Ms. Sue Osborne) and everyone starts dancing. I mean everyone. The girl with the blue shirt is a bartender. She's wasted. Her and the other bartender had been doing shots all night. I asked for a Midouri Sour at one point, to which she looked utterly confused, shrugged, and said "I've never even heard of that!"

And, although you may not be able to tell, Jeff and I are dosey-doe-ing, like arms linking, dancing in a circle, feet kicking, all out. Yeah.

Hope you enjoyed the Pblog experience. I won't do this often, mostly because I don't think I normally just take pictures for an entire night I'm out.

Happy New Year everyone!


Joseph said…
best post of the year. finally, you've nearly redeemed your blog.


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