
Showing posts from October, 2004

This is my Peter - uh, my *friend* Peter. We just met at the, uh, intersexual... homosection... INTERSECTION!

Sorry about the title, I didn't have anything to say and "In & Out" is on tv. And as we all know how much I appreciate the gay culture, I am watching it. So I have been reminded that I need to update this. First a quick explanation of the things mentioned in the previous post: I had to go to the "doctor" because apparently they thought I had HPV which 80% of sexually active women get, it is HIGHLY contagious. I'm like...okay I definitely don't sleep around but whatever I could have gotten it. So I went in there and first of all the lady has this video camera thing and of course I can see into my entire vagina. Yeaaah gross I know. So I can't stop staring at the video monitor, even though it's disgustiong, and she's going "ummm well this is odd....I haven't really seen many of these before...." Which of course is always wonderful. So she finally figures out that I had a calcified cyst on my cervix which is pr

Real Quick

I'm watching a muppet movie right now (yeah Ben's idea, it's funny though) but I just wanted to say really quickly that I had a semi-epiphany about my relationship a few days ago. I was just going to write this newfound knowledge out in here but now that I think about it, it might be an odd thing to write in a blog entry so....anyone that's interested just ask me and I'll tell you sometime. It's nothing bad, it's just that I get these instincts for one thing or another and instincts never seem to fail me. People should rely on their instincts more often I think. Oh also....I'm hating cold weather in NY more and more, California is gonna be great.

Getting Creative

So somehow I hadn't noticed til now that on blogger I'm allowed to use different fonts and different colors. I may switch up the color/font system from time to time for kicks. So I have nothing profound to write about today, which means I'm going for the weekend updating method: Friday -worked only til 5:30 and was still the last one there -ate dinner while waiting for Andrew to come over -forced him to see my cousin's art exhibit at Border's (which is amazing, she's selling some of her pieces for 1000 dollars) and he met my cousin Yvonne -went back to my place and met up with Maura and Chris -played Scattergories and Scene It (which I still dominate at) -Maura and Chris left at about 11 -Adam and the regular crew came over after that -Some carborators and beer pong action went on, and Andrew and I became very messed up -Ben put in "The Triplets of Bellville" which is one of the strangest things I've ever seen (of course I


I read someone's livejournal tonight, and it made me want to be more serious in my bloggings. Not as serious as this person, because theirs was just really depressing, but it put me in an introspective mood I guess. I can change moods really easily sometimes and take on a mood of someone that's around me. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing really. In my psyc of personality class with the awesome Dr. Monica Schneider, we learned that there are people who stay the same throughout situations and people who change and adapt with new situations that are presented to them. At first I wondered which was a better thing, to be so strong in character that you don't have to change for others, or being easily adaptable to things/people but not entirely being you. I think I'm in the latter category, but now I think it's not really that I'm not being true to who I am, I just think that I am open to so many things that when something new presents

Corn Pops and Ghosts

When you're working overnight and there's nothing to eat, at 5:30 in the morning Corn Pops start tasting reaaal good And those damn ceiling ghosts are back. I wish they'd be quiet, some people are trying to finish a book.

More Randomness

I really don't like how my first posts of a day are first and the last ones are last. You would think it would make sense to be that way, but I don't like it. So I guess I haven't really updated much lately with goings on in my life. I've been kinda busy, and I really don't want to try to do an update of everything, so I'll do a rundown in no particular order of interesting things in these past couple of weeks: -I learned my boss is responsible for discovering beta gamma frequencies in the brain -I also learned that Anime can actually be pretty good -I watched Donnie Darko for the first time and immediately fell in love with both the film and the Gary Jules song at the end -I became much more intimately acquainted with Henrietta -I found that my friends from high school (including Charles, Joe Petro, and Chris O) are still the same (in a good way) -I learned how to open a tab at a bar -I got a free mattress -I played a mean game of Texas Hold '

Toooooo much caffeine

Okay I'm gonna be posting sporadically throughout the day today, just because I feel like it. A few thoughts for the moment: 1) On being Spanish: We had a spanish-speaking person in our lab for an intake yesterday, she brought her daughter to translate for her. This is apparently illegal because she can't sign an informed consent because she can't understand it. One of our PhDs that works here turns to me and says, "you speak Spanish don't you?" I do....but not fluently and how would he know that? Do I look hispanic or something? Anyway also today some janitors watched me pass by them in the hall then started talking about me in spanish. Okay if it was like...Korean or something obviously they could bet I wouldn't know what they were talking about, but c'mon, half of America can understand Spanish, I just wanted to turn around and start saying something back to them but I held off and kept walking. 2) On coffee: please people, do not le

Happy Birthday

Hello Joe. As much as you'd like to deny it, it is your birthday today. So I'd like to wish you a happy 23rd. God you're old. Kidding! I love you buddy.