I'm back

So I went to Geneva for a week. I just got back to Rochester today, and was whisked off to various food and drink places with Doug and Cindy. Now I am home, alone, drunk, and sad. A great way to start a blog entry, eh? Well I really should be polite to the holidays and talk about Christmas before I get into today's happenings.

The day before the night before Christmas

Okay so it was the night before the night before Christmas, but there's a song with that title so I always say it like that....nevermind. I exchanged gifts with Joe and Sue. I had told Joe specifically to get me Aqua Teen volume 3 so he got it for me (And my FAVORITE episode is on there!!!!) Sue got me an awesome sweater and movie book of answers and earrings, and made me and Joe cool little lights. I think it was way too much but they were all really cool so I shouldn't complain. I told Sue I wasn't gonna get her a present but I still got her a pack of playing cards and a relationship die where you say a guy's name and role to see what you get. It's little kid-ish but we had fun. I think I got true love for Cody, Pat, and Andrew (well I did love all of them at some point and still love one of them) and I got "marry" for Travis, which was really random and off. Then we all had fun saying each other's names, and I think I got true love for Joe and tease for Sue. I made Joe a t-shirt, however apparently an adult medium is much bigger than I thought it would be, so he might only wear it to bed. (well it says the word "fuck" on it...kinda...so he might not want to wear it anywhere else BUT to bed). Then we went out on the town and drank. Well I tried to drink, I wasn't really in the mood (the start of my pseudo-depressive state that I will explain later) so I drank a little and went home to bed.

Christmas Eve

I went, like always, to my grandparent's house. Although this year it is my grandmother's house only. It was a bit sadder than normal, with my grandma attempting to make my grandfather's famous Clam's Casino. She almost got it, but I couldn't lie to her, his were always the best. We had linguini with white and red sauce for dinner, with shrimp and mushrooms on the side. There was no lobster this year, apparently that was something Dominic enjoyed. I don't like lobster so it was fine with me. I got a strange picture frame from Lauren, and she got a strange purse from me. We all got pretty drunk and Adam broke a wine glass on the table. He broke it so the top came off the stem, so the drunken idiot that I was I tried to cover the evidence with the palm of my hand and ended up piercing myself so hard that I bled. My grandma went crazy giving out 50 dollar bills to people, and Lauren went crazy wanting me to play christmas carols, even though she was the only one singing. Though it was always hanging in the air that someone was missing, I still had a better time than I thought I would.


We all woke up at 8 am because of Paul, of course. You would think by age 15 Paul would want to sleep in a little bit. We shuffled downstairs and opened presents. I always watch my family open the ones I got for them before I open any of mine, it's usually way more fun for me to buy people presents than get them. Everyone seemed to like what I got them, and Paul's annual "buy Erica a random dvd" actually worked out this year. He bought me Beatlejuice, which was my favorite movie of all time for awhile and I've been wanting to see it again. Keith got me Sex and the City dvds, which of course are amazing. My mom gave me all the stuff I picked out at the mall, including my amazingly amazing bath robe that I wore for like 3 days straight when I got it. After presents I made pancakes for our company, the three grandparents. After breakfast we played Cranium and everyone had a great time. It was especially fun seeing my mom pretend to be Mike Tyson and fake punch and bite at her mother in law. After they left I kinda just lounged around the house until my dad felt like he wanted to play the Yankee monopoly game I bought him. He won, of course. He wins ALL the games.

In the days following Christmas I didn't do much. Went to Canadaigua with Sue and out on the town with Sue, Joe, Chris O, Charles, and Brian Archunde which was really fun, but other than that didn't do much. I was feeling tired and a little nauseous for about 4 days, but now I believe it to be psychosomatic. With my grandpa definitely on my mind for the holidays and Andrew gone as well, I think I slipped into a sort of depression for a few days. However since I don't really allow myself to be depressed and I didn't let myself cry (well....until tonight) I think my body was just like "fuck it I'll sleep alot and make your stomach annoy you if you don't want to deal with this." Now that I've figured that out, the tiredness and nauseousness are much better, however I am crying more often. Stupid tradeoffs. Andrew comes home tuesday, and I know that'll help a ton. I also visited my grandpa's grave today, which helped me get some emotions out. So things should be looking up.

So that brings me to tonight. Early today I am watching Garden State with my brother and dad, and I get a message from Doug wondering why I'm not in the lab sooooo after I get all my shit together I go to the lab for a little bit (we're all allowed to be slackers this week) and just kinda hang out with Doug and Cindy chatting. They were the only ones there and possibly felt pity for me so they asked me to go to dinner with them. We went to Hogan's Hideway then back to Cindy's place to watch some Napoleon Dynamite and some Aqua Teen, which Doug had also gotten for christmas. Then we went to the Old Toad for drinks with Sara Nowakowski who was back from San Diego, her fiancee, Angel, and Arick. I had a pretty good time but all that time hanging out with couples kinda got me sad again and I drank until I didn't want to talk to anyone and wanted to walk home. Well.....Doug and Cindy wouldn't let me walk home and in the car told me 3054 reasons why I should never walk home. I've kinda sobered up by now but I'm fighting not to call Andrew. I already talked to him earlier and I know he's out drinking at a karaoke bar or something but I just feel sad and blah right now. I'm gonna be strong and probably just go to bed. I always get more emotional at night anyway, by tomorrow I'll be fine.

Oh and in case I don't get time to post before saturday....HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE and.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW!


Erica said…
Don't worry, no more crying...especially since I will see you TOMORROW!

PS: you are mentioned 5 times in this entry :-P

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