Unnecessary writings

So I have nothing to write about. I just want to update because I'm bored, so I guess I'll just think of random things to say.

I really want a pet snake. That's probably not normal, especially for a girl. I think snakes are cute though (no sexual comments please). Maybe even a small lizard would do. I think Angela would definitely kill me if I brought a snake home. I'm glad I don't have many problems obtaining significant others because if I was gonna be alone for the rest of my life, I'd be one of those cat ladies. But not cats, like every animal ever. I'd have cats, dogs, ferrets, reptiles, fish, etc. No birds though, I don't like birds for some reason.

On to the next topic, apparently Life Aquatic IS deeper than I made it out to be. I scrolled through IMDB (the best movie website on earth) and read threads about it. I guess Bill Murray grows in maturity through the movie shown by various random things, and he becomes less numb and socially awkward as well. So I'll take back the "RIDICULOUS" part but the rest can stay, since I still would rather watch Rushmore or The Royal Tenenbaums.

I haven't worked out in about a month. I've found with my new non-workout schedule, (and this MAY piss people off so I apologize in advance) that I don't gain any weight. I thought I gained 2 pounds after Christmas but I weighed myself again yesterday and I'm definitely down to the same thing I've weighed for about 8 years now. So I'm thinking....I don't really need to work out. It would be good to tone up, fix my ass, (which I swear DOES grow and shrink on a regular basis) and I think good abs are the sexiest thing on someone's body in both sexes so I would want to work out my abs, but it's not like working out is a necessity. Pretty cool, I think.

My car just about broke down on saturday. I was driving to Andrew's to hang out for a little while before work at 1 am, and I get on the expressway and the car just starts shaking and it refuses to go above 60. I immediately think "FUCK" because it's the ONE TIME I forgot to bring my cell phone with me. So I'm all but praying that I make it to somewhere that has a phone and that I remember someone's number when I get there. I BARELY make it to the Henrietta Wegmans, and call Andrew and ask him, holding back my eventual tears, to come pick me up. Like any good boyfriend, he comes and stays with me while I use his phone to call around and finally work it out so that Angel's brother will come pick up the car sunday (yesterday) and work on it. Well it was perfect because I had to work til 9 am and then back again at 4 on sunday anyway, and we have four 3,000 dollar mattresses at our work, so I'd just sleep at the lab. It worked out perfectly. Jeff and Mike worked on my car, installed a new distributer cap, fuel filter, air filter, washed my ENTIRE car, inside and out, and are charging me very little. AND they got it done while I was at work and dropped the car back off to me at the lab. Oh AND I don't have to pay Jeff til friday. Wooo!

I've been moved to a full time position at work. I'm not sure if I mentioned that before or not. So I'm working 35-40 hrs a week, usually it's right at 40. This is bringing me in some serious cash on friday the 14th. On that day, I will be tremendously happy. Speaking of the end of the week, on the 13th it'll be 4 months for Andrew and I. Though 4 months isn't too long, it'll still be my second longest relationship. I guess time does fly when you're having fun.


Sophia said…
I would just like to announce that I hate you. In so many ways. (well, maybe not really, but in a way. I don't know what I am talking about. Forgive me, its night shift dellirium.) But, I still hate you (but not like THAT, I mean I don't HATE hate you) Well, yes, but no. I am confused.

That made NO sense. Sorry.

but I still hate you. You know what I mean, I think. But I don't, so how could you? Its definately the delirium (SP?) and hate.
Joseph said…
Why do you say stuff like this so often, it seems? -- "I'm glad I don't have many problems obtaining significant others because...."

I mean, honestly....
Susan Osborne said…
yes Erica, you don't have problems finding significant others at this point in time... but when the point in time comes that you need to start working out, and you have no work out structure, so you don't work out and your ass, thighs, and gut start growing at a rapid rate, I will buy you your first cat and remind you of the time you said you had no problem finding a significant other :)

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