scraps of my thought processes

Watching good porn for at least a half hour = being horny for an entire week.

Making up fake emails and subscribing to free porn sites is also amazing.

I have to turn the radio on when I'm alone at work so I can't hear the ghost who flitters around behind me.

I often wonder when I'll be truly content with myself and won't feel the need to be needed by others.

I also often wonder when my metabolism will slow and I'll get incredibly fat (inevitably, with my diet).

My ex boyfriend has truly gone over the edge. Now he solely speaks in references to classic literature. I feel only pity for him.

Whenever I drive on an overpass, I picture my car blasting through the cement wall and plunging me down to a firey death.

I secretly long to dress differently, like goth/punk/skater/whatever else there is but will never do it because I'm afraid people will see that I don't share that lifestyle, I just like the look. (Plus I'm much too bad of a dresser to pull anything like that off)

I'm saying things in this post that I normally wouldn't say because

a: I am PMSing, I always get more dramatic when that happens

b: Although everything I said was true, I wanted to say more interesting things than normal in the hopes that I will get comments. I don't get many comments anymore. I know people out there are reading this! I don't think anyone understands how excited I get when I receive comments (so so sad)

....Please comment, or else I will be forced to write more of these posts : (


Sophia said…
Oh my Goddess! I feel the same way! I wish I could pull off different "looks" as well, but am also to bad of a dresser. I also love comments, they make my day! give me some to!
Anonymous said…
Fiery death huh? When you imagine that I hope I am safely at home instead of plunging through concrete.

Happy Trails!
Joseph said…
you totally stole this idea from the website you sent me to tonite.

for being a thief, i am never commenting here again.

and for me being a liar, i'm going to hell.
rorytmeadows said…
you post about a lot of crap
Anonymous said…
I love to post.
Post, Post, Post!
Here it all goes;
Right on your page.
Hmm, hmm, hmm.

(Tribute to the "Scotch Song" from the movie "Anchorman"; Ron Burgundy in the opening scene.)

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