So a really embarrassing thing happened to me this morning, and since it has to do with this blog I think I'll relate the story:

I was in my sex class, in our small groups, which on this day included Tim Conheady, who you might remember me talking about in a previous blog about St. Patrick's Day. Well I started talking to my friend Alex about how me and Pat broke up, and I'm not sure if Tim was listening or not, but all of a sudden he busts into our conversation with "You know what's funny?" We all look at him expectantly..."when you search for your own name online and it comes up in someone's blog." AHHH I think my face turned red right there. Of course he was talking about my blog, and Alex had no idea what he was talking about, she kept saying "blog?" and I was just like " comment." The only reason it's so embarrassing is that I really barely ever talk to this kid and I wrote in my blog about having a crush on him freshman year. He'll probably like read this now or something, but I don't even care anymore. I wouldn't write things online if I didn't want people to see what I was writing.

Going back a little ways, saturday night was soo fun. Maura's boyfriend Chris was coming up with two friends, and we decided to make jello shots. We also decided that I would be wearing a black tank top with white shorts and high black shoes...definitely a hot outfit I should not have been wearing. Well they came over and brought a 30 pack of beer with them. By the time we left for the bars, most of the beer was gone and all of the jello shots were gone. I work saturdays until 6, and most of the time while I'm working I don't eat, because I just forget to bring food to work. So I was definitely very drunk by the time we went out.

We went to the Vital first, where I drank ANOTHER beer, courtesy of Chris' friend Chris, who kept saying "wow only 10.75 for a round!!" Nobody was really at the vital (except Jillian who kept kissing me), so we headed to the IB next. There Chris' other friend Steve bought everyone another beer, so I ended up spending nothing but drinking a whole lot. I saw Pat at the IB, he didn't see me though, and I saw Travis. I also saw some of Pat's friends but was afraid to talk to them because I think they all hate me now.

Well me being all drunk as usual (no I am not an alcoholic) and single for the night...decided it would be a good idea to hook up with Chris' friend Chris. I think the alcohol told me to do it because he had an amazing body. Other than that I felt nothing for the guy, and I actually think he might be gay or turn out to be gay later.

Other than those things, nothing really important has happened. I have a sinus infection which I've never had before and I now know that I NEVER want one again. My head feels like it's gonna explode all the time, and even my teeth hurt. Oh yeah and me and Pat have been talking kinda on and off. He calls me occasionally and IMs me, and we eat lunch. I still don't know how I feel about that, because seeing him really does make everything harder. And half the time he's mad at me, or sad, or oddly happy, and it freaks me out. We'll see what happens after graduation (in 2 weeks!!) I guess.


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