
Showing posts from 2006

Christmas Songs

Last year I told everyone that I loved a few Christmas songs. Now, this year, I've been listening to Christmas songs on the radio at work while I score records. Some of these songs are SO FUCKING annoying. Here are the worst (in my opinion): 5: All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth by Spike Jones and His City Slickers. ONLY because the guy singing that song sounds like the perverted old man from Family Guy, pretty much exactly. And that guy scares me. 4: Last Christmas by Wham. It sounds nothing like a Christmas song should sound like. At least to me. Blah. 3: Little St. Nick by the Beach Boys. I know there are some people out there who swear by the Beach Boys, but I really don't get into the whole falsetto singing thing. I hate the Bee Gee's as well. Plus this song sounds exactly like all of their other songs. 2: A Wonderful Christmas Time by Paul McCartney. This entire song rubs me the wrong way, from the weird synthesizer-sounding beginning, to the


When I said "Sue and Joe aren't there yet" I meant that they go out more than I do, and nothing more. I did not mean that they are juvenile or that they are not planning for the future (that was just poor wording on my part). Joe actually just bought a house, which is awesome, and very future-planny, so I'm sorry if anyone got the wrong impression. The point I was trying to make is that I don't feel as connected to them as I used to, and it makes me feel bad. PS: Joe and Sue check your email

Take a Mountain Turn it into a Mole

I have a few unimportant things to say. It looks like I've joined the ranks of my friends in not writing at regular intervals. Well it IS winter and prime Christmas shopping season, so most of my free time gets devoted to presents and plans and whatnot. But I still have things to say, so this blog is not even close to being dead. 1: I got to see Doug for the first time in about a year. Yay! Doug is always interesting and funny, and for some reason all these random actors remind me of him. I had drinks (or A drink) with him and a friend of his, and we talked for awhile. I wish he still lived in Rochester, the world would just be more fun. 2: I heard on E! (I only watch that channel whilst crocheting scarves for various family members) that actresses are dying their hair darker because it's the cool thing to do now to have dark hair and light eyes. Well I just want to remind everyone that I have dark hair and green eyes. NATURALLY. Take that, Lindsay Lohan. 3: Speaki

When You're Strange Faces Come Out of the Rain

So about 2 weeks ago now, I traveled with the boyfriend to D.C. to visit Angie, who I haven't seen in about a year and a half and I hadn't visited in D.C. in about 2 years. That's much to long to wait to see her, methinks, but that's what happens when people grow up I suppose. Our plane tickets were only 88 dollars a piece, which was awesome, and since they were so cheap we had to work to actually GET to Angie, taking an airport shuttle and an Amtrack train to where she lives on Capital Hill. But that was fine, since Mike and I both had our DS Lite's and I am a KICK ASS Mario Kart player. We got to Angie's on saturday at about 5pm. We hung around with her and Julie (her roommate) for awhile, and then went out to dinner at Thai Chef, which made me become even more obsessed with sushi. Mike kept giving me pieces of sushi to try, first the easy stuff, tuna, (I loooove Toro) then some odd mixture of tuna, yellow tail, and caviar. That was edible, but it freaked


I owe everyone a blog post about my D.C. trip and I will get to that, I swear. I've been working my ass off lately (12 hrs on friday, 16 yesterday) and will get some free time this coming week to blog a bit. As of right now, I'll say to whomever can actually find a Wii, get one NOW. It is the most fun thing evaaaaaaar. I just played tennis, golf, and swung cows around for an hour. Literally, me, doing that stuff. Motion sensors are amazing. So is my boyfriend, who plunked down 450 bucks for the system, 2 controllers, and 2 games. Okay more later.

My Celebrity Look-Alikes

I really have my doubts about this thing...especially since Anna Clumpsky isn't included : )

Your Periodic Glimpse Into My Mind

I don't write much about what I'm thinking or doing in my life anymore, mostly because I don't have much time, but also because it seems boring in this ADD world of today. But I have a few interesting things to talk about, so I guess it's worth it. I got to play with snakes the other day. It was just as much fun as I thought it would be. I happen to love just about any animal/reptile/fish that exists. (well those deep ocean dwellers are just scary). So Mike and I went to Smike (the head of Mike's improv troupe) and his wife's house for dinner last week, and they breed snakes. They have about 20 of them right now, they just sold a bunch. So of course I was excited to play with them. The first one that his wife gave me to hold was a python that was asleep. It was boring. It just kept sleeping and didn't move, so she gave me a more playful one. It was called a Children's python. (the pictures aren't mine, they're the closest thing the web can give m

Happy Halloween!

