
Showing posts from 2004

I'm back

So I went to Geneva for a week. I just got back to Rochester today, and was whisked off to various food and drink places with Doug and Cindy. Now I am home, alone, drunk, and sad. A great way to start a blog entry, eh? Well I really should be polite to the holidays and talk about Christmas before I get into today's happenings. The day before the night before Christmas Okay so it was the night before the night before Christmas, but there's a song with that title so I always say it like that....nevermind. I exchanged gifts with Joe and Sue. I had told Joe specifically to get me Aqua Teen volume 3 so he got it for me (And my FAVORITE episode is on there!!!!) Sue got me an awesome sweater and movie book of answers and earrings, and made me and Joe cool little lights. I think it was way too much but they were all really cool so I shouldn't complain. I told Sue I wasn't gonna get her a present but I still got her a pack of playing cards and a relationship die

California has kidnapped my boyfriend

Speaking of California....I wish I was there right now, since it's like negative 2 degrees here in lovely Rochester. Grrrr. Anyway, yes I am living without Andrew until a random point in January. Yay. At least I get Christmas and New Years to take my mind off of it. From a non-selfish standpoint, I'm happy he went. My mom would be ecstatic if I was away for 6 months and then came back, especially to be there for xmas and my birthday, and I know his brother and sisters wanted him to be there. So other than that, I've had a very busy couple of days. After I got back from Geneva this past weekend, Andrew and I went back for Sue's birthday and had a fun time bowling and drinking. (I bowled a 163, wooooooo) After a quick trip to the dentist, we went back to Rochester and I dropped him off at home while I went to work for about an hour, then got to hang out with Doug (and Mike, who NEVER hangs out). We went to Mex and I had flan, then hung out at Cindy's for

One night in Geneva...

Before I forget, I have to just run down what happened saturday night. Since I will basically have no time to post from now til saturday I'm gonna have to do it now. So saturday I was supposed to go home to have an Xmas party at my grandma Minnie's house, however she was kinda sick and cancelled it. Kinda sad since I love going there every year and seeing relatives, but whatever. So I went home for ANOTHER of my grandfather's masses and like always went out to dinner afterwards. Lauren and Paul, who sometimes go to church and dinner, weren't there because Paul had a semi-formal at school and Lauren had to be there b/c she's a teacher at his school. So anyway after dinner and after Sue and Joe got out of work, we went to Joe's and drank beer out of straws and played the card game "Golf" which I like and don't play too often. I was thirsty that night and drinking quite a bit, so by the time we got to the bars I was pretty drunk. We wer

The wonderful world of HBO

I'd like to take this time to point out that HBO is amazing. Its array of films could be better, but right now I'm talking about its original programming. I don't get to watch tv all that often, but when I do I like to see what's on HBO. Every time I see a tv show on that channel and watch it, even if it's in the middle of season 6 of the show, I end up loving it. Some of my favorites: 1. Sex and the City. Okay so this show is probably every girl and gay guy's favorite on HBO but it's for good reason. It is extremely well written, and they take sexual orientation lightly, which I like. I think Miranda and Samantha were both randomly lesbians for a little while then ended up stopping. The show is simply amazing, the weed episode being my current favorite. Sample lines: Samantha: One time I fucked a guy because he had a swimming pool. I came over and he used to bring me Kool-Aid. Carrie: Kool-Aid? Samantha: I was thirteen. Ca


Some contemplations: 1: I never realized how much I love Bugaboo Creek. I have never had anything bad there, even stuff I think will be bad is amazing, and the Maui Moose Juice is the only mixed drink I will drink, anywhere. I just wish the restaurant had a cooler name. 2: One night working overnight: no problem. Two nights working overnight: horrendously tired. What's the remedy? Caffeine! My favorite caffinated beverage is tea, but if I can't get that I enjoy some coffee-ish substances, including gas station vanilla cappuchinos. Those are my favorite and I stopped tonight to get one before work b/c I was absolutely dead. It turns out that the little sign I ignored near the vanilla cappuchino button that says "nilla wafer" is true. It tasted like a fucking liquid cookie. I am awake as hell now but I'm not sure if it's the caffeine or all the sugar in that damn stuff. Note to self: do not stop at Mobile on 15 to get cappuchinos. 3: Read the

