
Showing posts from February, 2003
Okay so I forgot in the last post to mention that when everyone at the party (the night Angie came up) went to the bar, me, Angie, and Pat decided to have our own little dance party. It was just the three of us dancing to that Russian lesbian song that I love now and we were all really drunk so it was awesome. I just wanted to put that in here because it was a great part of the night and I forgot all about it. Well this past weekend was fun, but it wasn't really anything spectacular. Friday night Sara and Sarah actually decided that they wanted to have a drinking party (at the insistance of Tom) and they neeeeever usually drink so I was excited about that. We went to Wegmans and the liquor store and picked up the stuff. Well they didn't want anything in the liquor store so they bought Bacardi Silver and some Strawberry Daquiri stuff at Wegmans. I wanted Coors Light so they got that for me and Angela too. Tom and Becky came back to our room at about 8 with some vodka
Oh yeah I forgot tuesday I think it was I went into work like normal. When I got there, sitting in the office were two older people, probably in their 50s. They were just sitting and listening to this extremely annoying guy talk to them (he will talk to you forever if you let him). Apparently their daughter had an acting audition at the school and they were waiting for her. Well I was kinda doing work and kinda listening to this couple's conversation with annoying as hell boy. The father was talking about his acting experiences at Geneseo (he didn't go here but he came for a summer acting workshop) and then he was like "look for me in The Cradle Will Rock", I play Burt Weston. I was like "hmmm" and the mother started talking about her acting experiences too, but she was talking about stage work. I started talking to them a little bit, but not about anything important. Their daughter came out of the office and they left. Well.....later
What to start with...hmm....well I know the anti-valentine's day people won't want to read this, but I think I want to tell about my valentine's day this year. This is the first year EVER that I've had a boyfriend for valentine's, and it was the first year for Pat to have a girlfriend too. So we kinda weren't sure what to do for it, and we both didn't know what presents to get each other. We ended up having a romantic dinner in my room. I cooked dinner and he brought the wine and bread. I brought some bean bag chairs and a short little table thingy in my room and set the whole thing up, restaurant style. We had salad first, and I made some stuffed peppers and a stromboli/calzone. That turned out to be really huge, but it tasted good. I was proud of being able to cook something semi-decent in a dorm, which has no supplies for me to work with. After dinner we watched The Goodbye Girl, which was a pretty good pick for valentine's day, AND Pat
Hmmm yeah I haven't updated in a little while, but I will, don't worry. I am sick and moody today, so I'm debating whether it'll be a good idea to update today, b/c I might go off on a tangent ranting about something inconsequential. I have to go to class in about 10 minutes anyway, but I'll definitely have some time tomorrow to write.
Ahhhh Sean McGrath just said my name for the first time ever! Okay I'm done....
Sunday night there was a gathering at my grandparent's house. My grandparents have dinner for all holidays and the birthdays of everyone in the family (about 11 people). So we end up going there like once a month. I love going there, it reminds me of when I was little. Now Pat comes to the dinners too and it's awesome that he actually likes being there, because the dinners mean so much to me. The one this past sunday was for my aunt's birthday, and I had fun talking to Lauren and everyone else again. My grandpa told some strange scary story about an airplane crashing in Austria during WWII and having to shovel the dead bodies of 25 people into the back of a truck. He was like "eh, it didn't bother me, I'm used to that stuff." Ooooookay grandpa. We've also decided to put together another broomball team. I had suuuuch a good time when I played last year that I definitely wanted to play again, plus Emily is really into it. She made herself
Okay since I'm definitely not gonna have much time to write in here this week, and I'm extremely bored now, I'm going to write about my interesting night last night. (This might be long) It started with me and Emily heading off to The Statesman at about 9:30. I dont' know if we would have gotten in (I've never tried to go there before) but this girl that we are both friends with (also named Emily) was already there and let us in the back door. We got in there and got beers, and there were all these sorority girls there. That normally would bother me but it didn't b/c they were being nice. Me and the 2 Emily's got to do karaoke with them and when I got up to sing it I didn't even know what we were singing. It ended up being "You can't hurry love" which is a song that I loooooove. This creepy 40 year old townie guy kept trying to talk to me too. He was being gross and saying things like "you can't gulp your beer, you have t
I'm at work again. Lori (one of my bosses) was gonna have me do something but it's not working out for her so I'm just sitting here bored. Pat stopped in a little while ago so that was cool. I wish he'd come when professors were walking in and out though, b/c they're all so strange and interesting and I want him to see who they are. And apparently there's a cat trapped in a room and has been there for like 5 days. Lori is thinking about making me try to catch it.....riiiiiight. Last night we (me and Pat) went to see The Recruit at the movie theater. It was really cool, besides the fact that Colin Farrell (aka the most pleasant to look at person in the universe) was in it. I had to fight from being like "holy shit" the whole time he was on the screen, but I'm sure it'll be the same thing if I go see Daredevil with Pat since he has a newfound Jennifer Garner obsession. (Colin Farrell is in that movie too, haha) But yeah the movie its
Okay I'm not trying to be a dork or anything, but my bio psyc class is soooo cool! We learn stuff relating to our lives every day and it's alway stuff that I had no idea about but find interesting. On his syllabus he wrote "This will be the most exciting class of your college career" and it is so far. We watched a clip from the Animaniacs in class today too. A few examples from class: Apparently watching a scary movie will make people more sexually aroused. Why? Because during the scary movie people get nervous, and blood starts flowing away from our sexual organs and into our heart and brain. After the movie is done, the blood travels back down. Also, there is a thing in our brains called the amyglada. It is responsible for our need to fight. Normally the cortex of the brain stops people from being aggressive, but when a person gets drunk, the properties of the cortex are reduced the the properties of the a
All right where was I..... Friday night Angie wanted me to go with her to Sue's school (Canisius) in Buffalo. Emily had to work in Rochester friday anyway and said she could give me a ride to Naz where Angie would drive us to Sue's. So I got to Naz and visited with Kris and Dave for a few minutes before we left. We got to her school and we had just a little time to eat dinner so we went to this sub place called "Jim's Steak Shop" or something like that. I only ate half of my chicken finger sub but it was still really good. We went right from there to the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra to listen to a little Mozart and Bethoven. It was a beautiful place, even if some of the music was a little long. But I'm glad I went, I had a good time and I love classical music. After the BPO we went to wegmans and then to Sue's to start getting our drink on. Sue lives with some girls in the bottom of a house and guys live in the upstairs. Well this one g
So much for writing the next day after that mighty odd entry. I'm a busy girl! Actually I just have ADD when I get back to school and I can never stay on my computer for very long. So....that saturday night that I last wrote suitemates went to sleep at 11:30 and I wasn't tired at all so I stayed up and watched "The Goodbye Girl" with Richard Dreyfuss by myself. Pat called at like 12:30 and he was drunk and wanted to come up. He wasn't too drunk though and I had him watch my favorite part of the movie. He actually liked it, which is odd for a guy that hates romantic movies and he said he wanted to watch the whole movie sometime. I talked to him for awhile....we talked about some very interesting things, and I went to bed at like 2. Sunday all day we all were waiting for Emily, our new suitemate, to come over so we could meet her. She had to work though and didn't get here til midnight. The superbowl was on that night so we had to wai