
Showing posts from June, 2004

I was wondering how this title thing worked....I guess I know now

Okay I think I should start with last weekend, I don't really remember where I left off, but that seems like a good place to start. Friday I bought a video camera...oh wait I do remember saying that. Well on friday I just messed around with it a little bit, but saturday I started actually using it. Me and Angela made a short film entitled "Into the Darkness" about doing laundry in our scary basement. I also brought it with me to a party I went to at Joe Petro's apt later. Now about this party...I went there with Angela, and there were mostly people that I graduated with there. They were all people I'd hung out with a lot before, except for Martino and this girl Candice. We got there and Joe had gone out with his girlfriend to get a huge blowup miller raft thing that we put beer in, so we talked with Chris O, Charles, and Matt Porter. Matt Porter...yeah I actually haven't hung out with him in a long time. I've seen him out recently, but haven
Well that one was scary...this one shouldn't be. I'm not sure where I left off with the events stuff but let's go to wednesday night, because it was a lot of fun. I only had to work til 8 which is kinda strange for my schedule, but it was cool. I came home and got a call from Adam asking if we could do game night with him and some friends. I was like "Sure!" I had nothing to do that night anyway. So at first him and Ben come over and after some debating we play Scene favorite game that I haven't lost yet. (I dare ya to challenge me) It was basically between me and Ben but Angela and Adam had some good ones too. Anyway after that some other friends of Adam's came over, we did some shots of Jager (ewwwwww) and played a game of hilarious beer pong in which me and Ben were on a team and had team conferences behind a curtain to build morale. We still lost (my fault I'm sure). So after that me, Angela, and Ben get a brilliant idea to ro
Okay is everyone ready for the strange randomness that popped into my head last sunday night? Well here it is, unchanged from the original: I am Jack's strange but poignant blog entry I watched Fight Club for the first time tonight (see above reference). It was very strange at the end, but I absolutely loved it up until about two thirds of the way through. Multiple people told me *DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT COULD OF HAPPENED BUT DIDN'T* that it was all a dream but that isn't true! Why the fuck would they say that? Anyway...David Fincher must be some sort of genius, he did The Game and of course Se7en...if you haven't seen them you must. He needs to direct more often. Before I get into my rant: I came home from Joe's tonight, got out of my car, and just looked up at the sky. Being in Rochester doesn't do much for stargazing but in Geneva it is an amazing night for looking at the stars. If I could bring my Rochester friends to my
I have this whole blog entry written down on pieces of paper because I was struck by a frenzy of writing a few nights ago and I want to enter it into this blog. I was going to do it last night but I had a very busy night and did not have time so I'll do it later tonight. Now that that is explained I'm gonna quickly chronicle some fun events that have happened lately. Friday I worked only a few hours, then had to leave to meet people for the East End Fest. I went with Angela and her friend Lindsay, and met up with Maura and Chris (and other Chris for like 2 minutes). I also saw Charles and Joe Petro there but didn't talk to them too much. We basically just walked around drinking and eating and seeing random people we knew, but it was fun. Maura and Chris left early to see a movie so me, Angela, and Lindsday went to The Jungle. There weren't too many people there but I DID get to see Gabe who I haven't seen since a long time ago. God he's skinny. Anywa
I'm drunk . Thoughts: Pat called my phone tonight...I realized I really miss his voice My new favorite tv show is the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Europeans are so interesting Chris's Chris may not be as metro as I once thought I love my high school friends (which tonight include charles and joe petro) --goodnight
Reasons why I'm sad today: --it would have been my grandpa's birthday --it was raining all day --Davey's profile randomly made me sad --I can't find my VCR remote --my computer is slowly dying How I got a little happier: --my computer actually wanted to start for once --I've finalized some plans to see Sue --after I got off the phone with Scottish Kevin who is unbelievably hot, he said to Sue "I love her" I'll elaborate more later
Okay so I promised myself I wouldn't drink until this past saturday, when I planned on drinking a lot for my graduation celebration. However, Maura called on friday and asked if she could come hang out with her boyfriend (Chris) and his friend Chris and then we could go out to the bars. They were kinda worried for me and Chris to hang out b/c we ended up hooking up once but we both had no qualms about hanging out with each other. So after some confusion they all came to the apt and we drank for a little while, then went out to Coyote Joe's. It was pretty fun, except when Maura's boyfriend paid Chris 5 dollars to hit my beerbottle on the top so it would overflow. I decided to hit her boyfriend's bottle but I must've hit it too hard and it broke a little, also cutting his finger in the process. So his thumb starts bleeding, I feel bad, and I travel all over the bar trying to find a napkin for him. I finally scrounged one up but I still felt bad. I saw Sara L
Okay I will write about going home to Geneva tomorrow or something but right now I just want to say one thing: WHY do the names of cities and volcanoes have to be "Billerica"? Are these 2 names supposed to go well together or something b/c if so...somebody please tell Mr. Bill Chambers. Okay that's it for now.
