
Showing posts from December, 2002
Last night was pretty low key....I went to wegmans with Joe and we rented a movie with Sue. We took approximately 3 hours getting the movie b/c everyone wanted different things. Finally we all settled on "Buying The Cow" which Sue had already seen and she said it was funny. We watched it, and I liked it for the most part. The movie was about the phrase "Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?" Well it was mostly about that. It also involved something very similar to love at first site and soulmates. The plot is as follows: A girl and a guy are going out for like 5 years and she suddenly decides to give him an ultimatum about marrying her. He freaks out and nobody knows why, b/c she's a good catch. Then he figures out it's b/c he doesn't know if she's his "soulmate" b/c he met some other girl when he was younger that he felt some instant connection with, a "blinding truth" sort of a love a first site thing. S
Well last night was mighty dramatic.... First of all, friday night I didn't go out at all b/c I went to Pat's. Me and him were gonna go out in Auburn but we decided not to b/c his friends weren't gonna be out. We exchanged xmas gifts and he gave me a sweater that I love and have been wearing for like 2 days straight. He also got me a really cute puppy calendar. I got him a biography of William Wallace, which he loves, and a blue t shirt, which he doesn't love. I kinda expected that though, it was kinda light blue, which I guess some guys don't wear. I should have exchanged it for a different color before I gave it to him, b/c I knew that was gonna happen. Oh well. We went to Applebee's for dinner and then watched Insomnia, and that's pretty much it. Now LAST night, I went out in Geneva. Stacey picked me up with Sue and Joe in the car. Sue was barely talking, so I knew something was up. We got to Steph's house, where we were gonna prega
Merry Christmas folks..... I've been in a bad mood all day. That kinda sucks to be in a bad mood on Xmas, but I think it's b/c of all the stuff that happened. Well it decided to snow. Alot. That means both sets of grandparents couldn't come over for breakfast like they always do. That also means I can't use my dvd player I got or my 6 new dvds (I got One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Monsters Inc, Seven Samurai, Some Like It Hot, Moulin Rouge, and Oceans Eleven) b/c I don't have a modulator and can't go out in the snow to get one. It ALSO means I can't go to Pat's for xmas which I was planning on. Oh and did I mention we have no hot water so I haven't taken a shower in about 3 days? (ewwwwwww) but there's nothing I can do about it, I am NOT taking a cold shower in this cold weather. So all that kinda caught up with me and I've been feeling crappy. Pat called and it made me a little happier, but it just seemed like everything wen
Okay so it's time for my Geneva bar adventures. Thursday was my 1st night actually home, before that I was in Ithaca. Thursday night I was excited to hang out with Sue since I hadn't seen her in forever, so that was cool. But we decided to go to the bars (me, Joe, Sue, Steph, and Larissa) with me driving b/c I didn't feel like getting drunk 3 nights in a row. Well we ended up just being kinda bored b/c nothing was going on, and pretty much all of us left sober. Friday night was decidedly more fun. Joe picked me up and we went to his house to hang out for a little bit before going to Sue's. We watched part of Jim Carrey's The was actually good. I'll have to see all of it sometime. Then we went with Steph and Stacey to Wylie's. We met Chad, Brooke, and Larissa there. I had only one and a half beers but I was really hammered for some reason. I was having a GREAT time though. Like always, we went from Wylie's to Copperfields. Th
The last two nights were very interesting and semi-exciting too (especially last night) but I don't have time to tie up my family's phone line in the middle of the day so maybe tomorrow I'll write about it. And Pat's coming to Geneva tonight!!!
I'm in Ithaca right now kinda hanging out in Joe's apt by myself. He had to go take his last final and find his lost bookbag. He asked me to go with him but I think I would feel kinda stupid just sitting in his class while they're telling personal stories about themselves. I went basically right from Geneseo to here, I only spent 10 minutes in my house. We're going back to Geneva today, which is cool b/c I can actually unpack and maybe wrap Xmas presents or something. And I haven't gotten a chance to hang out with Sue in a long time, so I want to do that too. We did kind of alot while we were here, it was fun. When we got here we drove around, went to Wegmans and the video store and stuff. We ended up renting "The Fluffer" which was NOT a good movie (should have known by the name I but it was watchable. I wanted to rent "Best in Show" which Joe actually agreed to watch (he never wants to watch movies that I want to watch
I'm done with exams!!!!!! Well I have a film "discussion" tomorrow where we talk about movies and eat. So I'm not counting that as a final. I'm really excited to go home. I love spending time with Joe and Sue, and Angie when she's in the area. Plus I get to see the local bar crowd and some really old friends. But I'll also miss the people here. We get more than a month off, and it's gonna be a little bit of a change. I especially have to get used to seeing Pat only like once a week instead of every day. But I think it'll be fine. I can't believe another semester is over already, time really does fly when you're having fun. And it's been an awesome semester. I'm so lucky to be so happy right now.
