
Showing posts from February, 2006


I think I just made an adjective into a noun then made another noun from the previous noun in one hyphenated word. Interesting. -- I know what you're thinking, I am crazy sleep deprived blogging girl again, and I've had caffeine. -- Yes, yes I am crazy odd vocabulary using sleep deprived girl, but no, I didn't have much caffeine tonight (just some hot cocoa 4 hours ago) I went to Mike's tonight to eat a wonderfully made dinner courtesy of Alex and to play what ended up being a very odd game of Monopoly. I had to leave for work shortly after the Monopoly game was over and when I started to drive away I fell into this contemplative mood. It was as if every little thing had meaning. Maybe it was the song on the radio, maybe it was the time of night, maybe it was the weather, maybe it's my time of the month to be contemplative, I don't know. I drove on the overpass of 490 on Monroe and watched as four orange "Don't Walk" signs flashed in unison.

Trying to Concisely Sum Up Two Great Weekends

So I forgot completely to write about going home to Geneva to hang out with Joe and Sue, so I'll briefly sum up the high points and post some pics. High Points -Going to Friendlys and getting an awesome burger and sundae -Dance Party involving Joe and I -Watching UTube videos -Seeing Lisa be crazy -Seeing Carmen and friends -Sue being drunk and disorderly -Joe and I "sleeping together" Here's a few pics: The reason the rest of these pictures will feature me looking odd Check Check Check Oh yes, another one of Erica being strange Last one, I swear! And I just really liked this picture Then this weekend was the weekend of Mike. Friday he hosted his Geva Improv show, and did a wonderful job. I still can't get over the fact that I'm dating a performer, evidenced in me telling everyone I saw there "yeah my boyfriend is in the show". I didn't get any pictures of him hosting, well not with my camera, but if you're REALLY interested in stalking hi

Addicted to OKCupid at work....

this one is for Michaelangelo: Inara Congratulations! You scored 29! Inara: "So, explain to me again why Zoe wasn't in the dress?" Your Firefly knowledge is excellent. You are more than just a passenger on this ship. You've got a major investment in it.. perhaps more than one but we won't ask you to reveal your secrets. Unfortunately you still have a few holes to patch up. Don't cry though, help is just a click away!

Yawning causes spontaneous orgasms!

On Grey's Anatomy sunday night, one of the patients that was admitted was a woman who had spontaneous orgasms. Now I'm a big fan of that show, but more because of the relationships between people than the actual "true to life" aspects of it. (a bomb was IN a patient...come on how often does that happen) So I was like "whatever they made up a really cool sounding condition" which they never even explained, giving me more credence to my disbelief that a disorder like that actually exists. Not so. Alex (girl at work) was intrigued by this and it not being quite so busy today, we decided to see if there was any truth to it. This is what we found first, from an urban legend site: Three clinical psychiatrists had a paper in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry entitled "Unusual Side Effects of Clomipramine Associated with Yawning", describing 4 patients who, while taking the the anti-depressant drug Clomipramine (brand name Anafranil) reported the unusu

Mama Mia!

We had an Italian lady in our lab this morning. I knew this not based on her name, but based on the fact that she was the loudest, most talkative person we've had in the lab since....the last Italian lady. She wore a lot of makeup, did her hair up with hairspray, and was very expressive, oh and she ate a ton for breakfast. AND this was at 4:45 AM. Now it could be tricky, because Jewish women tend to be similar, but I know an Italian when I see one. Instead of recoiling about the fact that stereotypical people are alive and well in our society, I find it kind of nice to see people like that. Maybe just because I'm Italian and I find it fun to be a part of a stereotype, even though I doubt I'm stereotypical (besides the outgoing and loving food thing....and being proud to be Italian, which God knows is rampant in the culture). Anyway, what I'm saying is....actually I don't really know what I'm saying, I'm half cocked off of sleep deprivation and I'm


.....ya know, I don't feel really, truly, awkward very often, but right now, it's on. Andrew and girl # 38 of the "after Erica" girls are in the den, which is now his bedroom. There is no door, so I can't be mad at them for being in there, but I KNOW they want me to not be in the living room where I am right now but I'm a stubborn girl when I want to be, and I fucking want to be in the living room right now so that's where I am. They can whisper and giggle and groan when I turn on my computer music all they want. I'm also putting up a fight because I don't see how he can bring over anyone he wants whenever he wants and expect me to just go somewhere without any previous knowledge of this person coming over. PLUS I'm not allowed to bring Mike over. Well, to be fair, I'm allowed, but if Andrew is home he will "punch him and then kick him while he's down." Well....Andrew is always home when I am home. So screw him right n

Back in Time...

