
Showing posts from October, 2005

Alfred Hitchcock is my new best friend

On TCM they are doing an Alfred Hitchcock week in honor of Halloween and playing 39 of his films, along with 2 documentaries. I am currently taping on DVR (in no particular order): Spellbound Marnie Sabotage North By Northwest The Birds Rebecca Frenzy Blackmail The Man Who Knew Too Much Rope Torn Curtain Strangers on a Train All of which I haven't seen but are supposed to be pretty damn good. Of course some of his other famous ones like Psycho, Vertigo, Rear Window, Notorious, and Shadow of a Doubt I've seen multiple times already so there's no need to record them. However if any of you have never seen them I recommend it highly. Well...I recommend Psycho, Rear Window, and Shadow of a Doubt highly. The others are just window dressing. (not sure if that phrase fits but I'm tired) I'll let you know on the ones in the list, but I expect that I'll enjoy them.

Out of the Past

So I go out on the town last night, for the first time in awhile. Andrew is not with me, because as he said "none of my plans for the night included going out" which in turn means he wanted to spend some quality time with his computer. That's fine with me, so I go out with Charcy and a few of her friends. First we go to Keys in High Falls, we skip the 5 dollar cover and have martinis while watching a drag show and some dueling pianos. A queen starts talking to us and calls me beautiful and says I have great tits. So I, once again, am the attraction of a gay man. We leave there, go to SoHo. Very very crowded. With assholes. The minute I got there some guy tried to finger my ass through my pants and I really wish I knew who it was so I could hit him. (or at least glare a lot) We go out to the tent and some tall guy starts smoking with us. He keeps looking at me and asking how tall I was. Well I'm 5'8 without heels but I had like 2.5 inch fuck me boots on last night

The Human Mind In All Its Splendor

Yeah, you like that title? I'm f-ing tired and I just read a blog that was better written than mine. You know what that means....Erica is gonna use big words and talk about weird shit. First of all, I really never thought of my film obsession as a bad thing. Since DVR came into my life I'm watching more movies (see previous blog post) and Andrew is also making random comments about me watching too much tv (I only DVR Sex and the City, Howard Stern, and Reno 911). I don't watch THAT much tv. Anyway I know everyone says "tv rots your brain" which I whole-heartedly agree with in certain circumstances. If a 15 year old watches 6 hours of random shit every day instead of playing sports or hanging out with friends or reading, then yes it is rotting their brain. However I am a 23 year old girl who has already gotten a bachelors degree and I have no (proximate) friends, extra curricular activities, or computer at the moment. So I watch tv/movies. If someone would donate a

Movie OCD and some pics

I really have a movie OCD problem. Seriously it's weird. Maybe it's not movies, it's lists, but I've turned it into movies. I love making lists (in my head, or on paper) then getting the stuff done that's on the list. I just really love lists in general anyway. So I used to get things in the mail (a loooong time ago) that were advertisements for the movie club thing where you pay like 5 cents and get 20 movies or something stupid. Well these things listed all the movies that you could buy, and there were probably around 100 on there. I used to circle all the movies I'd seen, keep the ads, and when I saw another film that was on them, I'd circle that too. This happened over a series of probably 7 years and if I go sleep in my old bedroom even now I'll go look and circle more movies. This got so bad that now when I think of certain films I automatically think of the one next to it on the list. Like "Bridge on the River Kwai" makes me think of &qu

Another dream brought to life

Dream #1: go to California. Done. Dream #2: get a Honda Civic. Done. I HAVE A NEW CAR!! No more bitching about my car breaking down. This one should hold up pretty well. It's a 1998 black Civic EX Coupe, standard of course, with a sunroof and cruise control (2 things I've never had in a car before). It only has 58,000 miles and one owner with 0 accidents. Pretty cool. The Dick Ide dealership is amazing to work with. I see why they got the president's award last year, and both me and Andrew got free t-shirts! (lol) And apparently my credit isn't just okay, it's pretty damn good. I co-bought Andrew's car with him and was really afraid to get my own because I thought it would hurt my chances or raise my APR. Nope. My APR was lower than it was with his and now I sort of own 3 cars. Happy day for me!!


I went to a wedding this past weekend. It was a co-worker, I'm not super great friends with her but she's really nice and everything. I figured a few things out about weddings this weekend. What I want at my wedding/reception -a ceremony under a half hour long, preferably someplace beautiful and not in a church -about 5 different kinds of never-ending cheesecakes, brownies, and cookies -open bar, top shelf included if money allows -current music or non-cheesy classics (except "Everything I Do"...that song must be included, no matter how cheesy) -some kind of dancing around a circle thing...for some reason I really enjoy dancing in a circle. Damn you Hava Nagila dance! -boquet throwing/garter tossing What I don't want at my wedding/reception -a really short aisle to walk down, if I'm finally gonna have a ton of people watching me, I want it to last for a few minutes -a strapless dress with EVERYONE doing that these days?? -play that funky music w

Your reaction to my action is what I want to see

The title has nothing to do with this post (except that he's a fan of the singer and probably the only one who knows what that line is from). Anyway.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE! And 24 no less! Wooooooo the big 24...yeahhhh. Ha. Sorry I can't see you tonight, but we will have a good time tomorrow, and like always, I LOVE YOU! And I am getting you a present, too.