Why Was There Bacon in the Soap?

Currently my extra-curricular activities involve lots of hosting parties, going to parties, and going out of state. BUT! I still have time for the tv! Here are my current thoughts on my tv/movie watching hobby:

1: I haven't watched any new anime in awhile, but I HAVE been watching some Invader Zim. This show used to be on Nickelodeon at some point in time, but I didn't know about it and have been watching it at work with Andrew when we get downtime (which is only on overnights, otherwise we's busy peoples). It's not for everybody, but with my silly sense of humor I loooove it. My favorite part of the show is GIR, an alien-made robot who is kind of broken and just goes crazy all the time. I also love when Zim shakes his fist and talks threateningly (you'd know if you saw the show).

This is a little clip show of Zim and GIR, but mostly GIR. If you can sit through this and you find yourself laughing, I suggest watching the show:

2: Mike and I finally finished watching Angel. This saddens me a bit, since we've been following the Buffy/Angel crew for about 9 months now. Alas, there is nothing of Joss left for us to follow, so we switched gears towards Carnivale.

About....3 years ago maybe? I posted a blog about how much I enjoyed Carnivale when it was actually on tv, but I'd only seen a few episodes at that point. Now I get to watch the whole series, which I recommend to anyone who likes artistic visual imagery and spiritual "freaks".
I won't show a clip because anything I show will probably ruin something about the show, but if you do have a chance to catch it, do it!

Oh and some final thoughts on Angel: Loved loved loved the third season. I thought it was the best season ever. In what Mike and I are naming "Buffy syndrome", the fourth season wasn't all that great (it is the 2nd to last season, and thus corresponds to Buffy's season 6, which was not the best either). But I did enjoy Angel much more than I thought I would, and I didn't give David Boreanz enough credit in my mind (or in my blog). When he left Buffy, he wasn't much more than a hulking crybaby. He really came into his own on his show, and he has some freakin great comic timing. Charisma Carpenter, same thing. Well she wasn't hulking, but she was an annoying Valley Girl type. She REALLY changed on Angel. And don't even get me started on Doyle (shown in an earlier blog) and Fred (shown below), which were my two personal favorite characters.

Well my battery is about to run out so I should go, but tune in next time folks!


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