
Showing posts from July, 2004

A letter

Dear Tim, Although I appreciate your late night random IMs, I just want to say that I am not planning on getting yahoo messenger, setting up a webcam, or seeing you naked anytime soon.  Though if you asked me to do that 4 years ago I'm sure I would have.  Thanks, Erica

Some musings

Forget the guys/girls whatever thing I was talking about the other night, I don't feel like talking about that.  Maybe later.  For now I want to say 2 things that seem important at the moment: 1)  It kinda sucks that when someone is about to leave to be seen rarely again, you want to hang out with that person more than normal.  It should be like that from the beginning of when you get to know them but that's never the case.  I think right now I'm feeling bad because Doug asked me to hang out with him like 3865 times when I first met him and I hardly ever did, mostly because I didn't feel like driving from Geneseo.  Now I'm regretting it :( 2)  Totally unrelatedly.....why did I have to meet two guys that are exactly alike within 2 years?  I could barely handle the first one and now there's a clone that's even harder to handle.  Damn you people.
Why do my blog entries appear out of order sometimes?  I don't get it.....

My life is insane

Okay I left off at like last wednesday I think..... Thursday I was supposed to work (and last night AND tonight) but all my hours got cancelled because something happened with a study we are running and we can't run it right now.  So thursday I went swimming in Webster with Angela then we decided we wanted to go to Prep's because we'd never been there and we didn't need to take a cab to get there.  So we went there, drank a beer, then got bored and walked around.  In the mean time Adam and Ben had been trying to get ahold of us and we made plans to meet up at our house then go play pool.  We went to some random dead bar on Monroe Ave, but it was cool because we were the only ones at the pool table.  Adam and Ben won, even though it was because Angela accidentally hit the 8 ball in.  Apparently pool is Ben's game, according to him.  I want to know what's NOT his game, since he wins everything. So after that we went back to our house and drank some beer.  Ev

Yes, I copied this from Joe

Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan Your name is... Your kiss is... erotic Your hugs are... gentle Your eyes... light up a day Your touch is... the only thing I desire Your smell is... exotic Your smile is... encouraging Your love is... everlasting Quiz created with MemeGen !

God Hugh Jackman is hot

This post is not about Hugh Jackman at all but they just showed a scene from "Erskinville Kings" on Inside the Actor's Studio and mmm I want to see that film.   Ooooooh now they're talking about X-Men.  Okay enough.... Soooo let's see what interesting things have happened to me lately....first I'll go with Sara's going away party last saturday.  So I was by myself all day and decided to go to the mall.  I needed shoes and a present for my brother, so those were my objectives.  I saw my cousin Maria and her baby on my adventures, and also Art Nigro and Mike Penta.  I found shoes for really cheap, a cute shirt, a book and a pretty cool present for Keith.  So it was a success. I got back and had about an hour to get ready for the party.  I was already wearing a little white sundress so I didn't have much to do.  Right when I was about to leave, Doug called and asked if I needed a ride, so I tagged along with him and Cindy.  Apparently I looked prett

What the hell?

I had ANOTHER dream about the guy I went to school with that I hardly talk to and never think would think if I never think about him I would stop having dreams about him!  But no, this has gone on for years.  What the hell?   And on a totally separate note, I think sometimes I enjoy flirting more than sex.  I haven't experienced much of it (flirting) since the days of Chris Campbell and I think I've missed it. 

Part II of the movie blogging extravaganza

This is the list of films that I very much want to see but haven't yet. I've heard that they're all good ones. If someone has seen one and doesn't think it's any good and I should skip it, or if one is totally amazing, feel free to leave a comment! 2001: A Space Odyssey Alien Apocalpse Now Blade Runner Donnie Darko Ed Wood Fast Times at Ridgemont High Leaving Las Vegas Love Story Magnolia Midnight Cowboy Natural Born Killers North By Northwest O Brother Where Art Thou Oklahoma Requiem for a Dream Roman Holiday Salem's Lot Scarface Sling Blade Spartacus Strangers on a Train Taxi Driver Thelma and Louise The Big Chill The Blues Brothers The Green Mile The Postman Always Rings Twice The Sting This is Spinal Tap To Kill a Mockingbird Trainspotting and they're even in alphabetical I'm bored