Happenstance, Romance, and Gramps

Okay, another overnight, another blogging. I really don't think these overnight blogging sessions are such good ideas, since the first time I only talked about video games and the second time I only talked about Andrew. Let's see what I talk about tonight. First of all, I can barely hold my arms up on this counter to type because my arm muscles are so incredibly tired. I have a new "personal trainer" who will go unnamed and that is the reason why my arms are devoid of energy at this point. So I FINALLY got to watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I'd been wanting to watch it forever, it was on the list with Donnie Darko (which I saw a few months ago). After Eternal Sunshine ended I was like "...strange...." but it was intriguing. Also romantic, but not in a blatantly obvious sort of way, which I like. It made me want to dye my hair bright pink or red, however I think Michael would freak out and fire me or something. Jim Carrey...such

Holidays and more holidays

Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone...I won't say happy turkey day because people (acchemcatharinedevlin) will get angry and say the day is for vegetarians too. And I don't want to offend anyone. Speaking of being offensive, the comments in my last posting got a little out of control, apparently there is a big disagreement over having responsibilities. Whatever I'm not getting into it, sorry if anyone was offended by the comments. So Thanksgiving came and went. I was looking forward to the time off of work, which was cool for a little while, but now here I am again, working another overnight. I have 3 more this week, so I'll probably post again soon, you lucky people you. For Thanksgiving I went to my grandma's and brought Andrew along. In the 2 days he stayed at my parent's house, he was taught a little bit about playing the piano and ping pong, he learned that the 3 house animals and dust that my mom is not on top of makes my house a deathtrap for hi

Strange....very strange

I am at work. I think it's gonna be a very odd night here. This is based on a few happenings of the night so far: As I was coming up the walkway to the entrance of psychiatry where I go into work, I see 2 cats. Who has ever just seen cats chillin outside of a hospital at 1 in the morning. Not me. So I say "hi kitty" to one of them, trying to be friendly, when it arches its back and runs away from me towards the other cat. They then start snuggling up to each other and meowing crazy like they're on crack. Strange. I walk in the door and go down the hall and someone's office has an alarm clock going off very loudly. Did this person plan on taking a nap in their office and forgot to turn off the alarm? And apparently the alarm was set for very late at night, otherwise security would have gotten to it already. Strange. So I come in and I go to see if anyone has commented on my blog, and after I type the address a page comes up (on multiple computers) saying:

Random Observations

1: I think my lips may grow large enough to take over the world. I really don't know what's going on with them but I feel like I have had collagen injections and it's really annoying. 2: Apparently it takes 2 days for "internal injuries" to heal. Sweeeet. 3: RPGs are fun to play, well at least Final Fantasy is. 4: My ass tends to grow and shrink on a month to month basis 5: I never get sick of Eminem's music, it actually gets better and better each time I hear a song 6: When talking about important things with a boyfriend, such as future plans, I tend to clam up and am not able to say anything that I want to say. I guess when it's going well I don't want to jinx anything?? I dont' know of another explanation for it. 7: Sometimes it's fun to do things just for the thrill, like write in your blog when your boss and all the important coworkers are in the next room and can see you at any time and get really mad. I better

Life...or something like it

"Have you ever thought about all of the choices that you have made that got you to the point you are at right now? Just worked your way back through your day, the week, the month, the year, your life? Pulling out those big decisions, those careless mistakes, those acts of charity that changed you. That time you got in trouble, that time you didn't get caught. That time you got angry, that time you cried, that time you spoke up, that time you kept quiet. That time you realized. That time you fell in love." "We all make choices in our life. Some of us like to put probability into how we choose. Some work out the actual chance and some just say everything is 50/50. Some of us believe in destiny. Some of us believe in free will. Everyone has their beliefs about what happens to them in their life. But we only learn half of the time and regret the other half." These aren't my words, but I read them in a livejournal I frequent and thought it was a good way o

Bush fucking sucks.

