My First Surgery

So I'm having surgery bright and early tomorrow morning. I am having my foot fractured and then put back together in a more correct manner. This is because I have bunions, which are not similar to hemorrhoids like I once thought, but they are when your bone below your big toe grows out away from your foot.

In my case, my bone was doing all sorts of funny things. Apparently as well as moving out, it was also able to move up and down while my foot was stationary, which my doctor tells me is not right. This will be my first surgery, first time getting anesthesia (unless you count Novocaine), first time with a tube down my throat, first time on crutches, first time taking Vicodin, etc. Lots of firsts tomorrow.

Sooo I'm kinda scared that I'm gonna get a blood clot and die. Probably not any type of real worry, but I'm worried all the same. I know a few of my doctor and med school friends read this, so if you could possibly tell me something hopeful, that would be grrrrreat!

At any rate, here are pictures of my feet. My left is the one being operated on, because that is the one that hurts. My right is less pronounced and less painful altogether, so that'll wait a few years. If I don't take care of this now, my big toe will just basically take over my other toes and I'll get all these hammer toes and it just won't be pretty. So I'm making it pretty before it can get ugly!

I'll probably blog more from my position on the couch for the next 5 days. Til then!


john ok said…
the chances of you getting a blood clot and dying are very slim. you are young and healthy. And even with your foot surgery you will probably be reasonably active hobbling around on crutches. (hopefully with flames painted on them). Getting a DVT requires blood stasis, and or a hypercoagulable state. neither of which you should have. if you are really worried about it though you could get the venodynes from the hospital. hahaha.

anyway even if you got a dvt the chances of having a major PE from it are slim.

you will be fine. good luck with the recovery. and friends don't let friends blog hopped up on vicodin. hahahaha.

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