
Showing posts from November, 2002
So I'm at home and it's taken me 18 hours to actually get to where I am now. If I lose the internet connection or something I'm gonna scream. I hate dial up..... I went home for break last tuesday. Tuesday night I was excited to see Joe so after dinner he picked me up and we went to Wegmans, Friendly's, and then to see The Ring (AGAIN for me, grrr). I closed my eyes through all the scary parts, I wasn't about to be scared again. When I got home that night I found 5 drunk boys in my house. They swarmed around me and started talking to me. Suddenly my mom came downstairs. I thought she was gonna be really mad but noooo not my mom. She just said "it smells like a bar in here" and started laughing. Then she proceeded to offer my brother and his friends chicken bones to eat. She also told them some joke about a gay guy saying "NO SHIT" but she messed it all up so I have no idea what she was trying to say. The Wednesday before Thanksg
Note to self: never force suitemates to watch really sad movies b/c they'll end up crying all night and blaming it on you. And I went to Bahama Breeze for the 1st time this weekend....most of the menu consisted of spicy things, onions, and peppers. Not my kind of foods AT ALL but my suitemates enjoyed them so it's okay. I ended up eating french fries and creme brule. Ha.
Today I am planning on adding a film studies minor to my psyc major. I've already taken 6 of the 18 credits needed, and I'll have 9 done by next semester. I love my current film class and would love to take more, and they just declared this a valid minor like 2 days ago, so I thought I'd go for it. Of course I don't know what good it's gonna do me in the real world.....I could psychoanalyze films for a living or something. Speaking of film class, I watched the movie Easy Rider yesterday in that class. It was really good and reminded me totally of my dad. It's about these hippie like guys that ride motorcycles (well that's not like him) across the country in search of New Orleans. They have long hair and smoke pot, and it's basically one long road trip. Well when my dad was younger he had long hair, smoked pot, and drove from NY to California to randomly live in San Diego. I really have no point to this except that it's kinda cool how my
I just went for my pre-grad check, which is all the classes that are required for me to graduate. I found out that all I have left to take are 2 psyc classes and 11 credits of electives. I'll have all of those but one class done by the end of next semester, so all senior year I can just take whatever I want. Sweet, eh? Thursday night Maura randomly wanted to go out with me and Kyle so after Friends and Will & Grace we went to Omegas. It's my favorite frat to go to so we got drunk and had a pretty good time. Some guy came up to me and was like "Hey I met you before, you're friends with John right?" and he was all excited and stuff. I was like "ummm who are you" but then I remembered I did meet him before. He was really nice, just a little too excited. We went back and hung out with Becky and her boyfriend Tom, it was fun. Friday I saw an awesome show that MTC put on. MTC is the musical theatre club we have here and I know who most
Well last friday I had a test, monday I had a test, and tuesday I had a test. That was fun. All I did last weekend was study (well basically). So today I"m completely tired. Of course I couldn't play piano well again today, but I had great lessons for like the past 2 weeks so it was okay. Plus for like half the lesson me and Dr. Stanley talked about squirrels and psychology and Joe (sorry Joe) so it was fun. I should have lesson time for just conversing, that would be awesome. Yesterday was so busy. I had 2 classes in a row, then a short lunch, and then I studied for like 45 minutes for the huge test I had at 2. I kinda rushed through the test to make it to a professor's office hours on time at 3:10 and then could only stay there for a few minutes because I had to rush back to my dorm to register. Registration.....yeah that was fun. I am now registered in one psyc class. One. I'm a second semester junior psyc major and I only get into one class? So I wa
I'm sooooo tired right now. I really need a nap and I think I'm gonna take one right after typing this. It doesn't help that Billy Joel's "Lullabye" is playing on my computer right now and effectively putting me to sleep. Okay anyway this week wasn't too productive, I did a lot of textbook reading for 4 tests, but that's about it. Thursday night Pat came over at 3 am totally wasted. He ended up chasing these random guys and since he was so drunk he just fell and cut himself up. Since he was being kind of a drunken psycho I was kind of treating him like that, and I think he got mad b/c he kinda yelled at me. This got me more annoyed, so I tried to clean him up at least a little bit and then I sent him home. The next day he had no clue what happened. He came to my dorm and had bought me the 8 Mile soundtrack. I had no idea he was getting that for me, it was awesome. I was just thinking the day before that I really wanted that soundtrac
You know what's interesting? The other day I was walking from Brodie where I work to lunch at the Union, and I was randomly thinking about freshman year and my INTD class. It was a great class and we all got along really well. I was thinking about how I went to the IB with some of the girls from the class, and how I don't really see them too often on campus anymore. I dont' know why I was thinking about this, it was out of nowhere. So I was walking and I opened a door and turned around to hold it open for the person behind me, and it was one of the girls from my INTD that I was good friends with. Then the very same day after lunch I was thinking about how I dropped one of my classes at the last minute last year, and I was wondering what the class did after I dropped it, b/c it was a really interesting class. (I only dropped it b/c there were no tests and I cant' handle classes with no tests) As I was thinking about this I passed the professor of that class. Oka
Well Kaleidoscope was fun as always. I was mad that Dr. Stanley wasn't there, but I found out later that she had to have a last minute surgery, so I felt bad about being mad. My parents enjoyed the show too. I went home with them and hung out with Joe friday night. He picked me up and we kinda spied on my brother and his friends for awhile until we realized that we're 20 and they're 17 and we have better things to do than spy on them. So we brought the home video we made over to Joe's house and watched it there while eating dunkin donuts that we got from a cracked out old guy that gave us like 2876 extra donuts than we payed for. We just hung out for awhile and then I went home and went to bed. Another interesting thing happened that night too. I was asleep when I woke up randomly and didn't know why. I looked up and there was a person standing over my bed. I sat up and said "what?" b/c I was still out of it and thought it might be Pat or s
Last night was the first time in a loooong time that I actually dressed up for Halloween. The rugby team was having a Halloween party, but Pat wasn't sure if it was an invite party or not til 2 days before. So I had basically no chance of getting a good costume, but of course my boss had one up her sleeve (she gives me EVERYTHING). Well I wouldn't call it a good costume, I'd probably rather have been something a little sexier, but Raggedy Ann is fine at the last minute. Pat was gonna go as an army general or something, but he got the idea in his head of being the character Mr. Peepers from SNL instead. So we both went to the 2nd chance store (a thrift shop) to look for a good Peepers outfit. Mr. Peepers wears either red overalls or red shorts with suspenders, I couldn't remember, so we tried to look for something similar. We found some (kinda on the small side) red shorts and bought a random red shirt to cut for suspenders. It ended up looking pretty damn good.