
Showing posts from May, 2004
So it worked! I'm mostly impressed that I have a comments section (or I should at least) so everyone better leave some comments for me! If my template didn't really change even though it told me it did, or if you're still seeing "insert interesting quote here" which you shouldn't be seeing, I'll fix all that shit on wednesday. Woohoo!
So I'm thinking about changing my blog template, since Joe changed his and it looks totally awesome. I doubt I could get mine to look that good but I could always try. I know my changing colors scheme is all psychedelic and whatnot, but change is inevitable. I wish I could do comments...any computer savvy people out there wanting to help me with a comments system are welcome to try (that means you Mike L. and Doug) Oh but yeah my whole reason for typing this paragraph is to say that in case my entire template becomes messed up, you'll know that it's because I tried to change it instead of your computer being wacked out. What else is going on in my life....when I'm not working overnights such as this lovely saturday night/morning, I'm sitting in my apartment watching tv or walking around the block. There's not much to do when all your best friends are in different states (acchem Angie/Sue) or think you're psycho for wanting to hang out with them (accch
I'm officially living in Rochester now!! Angela and I spent our first nights in the apt yesterday. This would have been my 2nd night there if I wasn't working through the night. I love the setup of the place, but it needs a teeny bit of work, like a fixed toilet. We also dont' have internet access yet which I want SO BADLY b/c I miss being on IM all the time. I guess I should be happy though b/c if I was in Geneva for the summer I wouldn't have it at all. I also met the girls next door. They're really really nice, like coming over and asking if we want an extra coffee pot nice. Tonight I walked the streets with Angela. We are REALLY close to a Wilson Farms and an Eckerd, and pretty damn close to some other cool looking restaurants. There's this little kid's playground at a school right near our house and I can't wait to go get drunk and play on the stuff there. Okay enough about the house, I'm gonna backtrack a tiny bit. Let's go
I am so bored that I will write in this 2 days after writing in it before, which is rare with me. I am at the lab, of course, and when I got here the 4 girls on duty were all going crazy about our subject for the night. Apparently he is a 26 year old personal trainer with great abs...can't wait til he wakes up. Then they all left and now it's me and Erin just sitting here. Usually there's more than one subject at a time but we're having trouble finding insomniacs. *PLUG FOR THE LAB*: If you have insomnia and would like extra spending money (about 500 bucks) please come and visit the U of R sleep research lab. We NEED subjects. Don't bother if you don't meet this criteria: takes more than 10 minutes to fall asleep, up for more than an hour during the night, and get less than 6 hours of sleep a night. And no histories of depression or possibilities of pregnancy. If you've made it past this point, log on to and we&#
This blog entry will be one of a rambling nature, just to forewarn my avid readers (all of 2 people). I’m feeling introspective tonight and would like to share my thoughts. #1: I had a “date” with Bill the other night….if you call watching tv at his place for 3 hours a date. At one point we both fell asleep together on his couch, and though that just sounds really pathetic, I thought it was kinda cute. I don’t even really care what the night was or what it meant, I was just happy to be with another person. Which brings me to point #2: #2: Why is it that at night people feel the loneliest? I know I’ve touched on this before in here but being a newly graduated Psyc B.A. person I really want to know the answer. The thing I miss the most about being with Pat is sleeping with him at night (aka laying next to each other in bed, not sex), and he’s told me he misses that a lot too. I watched Big Fish for the 2nd time tonight and part of it is such a romantic film so now I’m al
Ahhhh guys are so weird. Hi, let's say we're gonna hang out with someone and then don't hang out and never call or anything but then see her in 2 weeks and act like nothing strange is going on. Grrr I won't get into it but I'd love to know what is going on in a certain boy from Geneva's head right now. I hung out with him on saturday for a little bit, bought him a birthday drink, then as I was leaving I said "well I'm here for a few weeks, call if ya wanna hang out", HE says "you have my number" which I say, "NO. YOU call ME." He yells after me, "FINE" in a not mad, but jovial sort of way. We'll see if I get a phone call. On another guy related note, I'm not a pedophile I swear, but this freshman (well sophomore now) at Geneseo that is from Geneva is SO FREAKIN HOT. Totally my type, with jet black hair, dark eyebrows, and blue eyes. He was talking to me at wegmans today FOREVER and then was ran
Hi, let's write in the blog at 1:00 am before having to get up early for graduation in the morning, that's a good idea. I'm not too tired though and my stupid internet in Geneva SUCKS so this blog entry will have to do for at least another week. Oh yeah and why did I start saying that phrase, "Hi, let's...blah blah"? I say it ALL the time now. I think I got it from Joe. Anyway a review of current events is due because that's ALL I do in this damn boring thing. But then maybe I'll spice things up with a little memory countown of the fun times at this school. So....basically I took the last few days off of work so I could party my ass off. I don't think I've ever gone out so much in my life. I was done with school stuff since last friday, so I was ready for a party. Wednesday me and Angela (like always, we're such lushes) went out, and Sara came along too, which was nice. Maura would have come but she was at Chris' for
SCHOOL IS OVER FOR sad. My last 2 finals were thursday and friday: a test on rape, STDs, and prostitution, and then watching the Wong Kar Wai film Chung King Express (which I thought was very good, no matter what Nisha says). So now I find myself extremely bored and at work for another 2 hours with NOTHING to do. So I figure...remember all those surveys about ourselves that people used to send around in high school? Well why not post an updated one here, just for the hell of it? It's gonna be long and annoying, but hey, I'm bored. NAME- Erica Howard OCCUPATION- currently Clinical Lab Technologist III at the University of Rochester Sleep Research Lab SCREEN NAME- Ericah007 EMAIL ADDY- HOMETOWN- Geneva BIRTH PLACE- Geneva SCHOOL- DeSales HS then Geneseo HEIGHT- 5'8" WEIGHT- 128 EYE C