
Showing posts from October, 2002
I've had so many problems with my stupid paper. Well now it's over and I shouldn't even be thinking about it, but I worked on the damn thing for 8 hours sunday, 4 hours monday, and at random other times before that. Sunday night when I was almost done, I realized I had to look online for an example paper to see how to set it up exactly according to the APA format. Well the example paper decided to freeze the computer I was using, and I didn't have the paper saved b/c I was at the library and didn't have a disk. So I thought I was gonna lose the paper and I was gonna cry. But I clicked this "taskmanager" button and exited out of other random programs that were on there, which made the computer un-freeze. But when I tried to view the example paper again it blanked like it was never there. So I said "screw it" and just printed it out the way it was. I just stopped caring after awhile. When I handed it in on tuesday I asked a girl in the
Oh I just realized that I have no links or anything on this site. I've tried over and over to make a links thing but I'm not computer literate so it didn't work too well. So I'll just post some links b/c that's the best thing I can do as of right now. The old dead blog of me and Joe: My email address: Joe's blog: Ummm that's all I can think of right now....
I didn't so much get my paper finished yet....but I do have 3 out of 12 pages done...yay. I think I really should get goin on that....except that I'm one of the biggest procrastinators I know. Thursday was one of the busiest days I had this semester. I had classes from 10 to 3:15, then got to go home for an hour. I ate dinner b/c I wasn't gonna have time otherwise, then Emily and Sam, two girls from my psyc classes came and picked me up for this communication workshop. The only reason I went was for extra credit, which I'm really gonna need b/c this paper is gonna suck. But the thing was actually fun. Everyone in the "audience" had to go down to the stage and meet each other and play telephone games. The object was to see how people normally communicate and improve that. I got to know some people and it was cool. Right after that (actually I had to leave early) I had to go watch a movie called "El Norte" about two Guatemalan siblings th
So today in film class we watched a cartoon from 1971 in which a cat and a bird had loud racous a rocketship. This was after the bird was gangbanged by numerous other cats...I think she was a hooker. My professor, my 70 year old professor, picked out the movie and found it absolutely hilarious. I didn't know whether to be scared or turned on by it. paper isn't due til next tuesday now!!! That's good and bad. It's good b/c I get more time, obviously. It's bad b/c that's more time that my paper isn't finished. I just want to get to the point where I'm like "YES I'm done!" So maybe I'll still try to finish it by friday so I can have my weekend free.
Wow I actually just had a real conversation with the mysterious and ellusive Mr. Sean McGrath.....of course it was all about his son, but I am this much closer to actually knowing him as a person.
Well I thought I almost had a comments thing up and running, but it turns out the bastard thing foiled me again. I'm soooo close to actually getting it so it's really annoying. In health news, I think I have something wrong with me. Well maybe not but randomly for like a week now I've been not hungry at all until about 4 or 5 and then I eat a ton for the rest of the night. That's not healthy but I can't seem to actually get hungry before then. Maybe I'll force myself to eat lunch or something. And I have a huge paper due thursday that I'm still gathering sources for. I have 4 of them that I can definitely use, so that's cool, but I need about 7 or 8 more and I have to go back to the library to gather those, spending like 5 dollars on copy machine money in the process. Yesterday I spent 3 hours at the library. It suuuuuucks. Oh I forgot!! Joe came on friday. Well I was actually not around when he arrived here, I was taking a really
I went with Maura (and met Johnny there) to see Ben Folds in concert last night here at good ole Geneseo. He was supposed to play with Rufus Wainright but Rufus cancelled at the last minute saying he had bronchitis. That kinda sucked b/c I really like his music and have actually heard his stuff. Well I've heard stuff from Ben Folds Five but it's a one man band now so I'd never heard any of his solo stuff. I didn't know how much I would enjoy the concert but I ended up loving it b/c he is an INCREDIBLE piano player. I mean awesome. He could have just pounded on the keys (which he frequently did) and it would have sounded great. I get awestruck by great piano playing, so that was definitely worth it for me. I gotta go meet Pat for lunch now (well if he remembers) so I'll write more later.
Well I just got back from an eventful long weekend. I succeeded in doing no work at all, which was my main goal. Let's see what else happened....(just to warn you people, this is a looooong entry) Friday I got home and had dinner at my house, then went to meet Joe at work. We went to Sue's house and then to the bars. I got an ID from Steph that she let me keep, woohoo!! Anyway, I didn't drink TOO much b/c I had to drive home that night for a wedding in the morning. I saw Tyler at Wylie's and I started talking to him about almost fighting with Pat that one night, but he had totally and completely forgotten about it. I was like "umm okay forget it, nevermind." He had no idea what I was talking about. We didn't see too many people out friday, saturday was a little bit more fun. We DID get to see a fat guy throw up in Copperfields though, that was....pretty gross. Well first saturday I went to my cousin Josh's wedding in the afternoon.