I'm baaaaack

Ah, home again. I wish I was still on the island. This way I wouldn't have to come back to all this weird shit going on at work...also I wouldn't be at work all night after driving 7 hours earlier today. But all vacations have to end sometime. It was a very fun time, I knew it would be. I will probably forget half the shit that happened and shorten the other half, and it will still be really long and annoying, but just bear with me here. Friday Got to the Vineyard at about 7, then went to dinner with Angela (of course since she came with me), Sue, and Vikki. We went to The Wharf to eat, and subsequently went back when they turned it into a dance floor later on that night. They played some really good songs and I was drunk enough to actually dance to them. There was some guy there that I offhandedly mentioned to Sue was cute, so at some point during the night she went up to him and started talking to him. I wasn't even listening, and all of a sudden she was li

So sad

Such sad things lately....Pat called me last night, and it was nice to talk to him except that I almost started crying. Usually I block things with him and me out, but I can't really do that with him on the phone talking about our relationship. He just got a cell phone too so I have a feeling I'm gonna be hearing from him more. Again, I almost started crying's a good thing I didn't, I think Cindy would have been a little freaked out that I'm crying over her boyfriend leaving. Anyway Doug is leaving, though not really leaving for awhile, but this was one of the last times I got to hang out with him. We had a good day today, him and I. I was freaking out over some stuff so we went for a walk. On this walk I found out some things I really had no idea about before. Too bad both him and I are constantly in the wrong place at the wrong time in life when it comes to each other. Oh well, it happens. I'm going to Martha's Vineyard tomorrow.

Still at work, and still bored

I know this is the 3rd post in one night, but I just wanted to say that I've seen 114 out of IMDB's top 250 films of all time. That's pretty good I think.

It's the movie blogging extravaganza!!

Now is the time I subject everyone to my favorite obsession...everything to do with movies. I made up some High Fidelity-ish lists for fun: Top 5 Dramatic Films 1) The Usual Suspects 2) Seven 3) LA Confidential 4) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 5) The Godfather (I or II, they're both amazing) Top 5 Comedies 1) Annie Hall 2) Some Like it Hot 3) Do Beetlejuice or Ghostbusters count here? Anyway they're good and funny 4) Zoolander 5) The Breakfast Club Top 5 Romantic Films 1) While You Were Sleeping 2) Love Actually 3) Moulin Rouge 4) The Goodbye Girl 5) An Affair to Remember Top 5 Action Films 1) The Princess Bride...because I have to fit it in somewhere 2) X-Men 3) Pirates of the Caribbean 4) City on Fire 5) The Matrix Top 5 Foreign Films 1) Amelie 2) Seven Samauri/Rashoman (tie) 3) Chun King Express 4) The Rules of the Game 5) M Top 5 Horror 1) The Shining 2) The Sixth Sense 3) Scream 4) Stir of Echoes 5) Friday the 1

You know you want to see pics of me

That sounds oddly porn site-ish but I just wanted to let people know that Joe took about 50 pics of him and I the other day and he has some of them up on his site. Just to warn everyone...I look odd in just about all of them. Thanks Joe, for choosing the strangest ones to put up. Anyway here it is:

An Aside

I keep walking by Doug's empty office and it depresses me. He's been gone 2 days and I miss the guy already :(

Independence Days

I think I celebrated July 4th on 3 different days this year, which is cool because the more partying the better. Let's go into them all in detail, shall we? July 2nd was the first celebration, which wasn't really so much of an Independence Day party as just a party party. Angela and I went to dinner with Ben and his friend Dave at this really good place that serves 50 different hamburgers. After that we hung out at Ben's house for a little while, playing darts and let's make fun of Erica for doing stupid shit. (I deserved it) Then we went to some guy's house for a party. I think his name was Brian, but I could be wrong. So there's some beer pong playing, some funny antics on the part of Dave (he called everyone "shape" all night which Angela and I promptly picked up for our own language usage) and some other people. Angela played beer pong, but I didn't. Beer pong is take it or leave it with me, I like Asshole much better. We actua

Another crazy night

No time to write....I need a nap. Just a few things: --Calling people "shape" in an ebonics kind of way is really fun --Pretending to be engaged to someone and exchanging bracelets is also fun --I get really stupid when I'm tired, hence thinking a snowboard is a "really big skateboard" --Why do Angela and I have bruises on our arms? We are both clueless Okay nap time.