
Showing posts from March, 2006


The title is supposed to be pronounced "Hect i sity" like "multiplicity" or "ethnicity". I doubt it's a real word, as always, but, as always, it works for my purposes. So things in my life this week are hectic as hell. It's mostly work, but my birthday is coming up as is Mike's the day after mine, not to mention my brother's birthday 2 days before mine which is also Mike's meeting of the family day. (well the ones who weren't there to surprise him last week at work) Then there's the small issue of finding a place to live for the next year. I've moved every single year since freshman year of college, why stop now when I'm on a roll? It'll be weird if I ever buy a house, I'll feel skittish or something. I think I'm living with Sjene but I'm not sure, and I may be living with Sue but I'm not sure about that either, so I want to look for places but I have no idea which to look for, and I feel like I'l


I am trying desperately to stay awake right now. I told Pat to tell me something stimulating, but he's playing poker so he put on music for me instead. Cecelia by Simon and Garfunkel just came on so it woke me up sufficiently enough for me to be able to start writing in this, but now it's like...Stevie Nicks or Heart or something and I'm fast falling back to sleep. I believe I'm the equivalent of drunk right now, I keep trying to drink water and it's spilling down my lab coat. Then I try to talk to Pat and he's like "you are NOT making sense" even though he got less sleep than I did and HE'S the sane one. So I did some animal noises for him, I quit out of the record I was finishing up because that DEFINITELY would make me fall asleep, and now I'm waiting with bated breath for this subject to wake up so I can get my second wind. Some good things do come out of your frontal lobes being shut down though. I have very quick word retrieval skills

life is both a major and a minor key

The title is supposed to make a point of taking the bad with the good in life, however in playing and composing music I prefer the minor key. But I'm also a dark humor kinda girl so eh, whatever. Anyway, I've been feeling blah tonight, it started after Mike called me from NYC where he's spending time with some of his friends. I haven't seen him since friday and it's starting to get to me. Not that it's been that long really, but my whole relationship with him is like...I can't even describe it, it's just different. Anyway he seems like he's having fun and I'm happy for him but selfishly, it's making me a bit sad that I'm not with him. So what does any girl do when she gets sad? Watch romantic movies! Good thing I own all my favorites, it seems like a good night for The Goodbye Girl or maybe Someone Like You...a little Hugh Jackman action, perhaps. *Sigh* I feel like a hypocrite because I've been telling Joe and Sue that th


It was such a fun St. Patrick's Day, and I wasn't even drunk!! (well most of the time I wasn't) It included: -watching Boondock Saints -Mike speaking with an Irish accent to EVERYBODY (including the pizza guy) -Irish Car Bombs -random fun people -nerf gun/torpedo thingy/pillow/popasan war -conversations about inanimate objects that won't stop calling -watching funny SNL skits -headbutting noses Most fun I've had on St. Patty's Day ever, second only to when Angela and I got drunk with the rugby folk and then stumbled home to paint for our art class the next day. Boy those paintings were bad..... In other news, I finished my record early tonight so I was surfing myspace trying to find people I knew. I came across two from my high school class so that was cool, but then....THEN I found the girl I hated the most, ever, in the world at Geneseo. First she snubbed me at orientation and took away the guy I was trying to have a conversation with, then she shows up in

I'm Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!

So my body is fucked up lately, first of all. I'm eating everything I can get my hands on and I am never full, and at the same time I'm not getting tired before I need to go to sleep at night. Two very odd things for me. However, since I am on my first of 3 overnights in a row, the non-sleeping thing is a good thing. The eating thing is just....weird. And again, no, I am not pregnant. Anywhoo, I just ate two pieces of pizza from a very nice subject who brought in two whole pizzas for everyone, and then in our thousands of miniature plastic commercial bowls of corn flakes I found some cocoa puffs. Weeeee!! That's how I felt. Now they're half gone and they still make me happy. So other then going on a food frenzy, I happened to lock myself out of the lab tonight. Yep, I knew it would happen at some point. Usually we unlock one of the outside doors in case we need to go in the offices or the bathroom out in the hall....well nobody had unlocked the one door that we keep unl

another haphazard update

Well, I want to update, I really do. However, I am in Geneva only for about another half hour for another free meal courtesy of Marilyn Howard, then I'm going to my apt quickly and to Mike's for the night, so while she is preparing I will write what I can now. So...things in my life are going much better than they were a few months ago. Andrew and I are on speaking terms (barely, but politely). Elizabeth is even talking to me, which is a good thing since she's at my apt every single day. It's very strange, it's like a switch turned off in my head back in January and I only see Andrew as a roommate. I also now am not concerned with what Andrew thinks about Mike, however of Mike's own volition he won't be visiting my current apt. Which is less awkward all around, it just sucks because I feel like I go over there and use up all his resources all the time. But I had a chance to pay him and his housemates back a bit the other night, so that made me feel be

Her eyes are as big as her bubbly toes

I should just listen to songs and write whatever they say for my titles from now on. Okay so I'm behind on the blogging-ness. (I'm going crazy with the fake words now) I've been busy. And by busy I mean working and Miking. Yes his name is now a verb as well. And no that was not sexual. So....a few tidbits to hold you over til I can write more fulfillingly. 1: Date Movie is bad. So bad that the dance party at the end of the film was the best part. And that wasn't in the movie. 2: Ms. Pacman, on the other hand, is amazing. Best old school arcade game EVER. 3: The Oscars, also, were good. Mostly because Jon Stewart hosted, the dance sequences were rediculous, and I was drunk off screwdrivers. Oh and I was hanging out with funny ass people in the form of Mike, Brian, and Alex. 4: I am newly jealous of Mac users. I want to IM on camera! I want to have a cute little glowing snooze button! I want magnetic ports! It's okay, I still love my PC. 5: I watch