Trying to Concisely Sum Up Two Great Weekends

So I forgot completely to write about going home to Geneva to hang out with Joe and Sue, so I'll briefly sum up the high points and post some pics.

High Points
-Going to Friendlys and getting an awesome burger and sundae
-Dance Party involving Joe and I
-Watching UTube videos
-Seeing Lisa be crazy
-Seeing Carmen and friends
-Sue being drunk and disorderly
-Joe and I "sleeping together"

Here's a few pics:

The reason the rest of these pictures will feature me looking odd




Oh yes, another one of Erica being strange

Last one, I swear!

And I just really liked this picture

Then this weekend was the weekend of Mike. Friday he hosted his Geva Improv show, and did a wonderful job. I still can't get over the fact that I'm dating a performer, evidenced in me telling everyone I saw there "yeah my boyfriend is in the show". I didn't get any pictures of him hosting, well not with my camera, but if you're REALLY interested in stalking him, you can go to the geva improv blog. I did get pictures of the next night with my camera though.

Saturday he was actually performing IN the show, and I had a large group of people with me to see it, so I gave Angel my camera while I took pictures with Mike's camera. Both nights the shows were really funny, and even though he ran away from a push-up contest, I was very proud of him. He really is awesome in front of people, very charismatic, it's so cool. Okay sorry....done now. But you still get to see some pics of him! Muhahaha!

Disclaimer: These pictures will pretty much all be blurry. There is a lot of movement in improv, and I'm sure my camera has some kind of function to take care of it, but I was too lazy to see where that was, so you'll have to deal with the blurry-ness.

Mike helping Joanna out of her single-motherhood

Contemplating how to celebrate Festivus

Festivus apparently features rolling on the ground

Mike being a snooty Frenchman

So after the show Mike, Angel, and I went to Monty's Corner and who do I see, but pretty much my entire group of guy friends for 3 years of college. I hadn't seen them since I graduated, and they didn't hate me any more (Pete, Davey, AC, Tim, etc) so that was cool. They were the exact same as I remembered, cracking jokes and being random. We even got a serenade for our exit out of the bar. It was great seeing them again.

So I stayed at Mike's saturday into today, and since I never have anything to do on sundays and neither does he, we hung out allll day. We went to BJs, Denny's, and I started watching Battlestar Gallactica, which is definitely worth watching. Since we didn't get out of bed til after 1pm, that took up the entire day. I figured I should go home at some point so here I am, I just finished my taxes, and let me tell you, I'm gonna be one rich woman in 8-15 days.

That's all I got, it's late and I'm working twice tomorrow. So g'night.


Joseph said…
i don't recall having a dance party that night.... i think i was the most sober one there too. hmm. anyway, was i any good?

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