You Are My Sweet Charade

I have many pictures to show, and only a few stories to go along with them. Firstly, I will conclude my incredibly amazing cliffhanger from my last blog.

I went home to Geneva for x-rays last week, and stopped to hang out with my mom. Ever since my dad moved out, it seems as if my mom and my brothers have taken to throwing whatever they want into my old room. (My dad stayed in my room for awhile after he and my mom separated but before he moved.) I went home to grab my prom dress, and first heard that bees had taken over my room. That was okay, because they were all dead from being poisoned by my family. (But not before tearing up my ceiling):

However, I could barely get to my old closet anyway, because of all the SHIT that was just hanging out in my room. This all would be okay if I was a messy person. I, however, am NOT a messy person. Come to my current apartment and you'll see what I mean. So I yelled about it for a minute, grabbed the dress and an old hippie shirt (and i mean old...the last time I wore it was when I was 12), took a picture, and left the room to its impending implosion:

And this is the shirt that I haven't worn since I was 12, but now I want to put it back into my wardrobe (this is also Erica after just waking up--scary!)

Now for the prom dress story...Mike was invited to a Rochester area theatre event something or other. I'm still not really sure what it was, but it said to dress formally or outrageously. I thought I would be formal AND outrageous by wearing my prom dress. Mike wore a black and purple velvet shirt. After being yelled at by a few women for still fitting into my prom dress, we shot a few pictures, had a few hor deurves and listened to different theatre promotions. It was an alright time there, but we got to hang out with Smike afterwards at Zeb's, so that made it worth it. I heart Smike, but he's not the most social person (which is weird for a head of an improv troupe), so I rarely get to talk with him. Here are the pics:

Mike in his velvet shirt

Me with some of Mike's theatre women

I only want to say a couple more things:

1: Mike is shooting a film all weekend. He's the boyfriend of one of the lead characters, and his character gets to go on a road trip with them (I think its a lesbian, gay man, and straight girl). I don't have any production pictures from that, but he also shot a few scenes for an 1890s baseball film recently. He looks so cute (like old man cute) with a mustache:

2: The new season of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" just started. If you're waiting for your favorite new shows to start, check this out in the meantime. It's really dark humor, but completely worth it. As I said before, it's like Seinfeld on crack. Superb. Here's a little teaser trailer that will probably not be available soon due to some kind of copyright infringement.


Anonymous said…
I have "theater women?" Does my girlfriend know about this?!
Erica said…
Ha...I thought you were gonna comment on the "old man cute" thing. And yes, you are a theatre pimp.

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