You know what song I like a lot? That "Your love is lifting me higher" song....I think it's "Higher and Higher" by Jackie Wilson. That's a really good song. I just thought of that because it came on my playlist. I think I have to give Angelo credit for that one, I would have never liked it so much if he didn't randomly put it on a cd for me one time. So...thanks Angelo. In other news, my cat is missing :( I'm a little sad but I wasn't til I talked to my little brother tonight and he was all sad about it. He was like "yeah I really liked mugsy" and I was like "awwww Paul". I never actually liked the cat much but I'm just sad b/c he is and it's not a good thing. It's REALLY COOL that instead of getting the closure of animals dying, we have to have our animals go missing and we never ever find them. Two dogs and two cats so far it's happened to. It really doesn't help that nobody I have been eve
Umm yeah I was a little drunk with that last entry, it's kinda all over the place. Saturday night was really fun though, and it was really really cool to hang out with Joe again. Now I'm just gonna miss him more though, since I got to spend a little time with him. Hopefully I'll hang out with him friday or saturday. Saturday is my cousin Josh's wedding. I think it'll be a fun time, it'll also be the 3rd wedding on my dad's side of the family this year. It's weird b/c I hadn't been to a wedding since I was about 10 before all the ones that sprung up this summer. Pat was thinking about going with me, but he found out he has a rugby game saturday. (it's fall break so it's kinda retarded to have a game) But I'm excited anyway, I get to see my whole huge extended family again. I really can't think of anything to say right now, I'm just at work and bored. I should probably be reading or something, but I'll ha
WE ARE DANCING! Actually Joe and Maura are dancing provocatively and I can't dance worth SHIT so I decided to drunkenly write in my blog. I am so proud that I can spell when I'm drunk. They're dancing to Britney Spears too, who needs that anyway..pffft. Sooooo Maura told me "Fuck me Erica" tonight which was kinda funny b/c I was like "ummm you mean fuck YOU?" the normal thing to say but she didn't say that she said the other lesbionic thing. ANGELA IS FUNNY TOO. In other news, I got to drive Joe's mom's new 2002 honda to wegmans b/c everyhone else was drunk so it was awesome b/c I don't have a car :( Okay and I miss Pat a LITTLE bit but I'm not gonna call him b/c I think he's at the bar and I think I have to be able to wait out at least one frikken god damned night and just talk to him tomorrow. Okayh so I need to finish my CORONA and Maura is talking about her ass to Joe....random stuff tonight, but it's fun an
Hello folks, I'm sitting here in Ithaca at Joe's apt with Angela and Maura (and Joe). They're all drinking hard liquor which I don't go for so I'm gonna be sober til 12 when Joe can buy me beer. We went to dinner at the commons and it was pretty cool, but it took 1286 hours for us to actually get our food. Then we came back here and they started drinking. Joe's place is SO NICE. He has a livingroom, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom ALL for himself. And it's not like it's unusually small either, it's a pretty decent sized room (all of them are) and he has this AWESOME new computer which I am typing on right now. Umm that's all I got. I saw my family for approximately a half a second today and it was kinda nice, but rushed. I got to see Cooper though!!! Okay I gotta stop being anti-social and join the drinkers.
Okay so apparently I have to clarify the 10/2 post b/c some slow people (acheemmm Patrick) didn't understand it. Joe typed that line to me on my IM name and I thought it was funny so I just posted it in here. Mmmm Red Lobster for dinner and then spending time with's gonna be a great night Tomorrow I'm watching the rugby game and then going home with Angela to see Joe. Hopefully I can see his new place and we can party it up. I haven't seen Joe since approximately a month ago so I'm excited! My parents kinda thought I was gonna see them and I feel bad now b/c on the phone last night my mom was like "we were gonna have steak for dinner tonight but your father said to wait til saturday so we could have it with you." But we wont' get to Geneva til about 6 and then I think we're gonna just stop at my house quick and then go see Joe. So I said that to my mom and she's like "oh...well that's okay...just make sure you s
JPerry007: what's pathetic is you spelling a lot as "alot"
So yesterday I didn't see Pat at all for the 1st time in a looong time and I actually missed him. Alot. Pathetic or just really in love? Hmmm...... Anyway, this week is hell week, as I have mentioned. But the worst of it is now over, so I am relaxing tonight. I had 2 huge tests, one last night and one today. Today looked like this: Class, class, lunch, study for test, take test, practice piano, take part in hugely retarded experiment and not get home til 4:30. The experiment involved locking me in a dark, tiny, closet-like room and having my chin strapped face stare at a computer screen for 40 minutes. I would see tiny green "L"s or "T"s flash at me for a half a second. My job was to tell the Ls from the Ts. Apparently 700 trials was needed for this, AND I get to go back thursday to do the same thing. Of course I get like 4 extra credit points for one of my classes for this. So it's not tooooo bad..... Today is my roommate Sara's b-day.