A trip to Washington

I decided I would write about my D.C. trip before Sue has a chance to harrass me some more about not writing about it.

So....we fly in (Joe and I on one plane, Sue on another) to the Baltimore airport at about 6. Sue is there waiting for us, which was a nice surprise because we thought her plane was later. We all took a wonderful train ride into the city to Union Station. I realized on the way that the suitcase which Joe so graciously brought me from his house is GIGANTIC and I subsequently almost knock everyone over on the train. So we get to Union Station, find Angie, exchange hugs, and head to her apt. We get to her apt, say hi to her pregnant roommate (long story) and get ready to eat.

We walked to some Red River Grill place....I think that's what it was anyway and I ordered a burger. It's a bar/grill so we get two huge pitchers of Margaritas, of which I drank less than a full glass (tequila = blech). Some guy trips on a lemon behind me, almost falling on me and causing fits of laughter from Joe and I. After dinner we take a small walk around Capital Hill, mostly to show Sue some sites because she's the only one that hasn't been there before. We're all pretty tired and Angie had to work in the morning so after that we called it a night.

We woke up and got ready super late and met Angie for lunch at....some brewery place near her work. We ate a ton of food and even ordered dessert. Angie left early to go back to work and Sue, Joe, and I took a trip to the "International Spy Museum" which I highly recommend to any museum goers out there. We had to memorize our "cover" information, and I felt like I was Jennifer Garner or something. I picked a lady named Greta Shmidt from Germany who was a 33 year old astronomer, going to London for 4 days on a business trip. Joe was some kid named Billy and Sue was a lady named Angela. We even got to do what the three of us do best there...stalk. We looked up our addresses and focused a real satellite onto our houses. Awesome.

After the museum we went back to Angie's and met her boyfriend Robert (who is extremely awesome) and he bought us some pizza. Then we all went out to meet a few of her other friends at a bar in Dupont Circle. I got drunk and tried to keep Robert awake but he works like 384 hours a day right now so he finally had to give up and go back to the apt to sleep. I did get asked where I was from by a bartender when I was there and I was like "........New York....why?" apparently he thought I had a southern accent. Ummkay? After that we drunkenly rode the metro home again (with me asking random guys to show Joe their penises....yeah....) and passed out.

Saturday we got up semi-early (that being around 11:00) and did a tour of the monuments. There's a new WWII monument up that I took pics of for my grandma and we also saw the White House. I made a new friend in the form of a friendly squirrel, and now am obsessed with trying to get a squirrel to come close to me. Squirrels in DC are much different from squirrels in NY. After we saw the monuments we went over to Georgetown and did a little shopping and ate dinner. After dinner we just came back to Angie's and watched some tv and went to bed.

We ate breakfast/lunch at a place called "Cosi" which has amazing bread, then headed over to Dupont Circle again. Dupont Circle as I might have mentioned last year is a really gay (literally, not meanly) part of D.C. and we all know how I love the gay culture so we went to some of the gay shops and sat at the fountain at the circle watching all the cute same sex couples (many of whom were deaf for some reason). Joe wasn't very interested because he couldn't find anyone hot there so we left and went to the H & M store for about 2 hours and were there til it closed down. We each bought about 90 dollars worth of clothing there, it was great fun. We ate dinner at this German place with some hot waiter that Joe was in love with and wrote "you're hot" to him on the check. We went back to the apt and tried to find alcohol but no stores were open so we just watched tv again and fell asleep.

The last day of Angie for awhile (tear). We got to see her only for a short time when she came back to say goodbye to us on her lunchbreak, then we were off again to New York and Massachusetts. Sue waited for us to board our plane, then caught hers and our fun fall vacation was over. It was fun while it lasted though.


Joseph said…
I totally agree about the squirrels. New York squirrels are so snotty and stuck up. Or they're just plain evil. I can't figure out which is true...

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