
Showing posts from April, 2005

Things that pop into my head as I am going along

#1: I am sick. I thought it was allergies but now I am beginning to think otherwise. You know how sick people are usually...tired? Yeah it's definitely not good to be working the 1am-9am shift tonight. ZZzzzzz...... #2: I am good at my job. The big big big boss checked over some of my sleep scoring the other day and was very impressed, saying "I heard a rumor you were good" and even gave me a high five. This was before he accused me of sexual harrassment. Ha. #3: I am sick of both my computer and my car. If anyone would like to give me a free new computer or car, you are very welcome to do so. #4: I am afraid I won't get to go on what could be one of the coolest vacations of my life because my lovely boyfriend keeps forgetting to tell me what day and time his flight is. I know he's getting around to finding out about it, and the trip is not til august, but I like to plan these things ahead of time, possibly even getting a flight that's not horrendously expensi


I went running tonight. I don't go running. Ever. The last time I went running it was up a big hill at Geneseo and I almost stopped after about 5 minutes. This time it was better, along with my coach (guess who), I ran 2.4 miles or something. Apparently you're supposed to breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. I'm not a fan of breathing in through my nose, I think I have bad lungs or something and breathing through my nose is hard for me to do. I was trying though, I really was. All in all it was a pretty good workout, but I still like swimming better. And on a side note, just so people don't think Andrew is a crazy commitment phobic guy, when I said he "freaked out" about that show, he really didn't. I'm having my own issues right now, probably because I am beginning to feel like I'm starting my grownup life, and these issues revolve around me talking and thinking too much about marriage and babies and houses and stuff like that.

I've turned into my father

So my dad is a hippie. Full out, drug growing (though not anymore I swear...I don't want anymore helicopters in my yard), long hair wearing, original Woodstock attending, police hating hippie. I think all of my friends and acquaintances can back me up on that one. I am not a hippie, however I just took a personality test (I can't stop with these stupid tests now) and this is what it told me (with a side picture of a hippie guy looking oddly like my father holding a flower): You are a Guru! (Submissive Extroverted Abstract Feeler) You are a GURU (SEAF)— kind, knowing, giving. Like Buddha of old, you can be a persuasive speaker, and you use your creative talents to further the objectives of your heart instead of your mind. But be careful that your friends don't take advantage of your relaxed nature. Above all, you like going with the flow. That's cool. Oh yeah, you like to talk a lot. That's cool, too. Whatever. Then if that isn't bad enough (and mostly just like


Before I start this post and I get berated by people saying that what I'm about to say means nothing because IQ is a stupid test and online tests are even stupider...I know. I know it all. I am only saying these things because they make me feel good about myself, regardless. That said: I was bored tonight and took a wonderful trip in which I took many tests (one of which said they were 20% certain I was a girl...hmm....that seems pretty low....) Anyway I took an "unintelligence test" which told me I was 75% smarter than all others in my gender and age group that took the test, and much more observational as well (noticing traffic lights, things of that nature). However it said I had no sense of humor and no morals...hmm. After my confidence boost with that test I decided to take the actual IQ test that the site offered. I know, I know, it's not real, blah blah. But I find it interesting that I took a totally different online IQ test when I was about 17 and g

Idolatry at Geneseo-land

So from freshman year of college up until I graduated, I worked at Brodie, the Performing Arts building. I was a work-study student for the two best bosses in the entire world, Pat and Lori. After being there for 4 years I got to know all the professors in the music/theatre department and some of the acting/singing/whatever students. The reason I applied for that job in the first place is because I secretly long to be an actress, however I have a hard time with failure. I haven't acted in anything since I was in high school. I could have gone out for parts in college plays, but I'd tell myself "I'm scared of Dr. Blood" or "Dr. Brown is weird to women and I hate him anyway". The real reason I didn't go out for parts is that I was too afraid of getting shot down. I want to keep up the belief that I could be an amazing actress if I want to be, but I merely choose not to use my wonderous talents. That's much better to think of than the alternat

Laughter is an orgasm triggered by the intercourse of sense and nonsense

I got to thinking about laughter earlier. I'm not really sure why exactly, oh wait yes now I remember. I was watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy by myself and it was actually making me laugh out loud. So I thought....I don't usually laugh this much when I'm by myself, laughter is one of those things you do more in front of others than by yourself (well at least for me). So I thought....why is this making me laugh so much, and when else have I just laughed by myself (to be laughing when alone something must be REALLY funny)? Then I think of Whose Line is it Anyway, which isn't funny all the time but has reedeeming qualities. I laugh soooo hard at that show, but only certain skits. Anyway, to make a long story short....I was thinking that everyone has some kind of humor that makes them laugh the most. For me, as mean as this may sound, it's people making fun of other people. Not in a mean way per se, but....for example today on the show the queer eye guys w

Movin' On Up

And growin' on up...I'm gonna be moving out AND living with a boy. How crazy is that? It's been a whirlwind week, I'll say that much. Wednesday I got off work at 6 am, went to Andrew's house to sleep for a little bit while he went to work, then he got home and at 1:00 pm we went to look at apartments. Here's the rundown: 1: Clearview Farms: looked at two bedroom townhouses....not sure why though because that's waaaay too much space for us little people. Liked the loft look though, pretty cool. 2: Riverton Knolls: A bit haughty-taughty (wtf, is that even a word? Well you know what I mean). I did like it though, it has like 3 swimming pools and a tennis court, a little pond with ducks, and blah blah. The awesome thing is that you get a washing machine and a dryer in your apartment, not the building, the apartment. The crappy thing is that we could only afford one bedroom and we needed a bit more space. 3: Westbrooke Commons: It was just....okay.