I know this is just my opinion and blah blah but c'mon America, I thought you knew better than this. He's a freaking idiot who can't separate church and state, and apparently now this war is gonna go on forever. Whatever. I hate politics anyway. So last night I had just rented "The Godfather Part II" with Andrew (I am forcing him to watch these films, and Goodfellas will come at a later date) Hey I love the Italian mafia movies and he's never seen them. I told him he could make me watch Scarface but I don't think he got the reference. That was such a tangent, but anyway so we were gonna watch this movie but Adam kept watching the election stuff so we had to wait, and in the mean time I thought I'd talk to Joe a little online. Well talking to Joe online turned into harrassing an ex and getting harrassed back, then getting an IM from a drunken Tim again (aforementioned in this blog at some previous date). The ex thing...well I'll explain

This is my Peter - uh, my *friend* Peter. We just met at the, uh, intersexual... homosection... INTERSECTION!

Sorry about the title, I didn't have anything to say and "In & Out" is on tv. And as we all know how much I appreciate the gay culture, I am watching it. So I have been reminded that I need to update this. First a quick explanation of the things mentioned in the previous post: I had to go to the "doctor" because apparently they thought I had HPV which 80% of sexually active women get, it is HIGHLY contagious. I'm like...okay I definitely don't sleep around but whatever I could have gotten it. So I went in there and first of all the lady has this video camera thing and of course I can see into my entire vagina. Yeaaah gross I know. So I can't stop staring at the video monitor, even though it's disgustiong, and she's going "ummm well this is odd....I haven't really seen many of these before...." Which of course is always wonderful. So she finally figures out that I had a calcified cyst on my cervix which is pr

Real Quick

I'm watching a muppet movie right now (yeah Ben's idea, it's funny though) but I just wanted to say really quickly that I had a semi-epiphany about my relationship a few days ago. I was just going to write this newfound knowledge out in here but now that I think about it, it might be an odd thing to write in a blog entry so....anyone that's interested just ask me and I'll tell you sometime. It's nothing bad, it's just that I get these instincts for one thing or another and instincts never seem to fail me. People should rely on their instincts more often I think. Oh also....I'm hating cold weather in NY more and more, California is gonna be great.

Getting Creative

So somehow I hadn't noticed til now that on blogger I'm allowed to use different fonts and different colors. I may switch up the color/font system from time to time for kicks. So I have nothing profound to write about today, which means I'm going for the weekend updating method: Friday -worked only til 5:30 and was still the last one there -ate dinner while waiting for Andrew to come over -forced him to see my cousin's art exhibit at Border's (which is amazing, she's selling some of her pieces for 1000 dollars) and he met my cousin Yvonne -went back to my place and met up with Maura and Chris -played Scattergories and Scene It (which I still dominate at) -Maura and Chris left at about 11 -Adam and the regular crew came over after that -Some carborators and beer pong action went on, and Andrew and I became very messed up -Ben put in "The Triplets of Bellville" which is one of the strangest things I've ever seen (of course I


I read someone's livejournal tonight, and it made me want to be more serious in my bloggings. Not as serious as this person, because theirs was just really depressing, but it put me in an introspective mood I guess. I can change moods really easily sometimes and take on a mood of someone that's around me. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing really. In my psyc of personality class with the awesome Dr. Monica Schneider, we learned that there are people who stay the same throughout situations and people who change and adapt with new situations that are presented to them. At first I wondered which was a better thing, to be so strong in character that you don't have to change for others, or being easily adaptable to things/people but not entirely being you. I think I'm in the latter category, but now I think it's not really that I'm not being true to who I am, I just think that I am open to so many things that when something new presents

Corn Pops and Ghosts

When you're working overnight and there's nothing to eat, at 5:30 in the morning Corn Pops start tasting reaaal good And those damn ceiling ghosts are back. I wish they'd be quiet, some people are trying to finish a book.

More Randomness

I really don't like how my first posts of a day are first and the last ones are last. You would think it would make sense to be that way, but I don't like it. So I guess I haven't really updated much lately with goings on in my life. I've been kinda busy, and I really don't want to try to do an update of everything, so I'll do a rundown in no particular order of interesting things in these past couple of weeks: -I learned my boss is responsible for discovering beta gamma frequencies in the brain -I also learned that Anime can actually be pretty good -I watched Donnie Darko for the first time and immediately fell in love with both the film and the Gary Jules song at the end -I became much more intimately acquainted with Henrietta -I found that my friends from high school (including Charles, Joe Petro, and Chris O) are still the same (in a good way) -I learned how to open a tab at a bar -I got a free mattress -I played a mean game of Texas Hold '

