
I went to a wedding this past weekend. It was a co-worker, I'm not super great friends with her but she's really nice and everything. I figured a few things out about weddings this weekend.

What I want at my wedding/reception
-a ceremony under a half hour long, preferably someplace beautiful and not in a church
-about 5 different kinds of never-ending cheesecakes, brownies, and cookies
-open bar, top shelf included if money allows
-current music or non-cheesy classics (except "Everything I Do"...that song must be included, no matter how cheesy)
-some kind of dancing around a circle thing...for some reason I really enjoy dancing in a circle. Damn you Hava Nagila dance!
-boquet throwing/garter tossing

What I don't want at my wedding/reception
-a really short aisle to walk down, if I'm finally gonna have a ton of people watching me, I want it to last for a few minutes
-a strapless dress with EVERYONE doing that these days??
-play that funky music white boy, love shack, celebrate good times, the electric slide, you know the rest
-crying babies
-any kind of "if you want the bride and groom to kiss you have to sing" shit
-father daughter I uncomfortable with showing affection to family...yes
-more than 3 speeches
-to get drunk...or my husband to get drunk

Well that's it for now, and don't think I'm all wanting to get married anytime soon (yeah I know what you're thinking Andrew) I was just thinking about it for the future.

Oh yeah and I have a few pictures, which I will be posting as soon as I can steal Andrew's computer from him to do it, or as soon as I bring my camera to work so I can do it here.

Last thing....Andrew has a very important interview tomorrow so wish him luck, and I'm trying to have a new car by the end of the week so wish me luck too!!


Joseph said…
JESUS CHRIST, Erica! you know your mom will want you to get married in a church.

wink wink.
Anonymous said…
I agree, traditional weddings are too over-rated... Besides, your too creative to have a typical wedding. When you have yours it will be great!

PS. Good luck with your car and Andrews interview!
Erica said…
Hahaha Joe and thank you Arick!!

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