A few updates

So last tuesday we went to RJ's again. This time we added another member to our party, Sue and Joe's "new best friend" Johnny. They came to my apt to pick up Andrew and I, and after actually noticing that they were here (sorry guys) we were off to the bar.

At the bar we were having fun, I talked to Sjene's friends a little, and then I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Sjene!! Woo! She only stayed for a little while, but I was glad that she came for a little while. I didn't drive AND I didn't eat much before that sooooo I drank 2 beers and a double shot. Well some lesbian bought me the double shot and at the time I was trying to buy a drink for Andrew, but the bartender wouldn't come over to me so I was just kinda standing there with my money. Well the shot was fucking huge, and I thought I was gonna throw up so I ran over to Andrew and was like "I didn't get your drink I might throw up I'm going to the bathroom" and ran over to the bathroom.

Wellll....he had already had some drinks, so he was drunk and when I got back he was mad at me for forgetting his drink and having fun with lesbians. It was unreasonable, but again, he was drunk and I was drunk, so when I realized he was mad at me, I got uncontrollably sad and just started crying. Like really crying. Some gay guy came up and told me I was too pretty to cry, then I felt even more stupid. I think it was because Andrew goes "do you want to break up?" so I thought he wanted to break up with me, but he was just worried that I wanted to break up with him. So we worked that out eventually, got a ride back to my apt, then walked back up Monroe to Mark's because we were starving. We ate some excellent food, walked back to my place, and crashed. I still had a good time that night.

I've been staying at Andrew's place more than usual lately. I've been working late, then I just go over there after work. So we've become phasers. In the sleep world, phasers are people that go to bed really late and wake up really late. So we've been going to bed at about 4 am and getting up after noon. It's been okay because I was working til like 2 am, but now I have to be at work at about noon so I'll have to start getting to bed earlier. I've also been a little sick lately, so it's hard to sleep, but I think I'm getting over it.

So today Andrew and I went to Strong to give blood. Well.....this would be my 4th time trying to give. I've been taking vitamins and I ate a huge prime rib the other night, you would THINK that something would be better about my iron. But noooooo my stupid Hemocrit was still 36% when it had to be 38%. Grrr. So Andrew gave 2x as much blood but just the red blood cells, not the plasma (or something like that). So he said he gave FOR me, but that didn't really make me feel better, I wish I could give.

Okay updates are done, time for just a few new things.

One: I'm watching The Real World right now and am seeing little snippets of Landon being drunk. Okay him being drunk is pretty equivalent to some of the times that Pat was drunk with me. I never really knew how much that affected me, but now I see that it really affected me negatively. Now I can't even watch another drunk person that acts like he used to act. It scared me at times, like when he'd fall on the ground and was not able to get up, or when he could barely walk or talk, when he tried to fight people for no reason....stuff like that. He's told me lately that he doesn't drink as much, doesn't "t-rex" as much, and I hope that's true. I can't believe his friends egg him on to act that way (or they used to) and only now can I see how scary it was.

Two: I'd never really seen Anime before I met Andrew (maybe a tiny bit with Joe) but I'm watching it more now, and we're watching the "Trigun" series. It's so good. We've started watching a few of the other series', but I haven't seen many episodes of any of them except this and maybe "Hellsing" which I also love. Who knew I would ever start watching Anime? I love learning about new things.

Three: Ben Folds is such an amazing piano player, it's insane. I know this is random to say but I've been listening to my cd again and there are piano solos on songs like "Philosophy" or "Fired" that are just amazing. I just turn the parts up in my car and I'm like "...wow..." Maybe it's because I stood about 20 feet from him while he was playing and I could actually see him play that stuff, maybe it's because I've studied piano since I was 4 and am obsessed with it, but I just think it's so cool. I really need to start playing more.


rorytmeadows said…
find an Anime video entitled Windaria...one of the most beautiful and romantic ones I've seen

and Ben Folds is awesome...I mean just look at that picture of me with him!
Erica said…
Tim, I have seen the pics of you with Ben Folds and I am jealous.

Andrew AND Tim, I tried posting comments on both of your blogs, on Tims it was there and randomly disappeared, and Andrew I just couldn't comment at all..it's probably this stupid computer at work though

And lastly, just Andrew: I <3 you too even though you made me have a poker obsession

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