
Showing posts from June, 2005

psychological reactions to being cheated on

So today Charcy and I spent a good chunk of our work day discussing the state of affairs with another coworker's relationship with his ummm sorta girlfriend. We shall just call this person Black Toes (haha). So apparently he and this girl who he's been with for awhile now are having a rocky time. They actually technically aren't even together anymore, however they are sometimes still sleeping together and going on vacations together. He obviously loves her, she is an obvious bitch. He thinks she's sleeping around, but he also thinks he is an overly paranoid/ jealous person so which one is the right answer? Well I won't go into ALL of the details but the way he describes things, it seems as if she really is "cheating" if you could call it that, and even if she isn't, she's way too much of a hassle for him to be worrying himself with. Charcy was describing an old relationship of hers where her boyfriend was cheating on her and all the stuff he s

scraps of my thought processes

Watching good porn for at least a half hour = being horny for an entire week. Making up fake emails and subscribing to free porn sites is also amazing. I have to turn the radio on when I'm alone at work so I can't hear the ghost who flitters around behind me. I often wonder when I'll be truly content with myself and won't feel the need to be needed by others. I also often wonder when my metabolism will slow and I'll get incredibly fat (inevitably, with my diet). My ex boyfriend has truly gone over the edge. Now he solely speaks in references to classic literature. I feel only pity for him. Whenever I drive on an overpass, I picture my car blasting through the cement wall and plunging me down to a firey death. I secretly long to dress differently, like goth/punk/skater/whatever else there is but will never do it because I'm afraid people will see that I don't share that lifestyle, I just like the look. (Plus I'm much too bad of a dresser to pull anything

and she's back online, folks

You can all let out that sigh of relief now. I have the internet again. (Although currently I am at work but that's beside the point) Uhh just a disclaimer...because I haven't written in awhile....this will be long. First I will go over the oh so wonderful details of my life in the last week, then discuss a few films I had the pleasure of seeing sneak previews of. MOVING DAY #1: FRIDAY, JUNE 10TH I hadn't packed much the night before, so I had most of my packing/cleaning to do the same day I moved (I'm a big procrastinator about that kind of stuff). I woke up early, started packing, took a break a few hours later to wake Andrew's lazy ass up and usher him out of the house, and continued packing. This was one of those 90 degree really humid days last week but I hardly noticed as I tried to get everything done as fast as I could. So at about 1:30 PM I decide I need to take back the cable box and modem then go back and pack and wait for my brother in his truck and Andr

a sexy art review and some updates

. So you're supposed to download this program that will upload pictures to a predetermined location online then this program will put them into your blog for you....but I found a way to cut out the middle man and just post pics myself. Sweet. Maybe I'll actually post a pic of myself after this. Anyway this is a famous photograph by Pamela Hanson. It's called "Bis". Arick had a creativity workshop (which was really awesome) and he had us take a closer look at this picture. It was interesting, because half of the people in the room though the guy was looking coldly, almost angrily at the woman, and half the people thought he was looking at her like he wants her. Well she's sitting in front of a mirror with her legs open so obviously I just thought he wanted her. Arick also pointed out that the girl has a bandaid on her hand, and there are papers on the table the guy could be looking at. Furthermore, they're in a hotel room, have they just met and maybe had a

Good and Bad

Andrew and I went to Darien Lake today: Good: We got to go on 3 rollercoasters and the Log Ride Bad: My favorite rollercoaster ever, The Superman, was shut down for the day Good: We got a caricature done of us together, framed, to put in our new apt. Bad : When a little boy came over shaking his head and saying "not pretty" while the guy was drawing me, I knew I wasn't gonna like the way I looked in it Good: We both won cute little stuffed animals at the "guess your weight/age/birthday" booth Bad: He guessed that Andrew was 18 yrs old (??!!) and that I weighed 5 lbs more than I do Good: We didn't spend too much unnecessary money on food Bad: I got nauseas shortly after the 2nd rollercoaster and have stayed that way since Good: Overall I think we both had a great time, full of romanticism and fun Bad: Instead of still being with him, I am in a basement at a hospital trying valiantly not to throw up

I don't want to be a vampire anymore

I'm reaaally starting to dislike these overnights. Right now I'm on the verge of nausea because I didn't eat too much today and just came in and had some tea. I think the caffeine interacting with my empty stomach is making me sick :( So I'm gonna do a reminiscent post to take my mind off of my stomach: I'm moving in 10 days. Angela is gone. I am living in a semi-empty apartment and 2/3 of what is in the fridge is beer. (for that matter, 2/3 of the freezer contents is liquor). I think I'm gonna spend a lot of time at Andrew's in this next week and a half. In honor of remembering the good times at Vassar St, I am going to ramble about....good times at Vassar St: What stands out the most about the apartment (besides anything to do with Andrew, which I won't talk about in cause others get nauseous) is living with Adam and hanging out with his friends all the time. Although I love Angela, everyone knows I love hanging out with boys and I had some of the best