"Reefer Madness!"

There's this old (and I mean old) anti-marijuana propoganda film (like an after school special) that you may have heard of called Reefer Madness . It's supposed to be this serious film about how smoking pot will turn you into an insane murderer and blah blah. Well it's gained underground popularity over the years because anyone who knows a pot smoker knows that pot most definitely does not make people have any kind of motivation to commit murder, and it's just funny to watch how innaccurate everything in the film is. For example, this is written across the screen at the opening of the film: The motion picture you are about to witness may startle you. It would not have been possible, otherwise, to sufficently emphasize the frightful toll of the new drug menace which is destroying the youth of America in alarmingly increasing numbers. Marihuana Okay got that? Now they're coming out with a remake of the film, starring people like Alan Cumming and Neve Campbell. Call me

when the whole world fits inside of your arms, don't really need to pay attention to the alarm

Another song lyric as title. I'm getting more artsy by the day! (ha) So my bestest friend (ya know, besides my other bestest friends) came up from D.C. for a visit this past weekend. Miss Angie has been working for Senator Levin from Michigan for a long time now and I'm proud of her, because politics are her thing. I say leave them to her, I hate them, but I am proud of her for getting so far with what she wants to do already. So she came up and we got to hang out for like...a day and a half. I tried to have her meet Andrew under normal circumstance but *sigh* she ended up meeting him when he and I were both drunk at A-Street Pub on friday night. So her impression of him was this: " guys were just making out the whole time..." Stupid drunken PDAs. Well I'm confident that she'll meet him for real sometime. While providing a shopping spree for myself at East View on friday afternoon I decided on a whim to buy the new Jack Johnson cd. I had like 4 of hi

Things I've Noticed About Myself

1: I have no need for spell check, ever, for which I either blame Marilyn or Joseph.....spelling nazis 2: I am a more jealous person than I ever thought I was....although I hide it quite well 3: I am a huge fan of showing confidence and power...though it's hard for me to do personally 4: Unlike many other girls I have talked with, I would love to get in a fist fight or even a brawl once in my life 5: I play basketball, staple, make ice cream cones, and hold umbrellas with my left hand...oh yeah and something else I won't mention here (tee hee) 6: Movies have way too much of an influence over my life....I watched Father of the Bride today and wanted to get married 7: I have a fear that I'm a boring person, so I force interesting events into my life so I can seem less boring 8: I'd much rather sleep at someone else's house than my own, and I've been that way since I was very little 9: I am afraid of heights, but only when someone else is standing behind m
I went down the street to do my laundry today, and at least 5 guys either said hi to me or tried to start randomly talking to me...I was thinking there may be a few reasons for this: 1: It's a nice day and everyone is a little happier and thus more friendly 2: It's a nice day and I am wearing less clothing, not to mention I'm walking around holding my underwear, so the hellos may be an excuse to look in my laundry basket 3: Maybe I just look extra sexy today.....mmmm no

Smokin Cigarettes and Watchin Capt'n Kangaroo*

That's not really what I'm doing, but I'd probably rather be doing it than working right now. (Note: if anyone can name where that quote came from and where I most likely heard it from I will....think you are cool....but you will not receive any monetary prize, just coolness) SO, today (or yesterday, depending on how you look at time) was my birthday. My 23rd birthday. I thought it would suck a lot, and it mostly did, except for the coolest boyfriend EVER who brought roses and a card (and chocolate) to me at work earlier (collective awwwww). I was totally surprised and almost cried. Then I worked all day, got occasional phone messages from well-wishers, Charcy bought me lunch (woohoo!), I went home, ate some dinner, then went to Andrew's. I waited outside his bedroom door and talked to his ex girlfriend while he wrapped my OTHER 3 presents (see, told you, coolest boyfriend ever). Oh yeah I guess I never mentioned that Andrew lives with his ex. It's not weird or an

Two Words

SIN CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . yeah, it's that good

Escape through film and fun with psychology

So how do you escape your reality when needed? Many people drink heavily, some go so far as to abuse drugs, some play video games ( know who you are....), and apparently some watch movies. Obviously the last category is where I belong. It never fails, and it's never conscious to me until it happens. I care about watching movies when I am stressed. I NEED movies when I am stressed. I'm not heavily stressed right now, only moderately stressed, but I still felt the need to persuade Angela to see a movie tonight. I have also persuaded Andrew to go to the movies tomorrow night. Everyone is an escapist in some way. Movies are my refuge. I blame it on my intense need to get to know everything about every person in the world. I inherited my affinity for both people watching and people analyzing from my mother. Damn her, now that's all I can do. That's why I enjoy film so much, I can be a people watcher and it's acceptable. I can immerse myself in characters' ever