Toooooo much caffeine

Okay I'm gonna be posting sporadically throughout the day today, just because I feel like it. A few thoughts for the moment: 1) On being Spanish: We had a spanish-speaking person in our lab for an intake yesterday, she brought her daughter to translate for her. This is apparently illegal because she can't sign an informed consent because she can't understand it. One of our PhDs that works here turns to me and says, "you speak Spanish don't you?" I do....but not fluently and how would he know that? Do I look hispanic or something? Anyway also today some janitors watched me pass by them in the hall then started talking about me in spanish. Okay if it was like...Korean or something obviously they could bet I wouldn't know what they were talking about, but c'mon, half of America can understand Spanish, I just wanted to turn around and start saying something back to them but I held off and kept walking. 2) On coffee: please people, do not le

Happy Birthday

Hello Joe. As much as you'd like to deny it, it is your birthday today. So I'd like to wish you a happy 23rd. God you're old. Kidding! I love you buddy.

A good question in last night....I was asked a question: how do you know when you love somebody? I had to think about it and I really don't know. Is there a prescribed amount of time that has to take place before someone falls in love, or can it be instantaneous? Is it going to always feel the same way or is it a different kind of love for a different person? At work today I asked Angel the question I was asked and she said love is when you get a feeling from a person that you don't get from anyone else, you want to be with them all the time (but there is a difference between lust and love, she says, I have to MAKE THAT CLEAR). Okay now that I'm quoting her, she wants to say that she also believes in love at first sight. On a side note: I find love at first sight interesting because in all of my previous relationships (besides the one I'm in now) I reaaaally did not even think about the person in any romantic way and then kinda just did after awhile. I never put much s

A trip to Washington

I decided I would write about my D.C. trip before Sue has a chance to harrass me some more about not writing about it. Thursday So....we fly in (Joe and I on one plane, Sue on another) to the Baltimore airport at about 6. Sue is there waiting for us, which was a nice surprise because we thought her plane was later. We all took a wonderful train ride into the city to Union Station. I realized on the way that the suitcase which Joe so graciously brought me from his house is GIGANTIC and I subsequently almost knock everyone over on the train. So we get to Union Station, find Angie, exchange hugs, and head to her apt. We get to her apt, say hi to her pregnant roommate (long story) and get ready to eat. We walked to some Red River Grill place....I think that's what it was anyway and I ordered a burger. It's a bar/grill so we get two huge pitchers of Margaritas, of which I drank less than a full glass (tequila = blech). Some guy trips on a lemon behind me, almost fall

Back from the land of politics

The trip to see Angie in D.C. went well....and I should post about it but I feel as if it should have its own posting and I really want to talk about random other things right now so I'll save it for later. #1 I went to a funeral today. It was for Charles' dad, whom I only met twice, but I really went to support Charles. I hadn't been to a funeral since my grandpa's, and I have a newfound respect for them now that I've been so close to someone who's died. Everyone held up pretty well until the graveside service at the cemetary, when Charles' mom broke down and then all her children followed suit. Just seeing one of my friends so sad made me (and Joe Petro and Pat Kiley and Brian) start crying too and it was a big mess. Charles is holding up crazily well though, after the service he was joking around with us like always. Stupid death, always gets in the way of life. # 2 I was walking out of work tonight at about 9, and I got to the end of the street

Guess who's not single anymore?

Yep that's me! I'll tell the sequence of events in order..... So umm for some reason I don't really remember much about last week. I'm pretty sure I saw Andrew again wednesday....or thursday? But I do know that Joe came over on friday to go to the mall b/c he's obsessed with Hollister. I didn't feel like buying anything, but Joe got a lot of stuff. Then the two of us went to Boston Market for dinner, against my better wishes....but Joe really wanted chicken I guess. We met up with Angela, played some Mario Party in which I kicked ass like usual and then went to see Napoleon Dynamite. Hilarious film. Joe went home pretty early and nothing much really happened after that. Saturday I went to Barb's "Home and Garden Party" which was pretty interesting. I'd never been to one before. It was a pajama theme but some people didn't wear pajamas. I didn't actually wear them to the house, but I felt bad after I saw her mother in law in curler

When You're Smilin'.....

