
Showing posts from July, 2006

Damn you Catharine!

She always puts these quizzes on her myspace bulletins that I have to steal. Here is another one. It's all about relationships, one of my favorite subjects. -Longest relationship: a few months short of 2 years (Pat) -Shortest relationship: umm when I "dated" (talked on the phone with) Steve Sharaba for 3 days when I was 12 -How many people have you broken up with? technically 3, but un-technically 5 (I went out with and broke up with Nate twice, and Andrew only dumped me because I was too afraid to do it to him) -How many times have you truly been in love? Eeesh....I always think I'm in love at the moment, time does strange things to memories. I'd say 3 times I guess. -How many boyfriends/girlfriends have told you that they love you? Four -Have you ever thought that you were going to marry the person you were with? When you're with someone for long enough, it's going to cross your mind. So, yes. -Have you ever loved someone so much that it

Reality TV Celebrity Sighting

In case any parties are mom, my brother, and I ran into Chris Daughtry (he was wearing those glasses when we saw him) and Bucky Covington (who now has his hair very much shorter) at East View on thursday. My mom just thought it was a guy that looked like Chris, but I saw Bucky with him so knew it was really him. I stalked them quietly for awhile then when they turned around to switch walking directions, I sprung my conversation on them. "HEY....hi" (to get their attention) (more quietly) "You guys are from American Idol...right?" Chris looks around to make sure I didn't say it too loud "yeah". Then he shakes my hand. I feel stupid for bothering them and dont' want to act like a teenage girl so I just flippantly say "oh well I was just wondering because my mom didn't believe me, that's all." Then the question I was actually wondering "Why are you guys in Rochester?" Chris answers again (Bucky is just wa

Two Things I Love

1: Bryan Singer. He's not really a thing, per se, but he is a great and talented director. I didn't think Superman would be good, but somehow he always pulls it off. He's directed 7 movies, of which I've seen 4. I've loved all of them, and one is my favorite film of all time. He also directs the tv show "House" apparently, which Mike owns and I should probably watch more episodes of. Matt (one of the techs) owns Apt Pupil so I'll have to catch that one when I can. X3 sucked because he didn't direct, Superman was good because he did. So therefore I love him . 2: My boyfriend's arm. I guess that's not technically a thing either, but that's beside the point. I love wrapping Mike's arm around me. It doesn't even have to be all the way around, and it doesn't have to be one specific arm. But as long as I get to curl my own arms around one of his, I'm set. Maybe it makes me feel safe or something, but it's s

a few additions

I'm bored at work (I'm working 5 overnights in 6 days, this is my 2nd) so I'm adding more links on the side of the blog. Caveat--the link for my work website has a few wrong details, my supervisor will fix them later. 1: I do not have a B.S., I have a B.A. 2: I am not an RPGST, I am an RPSGT (my supervisor also has dyslexia) 3: The CV listed is my old one, from about a year ago. Half of that info is changed now. I've included only Joe and Catharine's blogs. This is for a reason, they both write fairly regularly and they are both very funny. Sue, Barb, and Arick you write once every 6 months, so you are out. Also make sure to stare in wonderment as my actor boyfriend shows off that he actually gets work! Okay free press time is now over.

Part Deux

I'm officially obsessed. Perhaps because of the great invention youtube, where I can watch over and over all of my favorite scenes and music videos set to those scenes. Well guess what? You're going to get to watch it too! Erica is embedding youtube videos into her blog for the first time. Only 2 of them, but they are both worth it. One is funny (it's pretty much what I was describing in the other blog entry), the other is uber-romantic. Apparently there's a whole "Jam" phenomenon. I'm sure you'll be able to tell video is which. Oh yeah also about the music one....I really like that song, and the scenes they picked were awesome, especially the one where she falls asleep on him. So f-ing adorable.

The Office

First of all, as a disclaimer, I have never seen the British version of The Office, and I know that came first, so I have only a small idea of how similar/different it is to the American version, which is the subject of my discussion. That said, The Office in its 1st and 2nd seasons (which I just caught up with) is the most romantic and funny at the same time tv show I've ever seen. I know I extoll the virtues of Grey's Anatomy, which is also AMAZING. But they are very differently styled shows. The Office is a "mockumentary", which is more real to me, and real = more believable = better. The actors are all so fucking good, and I think a lot of the reason I like them is because I don't know them. Of course I know Steve Carrell, but he doesn't count so much because he's so out there and his character is in no way likeable. On the other hand, Jenna Fischer (Pam) and John Krasinski (Jim) are completely likeable, I want them both to be my best friends. Th

Picture Page It's Picture Page!

I like to think that I'm a better picture-taker than my mother, who takes pictures of everything and everyone she sees without giving a second thought to whether it'd be a worthwhile picture and she ends up with half a face in the picture or some crap. So I have two objectives in this blog post: 1: To show off what I think are some pretty cool pictures 2: To tell, in pictures, the story of my brother's 21st birthday party Okay these pictures were all taken at or around my parents' house in Geneva. I'll caption them for ya'll. This is not at my parents' house but at a road perpendicular to it. Same thing here. This is a small part of Slate Rock. This is in our backyard, off of the meadow. And last but not least, the two cats who hate each other most in the world, Ace and Whiskers. I half expected them to draw swords or pistols. Now next is my dear brother Keith's 21st birthday. Since he is now my dad's best friend for some reason, and my dad is on