You're the 5 People I'll Meet in Hell!

Sorry guys, had to use that one for Mike, who is obsessed with that quote right now.

If you've seen the new Simpsons movie, you'll know what that is. We saw it last night, and it was better than I thought it would be. The Simpsons has been on tv for so long that I thought it had completely run out of ideas, but it did alright. I don't really have too much to say about it, besides it being funny. Yeah that's it.

I have one finger nail that is extremely long, and is preventing me from typing properly now, because it's so long. Mike has taken to calling me Harvey Keitel (you get a gold star if you know that reference), yet I still don't want to cut it. If it was a fake nail it would be easier to type, because those nails are pretty tough. This nail is all bendy and shit. I can bend it down to my finger and it'll pop up again, so that makes it kind of a bitch on the keyboard. Anyway, enough about my freak nail.

I got a hair cut today. I haven't had one of those since....I think March maybe? Maybe even earlier than that. I usually just get the ends cut off, but I was so seasonably warm today (I think that "unseasonably" gets used too often) that I told her I wanted a bunch cut off. Now I'm kind of sad. My hair has been long for awhile now, and I like it that way, but I lost probably 4 inches today. I guess it'll grow back.....sigh.

I'm still chugging on the stuff I'm trying to get done. I have 150 pages left in my book (amaaaaazing book by the way) and I'm almost at the end of my Kingdom Hearts game. It'll happen, soon.

PS: Paris, je t'aime is a very interesting and different film. If you get a chance, you should see it. I can't talk much about it because it's not one movie, it's actually 18 different short films by as many different directors (Coen bros, Wes Craven, Alfonso Cuaron, Gerard Depardieu, etc), but most of the shorts are extremely well done. Go see it!


Anonymous said…
Do I get a gold star even if I'm the one who MADE the reference?

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