Well I'm in one of my not feeling like writing in my blog moods lately, so I'm just gonna take the low road and post pictures. Hey, it's still better than ALL of my friends, who just completely stopped updating their blogs... By the way, I'm a flapper, Mike is a vampire, Sue is a girl scout, Joe and Joe are rockers. And then there's some random fun stuff thrown in. Four of us getting ready for Noah's party Mike and I being goth...or a vampire and a flapper I just really like Joe's hand in this picture I'm pretty sure he's trying for the same thing in this one, but it just looks like he's trying to touch my boob Have I mentioned that I heart Raj? (He's Cartman) A bear and a turtle find love on the dance floor And continuing on with the interspecies love pictures... The happiest cowboy EVER And....Snow White the Furry alcoholic? Thank you, and good night.

No Psychoanalysis Tonight!

I really don't know why I'm so idolatrous of celebrities, but let's face it, I am. I can't help it, and that's the way it is. Right now I don't really care why I am how I am. What I am REALLY excited about is the fact that I wrote Jenna Fischer a myspace email today, and she's already read it! It's only been a few hours! (I know I'm a crazy stalker). But I'm obsessed with The Office and obsessed with her and John Krasinski. And since John doesn't have a myspace, and she is wicked cool, I am going to be obsessed with her instead. And all of you nay-sayers....she says all the time that she loves myspace (she logs in like every day AND on the set) and she HERSELF reads all of the messages that she gets. Now if I get a response, it'll be hoping for too much, but a girl can always dream.... I'll keep you posted. Oh if you'd like to see her page, here it is:

posting a blog to distract myself from the lab ghost

Also to show off my cousin Maria, who just had some professional photos taken of herself. SHE LOOKS HOT. I'm so jealous. I should hire Hannah to take pictures of me, although I know they wouldn't turn out this good. Oh yeah Hannah Betts is my other cousin, and Maria's neice (even though Hannah is only 2 years younger than Maria, long story). She took these pics, just to reiterate, since I'm stealing them to post here. She went to that famous NYC fashion school, I forget the name of it (you see how fashionable I am) and I guess it shows.

I heart lists of random things

Now it's time foooooor......a list of random things! Again! 1: When I was swimming the other day, I realized that doing my laps would be so much more fun if there were fish beneath me, just chillin, being fish. If I ever get super rich I'm gonna have an aquarium directly below my pool. Not that the physics of that would work very well, but a girl can dream. 2: There are few topical phrases that I actually like. The phrase "cool beans" annoys me to the point of wanting to punch someone. I hate words with "y" or "ie" on the end, such as "hottie", or anything that just sounds childish, like "my boo". However, I am obsessed with saying that I "heart" things. That is the perfect phrase to me, and I'm not sure why. It's like "Cellar Door", it just rolls off your tongue. Or something. I don't know, ask Donnie Darko. 3: I finally got my raise, I now make roughly 50 extra dollars a week, or 1

Hulk Smash!

I feel like I want to Hulk Smash everything sometimes. And it's weird, because I've never been an angry person. When I was younger I never got bothered by anything, and sometimes when I'd hold my anger in, I'd have dreams about beating people up or I'd wrestle with the neighbor boys (yes you heard me) and that got my aggression out safely. Now, it seems like I get so angry all the time. I'm pretty sure it's because of my family issues, which are bothering me on a deeper level than even I am willing to admit. I want to be mad at my mom, I want to hate her and yell at her for breaking our family up, but I can't. She's found God or whatever and I know she feels guilty as hell so I can't yell at her and hate her. That doesn't mean I don't want to though. So I'm trying to just pretend like I'm dealing with all of this like a normal, sane adult, but the trouble is that I've never had drama in my entire life, at least not with

My New Best Friend

Is Pam Beasley aka Jenna Fischer. I'm currently obsessed with her, and I'm not sure why. There is no sexual attraction or anything, I literally want to be her best friend. I found her page (her REAL page) on myspace and it's so cute, she acts like she's not famous or anything. Her tagline is "Best Emmy's Ever!" and she's got most of her costars in her top 8, many of whom have her as their number one friend, prooving that she's awesome. So as you can probably guess, I've been watching a bit of The Office lately. Season 2 just came out, and I'm watching every bonus feature that exists on the 4 dvds. I'm almost on the Blooper Reel, which I'm very excited about. If you watch the commentaries for the episodes, they all act like they're such good friends in real life, especially Jenna and John (who plays Jim) and I find it to be the cutest thing ever. This butting-into-actors-lives thing is not new to me. Since I was in 8

It's 11:11, make a wish.