I've been in a great mood lately. Of course I haven't eaten much which has produced some annoying headaches, but I'm hoping that'll pass soon like it usually does. Anyway I don't want to go into details about anything on here but obviously there's a reason I'm so happy and that reason is another person. So vague....but with my weekend updates it shouldn't be too hard to figure anything out. I'm actually not updating at the moment because I feel like cleaning the apartment. Like reaaaally cleaning it. I don't ever feel like scouring the bathroom so I think I should take this opportunity and run with it. More fun to come later. Oh yeah and I get to see Angie in 5 days!!!!

my computer is dying a terrible death

My computer is on its last legs, I know it. It keeps making really horrible noises, like screeching noises and whatnot. They say it's just the fan, but deep down, I know it's dying. I hope I'm not right, however, because I love my little IBM baby. In other news, this weekend was quite exhausting. I'll start with thursday, because that day turned out to be interesting. So I've been talking to this guy online that I met on myspace. Now before all of you laugh hysterically at me, I swear to god I am not using myspace as a dating service, I just like meeting people and talking to them. Well I started talking to him because I thought he seemed like a pretty cool guy, and apparently he thinks I'm pretty cool too so we went to Starbucks thursday and talked. I had a really good time, I love just being able to talk to someone, and we ended up talking for like an hour and a half (probably could have been longer but I was late for work). I never do stuff like

I love you Tony Leung

OMG I'm at Joe's right now stealing his computer just for a second because I'm so excited. I went to see "Hero" with him tonight, and didn't notice til it got like a quarter of the way through the film that TONY LEUNG is one of the main characters (Broken Sword). I've seen much of this film in my Hong Kong cinema class, but oddly, none of the scenes featured him. Anyway my point is that I talk to everyone I know about the film "Chungking Express" which I am in love with, and HE is the reason I'm in love with it. So to randomly see him in another film is amazing. So....if anyone happens to see Hero, be on the lookout. He's sooooo awesome.

belated updates

So because I've been too lazy to talk about the weekend for....basically an entire week....I'm gonna not go through the whole thing and just pick out good/interesting points of it: Friday -Angela and I start the night off on our front porch drinking Labatt Ice 40s and talking to the neighbors -Charles arrives, we go to A-Street first -Met Charles' friend Blake who decided to drunkenly impress me with how rich his family is -Angela feels attention-less so we head over to The Jungle where her friends are -Not too big of a crowd, but the dj is playing kickass music so we dance all night -Some guy with a BO problem tries to dance with us....we slowly back away -Last song of the night is a techno remix of "Those were the Days"....I decide to drunkenly try to form a kickline -Angela and I walk home with a guy trying to convince us to go to McGreggors because his friend runs it and he just bought a 1000 dollar beer pong table -We get home, I'm gone so

a little fun

This is something I stole from Charles and subsequently put on my blog on myspace. I am also posting it here just because I'm a huge dork and love to post things. Okay: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:" his sensory recall of the musty quarters of the Old Corner Bookstore..." Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first? "The Dante Club" novel which I had just thrown on my bed from the previous question What is the last thing you watched on TV? umm Real Sex.....ha WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is: 12:31 Look at the clock, what is the actual time? 12:31 HOLY SHIT I'm psychic, seriously I just guessed With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? cars going by When did you last step outside? what were you doing? step outside from my house? I guess when I went to work at noon.... Before you came to this website, what did you look

hot time, summer in the city

Okay I still have to update from this past weekend but I have to get to work so I'm just gonna say a few random things instead: - seriously....WHY are construction guys outside of my window when all it faces is another house? I think there's like....a clothesline there or something. Anyway I woke up this morning to the sounds of "hot time/summer in the city/back of my neck gettin dirty and gritty" and first got confused that I had an alarm on and then subsequently realized that it was just really loud and annoying worker guys. Grrrr - it's funny that last night I put a picture up on "myspace" that shows my body (instead of just a headshot like I had on there before) and this morning I wake up to 1 new friend request, 2 picture comments, and 1 message. If you aren't on myspace and are confused just ask me what the hell I'm talking about. My point is, however, that I just find it suspicious since I hardly ever get messages/friend reques