
Showing posts from 2009

Night Musings and Playing Catch-up

I feel like I never post anymore because this blog is now linked to Facebook. I'm not sure why I would post less because of that, but after this post I may take away the linked aspect and see if I write more. Maybe I feel more free when I know my closest 211 friends are not going to be reading what I write. So, if you (for some reason) love to read about the mundane aspects of my life, make sure to bookmark my blog. Maybe I'll use this entry to catch readers (aka me in the future) up on my life, and the next will be devoted to what I love and hate about NYC. So my only female first cousin on my mother's side, Lauren, (random side note: I have 8 female first cousins and 11 male first cousins on my dad's side) got married in October. She married an Italian/Jewish doctor from Long Island whose family is a bit iffy but he is super nice. She's had a rough time these past couple of years, so I'm happy that her wedding went so well. She is basically my sister, si

Two Can Keep a Secret If One of Them is Dead

Hey blog happen-upon-ers. Yes, it is I! The overlord of this blog. I have deigned to write in it again, after many months. It's funny, as a person (or perhaps as a woman), I'm not overly emotional. When people die, I usually think "ok now more space for everybody else". Before people start throwing bricks at me, I'm not some crazy psycho killer or anything, I usually only think that way about celebrities. When Michael Jackson died, I thought "hmm interesting" and that's about it. I have another entire blog entry about me having trouble telling people that I love them. Okay this is getting off topic quickly (I am highly caffeinated currently). My overall point was that with people I don't usually get emotional, but I will get emotional with animals or inanimate objects (mostly animals). I felt such supreme guilt when I stopped playing "Brain Age" for a month or so, that I've never gone back to it, for fear of Mr. Yamagachi

Time is Speeding Up

The link for the title actually does not contain the words "time is speeding up", but I just wanted an excuse to include one of my favorite Muse songs. So time is speeding up. Literally, when you think about it, as you get older you have lived for more and more time, so the proportion of time lived is more than time not lived, therefore time would seem to be speeding up. However, if you are a hippie like me, you believe that time is nonlinear and therefore cannot speed up or slow down but can merely only appear to move, but that's for another blog post. Anyway, as you can see, I am writing in my blog less and less these days. Part of the reason is that I'm living in NYC, where time is irrelevant because it is the city that never sleeps. I have something to do at all hours if I'm so inclined. Another part of the reason is that I'm trying to prepare for my wedding. It's about a year from now so I really need to buckle down and start making arrangements


No, not the strange 1998 Todd Solondz film, which I happen to love. (And when Phillip Seymour Hoffman walked by me TWICE a couple weeks ago you can bet I wanted to tell him how good he was in that film.) But anyway... Today I am happy. I blame it on Spring and nice weather, mostly. It's also my time of the month to be happy (don't ask), and I went to a bookstore today, which I love to do. So it's the right time of the month and the right time of the year for my happiness to start. Usually when Spring starts, I start wanting to exercise, explore, try new things, etc. Today I went to the Financial District in Manhattan. One usually wouldn't find joy at the place where the Stock Market crashed, but I like that area for some reason. There are lots of stores and little bakeries, and South Street Seaport is only a short walk away. As I said, I went to a bookstore. I spent almost an hour just reading random books and wandering. Then I went to Victoria's Secret a

NYC Comicon 2009

So I wanted to buy Mike and I tickets to NYC Comicon 2009 for our 3 year anniversary. I thought it would be a great treat for both of us. What I didn't realize was that I would enjoy it more than he would. Oh he had a great time, for the most part, but he was getting sick and didn't realize it, so he was a little crabbier with the crowds while I had my head in the clouds. Apparently there are 0 good youtube videos of the amazing time I experienced at NYC Comicon, so I am not posting a link with my title and you guys will have to judge based on my AMAZING (Zim voice) pictures. I'll run down the 3 days we were there with as little exposition as possible: Friday -We arrive there around 2pm: not too crowded! -We run around the main area looking for cool stuff/celebrities -Pictures pictures pictures (mostly of cool geeky costumes) -We run into Jimmie being suitably geeky -We only find a Donnie Darko 2 t shirt and an angry-ish Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) -We rush the Penny Arcad

Cat Soup

Anime can be fucking weeeeeird. If you ever watch Cat Soup , make sure you are not doing any drugs. It will make you feel like you are on drugs regardless of how you watch it. In another non-sequitur, I saw Mark Curry last night, aka Mark Cooper, aka Hangin with Mr. Cooper. I did a recent blog on how all celebrities are short. Well believe me, they are not ALL short. This guy is at least 6'5. He was wandering around after doing stand-up at Gotham Comedy Club last night (I was waiting for Mike after one of his improv shows at the same place). He nodded at Joe and I, probably because I was blatantly staring at him. I hadn't seen him since like 15 years ago when that show was still on the air, so it was nice to see that he's still around. I'll keep the musings short this time, since I promised New Years pictures and never delivered. We had an amazing New Years, most likely the best I've ever had. Our friend invited us up to an office party at his law firm, w

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Sorry folks, I've been away. Not just away from the computer, but away from Brooklyn as well. Since most of our friends and family live upstate, Mike and I decided to take a trip back home for Christmas. And we got invited to a sweet party for New Years, so I've been a little busy. I hope everyone's holidays went well this year. Mine were especially fun, as I will relate shortly. The day we went back, there was a huge snow storm. My family couldn't drive the hour to pick us up at the train station, so luckily Andrew and Julie were kind enough to let Mike and I stay with them for a night while we waited the snow out. After paying a cabbie 60 bucks (!!!) to get through the storm, we finally made it to their place. We had a fun time watching strange Russian animation, listening to new music, and Puzzle Questing it up (an old hobby for Andrew and I) so I'm kinda glad my dad couldn't come. The next day my mom had a party (as she often does) before Christmas,