Here we go again: Monday Woke up extremely late from staying up until 5 in the morning, me and Catharine hurried and got all dressed to attend the conference again. We met up with the rest of the gals, but Catharine and Angel decided to actually talk to the reps (pfft) while me and Erin wanted the free stuff. So we walked around taking some pens here, some silly putty there, a tape measure, a cell phone holder for a car....some cool stuff. As I was about to leave, over my shoulder I hear a "Erica??" I turn around and it's Angie's Uncle Mark, who I was looking for at the conference since I arrived there. He's a PhD in neuroscience or something and used to work at the lab I work at, but he teaches/works at Brown now. I talked to him for awhile, he stole some pens from me, and we parted ways. I hadn't seen him since my graduation from high school 4 years ago. It was cool to see him again. After that was a free dinner at a Symposium about insomnia th
Well I'm ready to talk about Philly...even though I like the spelling "Phili" better. This might possibly be long, just to give a heads up to people. Saturday We all (Barb, Charcy, me, Angel, Catharine, Erin) pile into Barb's van, make sure our huge supply of alcohol is with us, and we're off. If ever I was to travel somewhere with 5 other girls, these people would be the ones I would want with me. They're all hilarious and awesome partiers. But anyway....we get down there just in time for some shopping and some dinner. We stayed in the Marriot which is in the center of the city, and pretty much connected to a huge underground mall. Of course we had to buy some clothes, then we went to the Hard Rock Cafe that was also connected to our hotel to eat dinner. After dinner we got all the ladies together (except Sara and Cindy) and Arick aka our bodyguard for the night. We drank in Barb and Angel's room and then decided to go check out the sc
I'm hoooooome....and going through some serious alcohol withdrawl. Nobody talk to me today, I've only talked to 3 people all day and have been annoyed when talking to all of them. So this is why I'm not going to post anything about Philadelphia until tomorrow or the next day, when I can actually be pleasant. We'll just say that it was one of the best "vacations" I've ever had. Also...apparently I'm a crazy bitch and delusional. Awesome.
Well adding a picture to the site didn't work as well as everything else I guess....but I tried. I think I can add more, they just have to be online already, so I'll steal them from Angie's webshots site. And since I couldn't put a caption on the pic either, that would be me with my 3 best friends in the whole world, from left to right, Sue, (me), Joe, and Angie. Just a quick update....I went to the 98pxy Summer Jam on wednesday night. Angela won tickets and I had nothing else to do, otherwise I really didn't care about going. At first I felt extremely old because of all the 12 year old screaming girls, but then I got into it. Especially by like 9:00 when drunk people started getting into fights. There was this (pretty cute) guy ahead of us that was dancing, and some older guy goes to him "HEY! You better calm down buddy, you just better stop dancing." Everyone was like..."Huh? This is a concert, you're supposed to dance." So I sta