An actual update

So I've kind of stopped writing sequentially about events, which I think is a good thing, but sometimes I just feel like it, so this is it:

On saturday I went back to Geneva (once again) because there was another mass dedicated to my grandpa and a senior citizen dance the next day dedicated to him as well. So I thought I'd come home and take part in the grandpa-remembering activities.

I get home just in time for mass. I sit through the droning priest and think about dinner (yes I am going to hell). After mass the eight family members that went to mass wanted to go to the Stone Cutter's for dinner (a new part of Bellhurst Castle) but they don't take reservations and there was a band that night so it was full and we were out of luck. I suggested we try the Red Brick Inn, which is actually a bar but the dinners there are really good. My family complained but we went there anyway and they ended up all loving the dinner and commending me for my choice.

After dinner I hung out with Sue, Joe, and Steph before going to the bars. I drove because I was feeling sick and I never drive when I come home so I thought I was due a turn. It ended up being a pretty fun night even though I wasn't drunk at all (who knew?).

Some highlights:

-Joe getting drunk and being very loving towards me (awww)
-Some girl telling me that my pants were really hot and then staring at them every time she saw me
-Dancing to old school rap songs like Shoop, courtesy of Sue (I think)
-Joe yelling "I'M GAY" to everyone on the street as loud as he could
-Repeatedly getting asked (AGAIN) by Jeff Morrow to join him in his hot tub, and when I refused, him offering to buy me a drink about a thousand times before finally giving up when Joe could see I was exasperated and whisked me out the door

The next day I went to the senior citizen dance with Lauren, and Sue and Joe decided to go as well. My family had its own reserved table in the front and a lot of my great aunts/uncles were there along with my grandma. Apparently the Serrett family are sticks in the mud when it comes to dancing because nobody from our table got up to dance pretty much the entire time. I got annoyed with the no dancing, and even though I am a horrible dancer, I got up and convinced Lauren to dance with me to a few songs. After that my mom and grandma and a few other people got into it and started dancing too. I guess they just needed someone to start them off.

After it was over I was stealing leftover cookies when my perverted gym teacher from grammar school (that I haven't talked to since 8th grade) spied me and started talking to me. This is a guy that used to make us go through the "spanking machine" on our birthdays and he ALWAYS talked about the "glutius maximus". He was a total weirdo. So he comes over and says "Hi Ms. Howard do you remember me? Your old gym teacher?" I think oh god and try to look down at the cookies and slowly move away from him. He keeps talking about how nice it was that I was dancing and I'm just thinking about the little white skirt that I was wearing and how I really didn't want him talking about watching me dance. So after a few minutes of him following me around talking to me, I say "well my family is leaving, I should go" even though they were doing nothing of the sort. I wish I could express how creepy this guy is. I guess you'll have to take my word for it.

So that was my fabulous weekend. I came back on sunday and promptly started working overnights again, fun stuff. And now a loooot of shit is going down at my work but I'm just gonna be hush hush about that one for now.


Joseph said…
remind me to be a jerk next time i'm usually happens.

you must bring out the best in me.

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