
Showing posts from September, 2003
Okay last week I went to the health center for an annual checkup so I can get my little pills, and the nurse practicionar lady was listening to my heart, lungs, etc with her stethoscope. Well apparently she heard something odd near my left kidney, so she had to go get a doctor, who also heard the same thing. They told me to go get an ultrasound b/c something was odd with the functioning of my aortic valve going into my kidney. So today I went to get the ultrasound, all the while warning people that I was not pregnant when I told them where I was going. I got there and the nurse squirted this really hot gel onto my stomach and put a paddle on it. Then she found my kidney and it showed up on the screen, it was really cool. She took a few pictures of that, my other kidney, and my aorta, and then it was done. She said she didn't see any problem, but I might need a CAT scan just in case. Okay how many more unnecessary procedures am I gonna have? I think it's getting rid
I'm always amazed at the array of people that read this. It's pretty cool. This weekend was pretty laid back. No big parties, but I ended up getting randomly drunk off 2 beers friday night. I was tired and didn't eat at all that day so that's what happened. Asshole is always fun though. Pat was drunk by oh....5 oclock that day because they had a breakfast with a sorority so when I caught up with him he was just sobering up and I was pretty damn drunk. This was at about 10:30 at night and we went to his house. He started watching an Animal House special which I really wanted to watch. Yeah that didn't quite work. I fell asleep while he was still watching tv and didn't wake up that morning until he turned on the tv at like noon. I think I got like 11 hours of sleep that night. Saturday was basically nothing day. Oh yeah I did watch Kids with Pat, Pete, Davey, Tim, AC, and The Beamster. It's kinda weird watching a really sexual movie with 6 gu
I am at the University of Rochester library as we speak....(or as I type?) I decided to hang out with my buddy Sjene tonight and we're chillin here at the library before we head to a gay bar later. Actually I really need to eat a bacon mushroom melt from Wendy's, so we'll end up doing that before the bar. Let me just say that this library is really awesome. This is the first time I've been to the U of R campus (even though I technically work for U of R, my internship is at Strong) and it's really nice. Let's see what's been going on weekend was not as good as it could have been since friday-saturday my body decided to try to kill me. I got a really bad cold friday, which turned into chills and a hugely annoying cough by saturday. Friday night I decided to make the best of it and go out on the town. I was wearing a hot little outfit, courtesy of my strappy shoes and Maura's friend's black tank top, so I was feeling pretty goo
So I went home over the weekend. Sue came home, Angie, Joe, etc (I think I mentioned that they were coming home) and we all had a good time. Friday I saw my grandparents, then went to dinner with Sue and Joe at.....where else.....Ciccino's. (Sue went there for the 2nd time in one day) Then we went out that night with Steph. Angie didn't come til saturday so it was just us 4, then we met Stacey and some of Sue's friends from high school downtown. Nothing much happened, me and Joe looked for Carrie all night and I talked to Nick Cemoni like always. Let's see him one more time, it's starting to get old. I think I hugged CJ Barber....told Anne Marie I would hook her up with Nick....something like that. I also found out I love SoCo and lime shots, which is why the weekend was kind of a blur. Saturday afternoon I went to lunch with Joe and did some wegmans and eckerd rounds. Sue was at a wedding all day and most of the night so I basically hung out with Jo
I'm gonna kill my mom for passing on the acting bug gene to me. She recently said offhandedly to someone that she'd always wanted to be an actress. I was like "DAMMIT" that's why I have this weirdly overwhelming urge to be a movie star. Well everyone wants to be a movie star, but I mean I REALLY want to be one. Of course I haven't acted since high school and I was told in high school that I don't have the right "look" (fuck off Tyler) for it, but it is still like.....a calling for me. I don't know where that came from tonight, except that every time I watch one of those "Diary" things of stars on MTV I think how awesome it would be to be in their shoes. I dream that I'm talking to an actor at least once a month, and I decided to be a film minor b/c I figured I had to do SOMETHING about it. I have nothing else to say about it except that it frustrates me. Random tangent I guess.... And I get to go home to Geneva and se
Okay I was extremely bored tonight because we have no classes tomorrow and my housemates STILL went to bed before 12. They did go to Syracuse today and I didn't so maybe if I did then I'd be in bed too, but I somehow doubt it, being a night owl and all. Anyway, getting to the point.....I was bored and decided to look at old stuff on here. It's so interesting to me that I used to have this huge secret crush on Pat and documented it online. I read it tonight and it's really funny like "I think I like someone but I don't think anything will come of it" and we've been going out for over a year now. Well anyway if anyone wants to read it (even though it's probably just interesting to me) the address is I started liking him in february and then we had a thing where we didn't talk to each other b/c of his retardedness in May and then we started talking again in June. Okay I know nobody is gonna care about that