Image about 10 years ago....Erica was the cutest little kid you'll ever see. And skipping forward to today again, Erica was very bored and wanted to try out her parents' scanner. Enjoy! An artist at a young age! A model at a young age! (that pic was put up in a restaurant actually) Ole Blue Eyes Nope, the eyes were just confused for a few years Funniest picture....ever. And the man I respect the most in the entire world. My grandpa. (picture taken in the army)

A small apology

So I guess I was being a tad insensitive in that last post. I think that while I've moved on from my feelings for Andrew, some people apparently aren't as heartless as I am, and they still need time. Which is fine. I am sorry that I threw my new happiness up in everyone's faces, especially Andrew's. As Sue says, I have "Mike Goggles" on, and that makes me a bit selfish and inconsiderate. I'm just the type of person that doesn't ask questions, I just do what feels right to me. And that's gotten me in trouble on many an occasion. I dont' just mean in relationships, I mean my overall impulsivity. Andrew thinks it's unhealthy for me to say that I am ruled by my emotions, but it's not exactly emotions, it's just that when I get a happy feeling I tend to gravitate towards it. It seems natural to me? I just think I ultimately wasn't happy in the relationship anymore, and the eternal question that Andrew asks is "why"

On the way to recovery

So....I lost 6 pounds last week. (Catharine please don't kill me) I really had absolutely no intention of doing that, I don't have body dysmorphic disorder and I know that I'm a small girl. I couldn't help it though. I bet I've written about this before, probably before I started going out with Pat and with Andrew, namely. It never got this bad though, because both of those times I was surrounded by other people who practically force fed me. This time I had...Andrew. Who now really could care less about me or what I do. So for a week I ate one meal a day. Oh you probably want to know WHY this happens at odd times. Well it happens when I really like someone and we're on the cusp of dating, or I know that they like me too, or we've just started dating. Well all of these things were true in the past week, and that's why it happened. But don't worry, I've started on the road to recovery. I gained a whole new appetite today, a very ravenous

Great Times

So last night I thought I would be doing nothing, as Sue led me to believe she wouldn't be coming up to hang out. However, I was quite wrong. First off, my online buddy for about 4 months and I have been talking more and more often, and it was inevitable that we would meet up at some point. Yes, this is the same guy that was a part of my relationship issues, and no it wasn't too soon to meet up with him. (especially since Andrew has a date tonight) So we decide to go out for dessert, even though I hadn't eaten dinner, but dessert is just soooo much better than dinner anyway, plus....I'm still having eating issues right now. (NO I am not anorexic in any way, it's' just nerves) I met him for dessert, we talked, and talked, and ate (well kinda ate) and made jokes, and it was awesome. Besides the initial awkwardness, I really loved it. We sat there for about an hour and a half and it went by way too quickly, at least for me. So I think that's a good thing.

Erica's Top Ten List

Sooo....the cappuccino is still kicked into high gear. However my eyes want to sleep. So I'm bouncing, figeting, and tapping, yet my eyes keep threatening to shut. Odd. So I did this to keep me awake and focused on something: I was reminded recently that I have about 5 years of blogs under my belt. Some of that was on the old blog I shared with Joe, most is on this one. To celebrate the fact that I've been blogging for so long, I've compiled my favorite entries of all time (well just from this blog). They are in chronological order, because they're all good and I need to have some way to put them together. Oh but the spider one is the best. That one rocks because obviously it's some damn fine writing. Yup, make fun of my ego, go ahead. 1: Wednesday, June 23rd, 2004--untitled 2: Saturday, July 3rd, 2004--"Another Crazy Night" 3: Thursday, July 8th, 2004--"It's the movie blogging extravaganza!!" 4: Friday, Sept. 3rd, 2004--"belated up

It's only 2:25?!

Well...I'm off of my two day high. I really think I have manic tendencies sometimes. So yeah, for the last few days I haven't been sleeping as much as I should, and I haven't been eating as much as I should. Yesterday this resulted in hilarity with Sue, and me cutting some face framing bang-thingies. Which I really wish I didn't do, because they're too short. (yes Sue, you were right) However I should realize by now that with me, if I have a day or two of hyperness, the next day will be spent just wanting to sleep. Oh...and it's nobody's fault but my own that I didn't get enough sleep...for the record.... So, what is the point of these meandering sentences? No point, really. I was just told that I should write in my blog tonight, plus I want to make sure that this cappuccino actually gets into my system before I start scoring records, because that will REALLY put me to sleep. Ya know, if you stare at the word cappuccino for too long it starts to look fun

a strange state of euphoria

Well I've been happy all day. Strangely happy, like nothing can bring me down. Not even the ghost, who decided to make her presence known by knocking over a shampoo bottle and making me shock myself on every light switch. So what is the reward for Erica's blog's loyal readers? You get to see goofy pictures of me and friends. HA HA....suckers. Oh and I'm adding captions. Because captions are fun and interesting. Erica: "Oh my god everything is so funny that I need to slump against the couch and grin like an idiot" Joe: "Why is it taking so long to take the goddamned picture? I can only force a smile for so long" Take one of our makeout scene spectacular Joe: "I want you so much that I will lean awkwardly to the side" Erica: "....PPFFFFFTHAHAHAHA you look so awkward right now" He's actually in the middle of a dance move. Seriously. Erica: "I see you copping a feel, Joseph. Don't think I didnt' notice."