No matter what time this website says this was posted, I started at exactly 11:11. I've been very contemplative today, not in a bad mood or socially anxious (I'm wary of using the term "antisocial" the wrong way after going to school for psyc) but just very...zen. The only thing that riled me up a bit, but still made me think, was something that happened at work right at the end of the day today. It was about 5:20, and Sara and I were just about set to leave. I get an internal call, so I figure it's a wrong number or something (I get at least 3 wrong number calls a day and always one of them thinks I can just forward their call to whoever the fuck doctor they want to talk to). So I answer the phone, and it's this guy. He first tells me that he is a former employee, then asks for Michael. Upon learning that Michael had left for the day, he asks if there are any runs tonight. I have no idea what this guy could want, so I'm very confused until all of a s


Pictures pictures pictures. Have fun and notice how damn straight and long my hair is. That's the work of a 140 dollar hair straightener. First set of pics are from Gabe and Justine's the other night. Second set are from yesterday at the Apple Store with Joe, taking PhotoBooth for all it's worth This is us...or just me... being "punk" getting ready beforehand I convinced her to be "punk" with me Justin and his new woman Gabe being debonair with his beer Sue being...debonair?...with her hat Awww Tom and Rhea Awww Sue and Erica This girl wouldn't even let me include her face in this pic (I just wanted to document her awesome razor necklace anyway) Ummm....I got REALLY drunk that night....but it's not what it looks like Candid shot! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- And now pictures of Joe and I doing what we do best....looking at ourselves

A Conversation with My Mother

This is how crazy she is, folks: Mom: So the ceiling in the kitchen is falling down because there's always water all over the bathroom floor upstairs, and the light in the living room fell and crashed the other day. I think that Satan is here. Me: Yeah that or the house was built badly. Mom: It could be that too I guess, but I keep praying for Satan to leave me alone just in case. I was at grandma's the other day and her entire shelf fell in her bathroom, plus all the weird dreams I've been having. Me: Maybe you just have a ghost following you around. Maybe it's grandpa trying to get your attention. Mom: (hahaha) mmhmm. Well I know you don't take me seriously honey but you really should because these medical problems you're having could be a sign of dark forces. You better pray. Maybe I'll have my group pray for you. Me: Yes my tonsils are acting up because of THE DEVIL. It's not that you and dad both had to have yours out and it's gene

I heart garlic

I have had crazy garlic cravings lately. It's pretty much all Mike's fault, because we got soft pretzels at the mall yesterday and he just HAD to give me a bite of his garlic pretzel, which I immediately thought was the best thing in the world. So after that I've been wanting garlic ever since. Today for lunch I got a buffalo chicken panini, with garlic bread on the side. I went to Marketplace today and wanted a garlic pretzel so bad, but got scared away from Auntie Ann's by the greasy foreign guy selling hand cream in the center aisle who kept trying to touch me. Tonight for dinner I made rotini with butter, cheese, and garlic. I'm not sure what important nutrient I'm lacking that garlic will fulfill for me, but that's usually how my cravings work, so it's keeping me healthy somehow to keep eating it. Speaking of keeping me healthy, I have joined the U of R pool. It's 16$ a month for an Olympic sized pool that hardly ever gets used. I think t

Love and Marriage

Well these past few weeks have been very busy, and I'll stay pretty damn busy til the end of August. That's how summer usually goes though, and why it seems so short :( Last friday I traveled down to Letchworth State Park with Katie to meet up with Maura and Shannon for Maura's wedding. It was beautiful down there, and we had a good time in the lodge the night before the wedding alternately drinking and trying to drink. See apparently 4 girls can't open Champaigne by themselves (see pictures). After the Champaigne was FINALLY opened we drank and watched tv and had fun, but not too much fun because we had to wake up at 7 am to get ready for the hairdresser at 8 am at the Glen Iris. I got some very pretty pictures of Maura getting ready... and Katie has a picture of the hairdresser doing my hair. I really liked how my hair turned out. This is probably the best picture showing my hair, although you can also see up my nose... We stayed in an upstairs living room type ar