Thursday was a really good day and a good night. I woke up at 6:45 (didn't enjoy that one) and aced a test at 8. Then I ate breakfast, studied for 2 and a half more hours, and took another test at 12. I think that test went pretty well too. I also got 2 papers back. The one for adolescent psyc I got a perfect score on, and he said I was a "very competent writer." Then I got back my personality paper which I agonized over FOREVER and I made Maura look at my grade b/c I thought I did horrible on it. Nope, I got a B+!! So all that made me happy, plus I'm 2 tests down. Oh yeah and my boss gave me a present consisting of my favorite chocolates and a 20 dollar bill. Thursday night Angie came over so we could hang out before she flies back to Michigan. I was so happy to see her, I only get to see her about every 2 months or so. She came at about 7:30, then we watched Friends and went to Wegmans to get cameras. Then at about 10 we went to the rugby house to h
So I decided to skip the last half of the last class I had this semester. Is that laziness or what? I was just getting waaay too sick of classes altogether so I thought "eh screw this." Yesterday I went to Eastview Mall with my suitemates and bought even MORE presents for people. I've spent over $250 this year, but I really like buying people stuff so I can't stop. Plus both Sue and Pat have birthdays around Xmas so I bought them a little extra. Well actually I'm gonna buy Pat more than a little extra b/c I have to buy for Xmas, his birthday, and our 6 month all rolled into one. And I was thinking if he didn't like something he'd have other things that he would hopefully like. And me and Pat got into a tiny arguement the other night. It wasn't that big of a deal but we both were really frustrated with ourselves and took it out on each other so it sucked. It was kinda of like our 1st fight but not really....I don't know it was just
Well this week is gonna be an interesting one. I have one class left to go to til the end of the semester, and of course it has to be a 2 and a half hour one at 6 at night on a monday. Not that I should be complaining since it's the last one. And thursday I have 2 tests, then I'm gonna try to hang out with Angie, I really hope I can. Friday I have the lacrosse formal, which should be exciting, and Saturday Sue is picking me up to go home and party with her for her birthday. That means I have basically no time to study for the 2 (3 if you count piano) test I have monday, so I'm gonna be reading textbooks alll week before then. Tuesday the 17th I have a final that's not really a final where I get to discuss movies and eat food, then I get to go home! Friday me and Pat were just gonna go see a movie or something, but there ended up being a slight get together at his house so we joined that instead. I got there and we played a little asshole and a little beer pon
So today in my class we talked about Depression and the symptoms of it. We also talked about cutting and suicide, and meds like prozac and paxil. It was a really "depressing" class and it reminded me of a certain someone I know. I just want to tell that person that no matter what happens in our lives, no matter what happened in the past or what is going to happen in the future, I will always be there for you and I will always love you.
Well I dont' have much to write but I'll try to make it semi-interesting. First of all...I have NO WORK LEFT til I start studying for my exams in a week. Maybe I should start now.....naw. Second of all, I went to Pat's last night and watched My Blue Heaven with him. I finally got to see the movie that screwed up my Xmas present was very funny. I love staying at Pat's. It's so...I don't know, just being there with him, it makes me so happy. Like I said before...I think it can't get any better, and yet it's always getting better. Okay enough romanticism for the night....
I forgot to mention a couple things about thursday night....after dinner I saw Harry Potter with Joe and then went back to his house. Sue, Stacey, and Steph showed up there and all I have to say about that experience was "Ewwww grandpa!" and "It must be great to be a photographer" lol. And I went to Pat's saturday. I got there early and chatted with his mom for awhile while he took a shower. We hung out there and I got to meet Dan, his older brother. He seemed really cool but I think he gets on Pat's nerves a lot which kinda sucks. We went out to dinner and I could barely eat it b/c I ate so many things BEFORE the dinner. It was still really good though. There was some guy there that played the piano in the corner and he randomly started playing a trumpet too. After that we went to Seamus' house and then to see him at work. Then we went back and I met some of Dan's friends and watched the Notre Dame game with them. THEN we went to Tim&