
Showing posts from April, 2004
So let's start with last friday. I got paid my first rather big paycheck from work, so I decided to go get a new car stereo so I can at last have music again while I'm driving. My housemates wanted to come so we all went to the mall. I bought some jeans and the Maroon 5 cd (which I love). Apparently my stereo was easy to fix because when the assholes stole it, they made sure they were careful with the wires and didn't cut them. How nice of them. We were at the mall for awhile and I had to work at 8 am the next day so we just went back and went to bed. Saturday morning I had to go to work, but I was verrrry excited because I was going to Geneva after work to hang out with Sue for a few days. I got out of work early b/c I couldn't concentrate and wanted to leave, and went back home. I went to dinner with Sue at Ciccino's, having my usual calzone, then we went back to her place. We then came up with a brilliant plan of playing beer pong in her basement and
So a really embarrassing thing happened to me this morning, and since it has to do with this blog I think I'll relate the story: I was in my sex class, in our small groups, which on this day included Tim Conheady, who you might remember me talking about in a previous blog about St. Patrick's Day. Well I started talking to my friend Alex about how me and Pat broke up, and I'm not sure if Tim was listening or not, but all of a sudden he busts into our conversation with "You know what's funny?" We all look at him expectantly..."when you search for your own name online and it comes up in someone's blog." AHHH I think my face turned red right there. Of course he was talking about my blog, and Alex had no idea what he was talking about, she kept saying "blog?" and I was just like " comment." The only reason it's so embarrassing is that I really barely ever talk to this kid and I wrote in my blog about having a cru
So....yeah..... Currently me and Pat are not even speaking, or haven't been as of a few days ago. I'm sure he would talk to me and I'd talk to him, but I want to leave him alone for a little while, and he said he thinks we shouldn't talk either. I was having a hard time with it for awhile, but lately I've been realizing that it's way better for the long run than if we talk and then maybe hook up again but then have another fight or something. I just hope he's doing okay, since he's the one that is not in agreement with this decision (to break up). On a side note, if you are a guy reading this, NEVER GO OUT WITH ME. Seriously I don't know what my problem is, but I need to stop the breakups. And since I just posted last tuesday, I really don't have too much else to say, so I think I'll take this opportunity to go into a rant about Quentin Tarrantino. Okay granted, this guy is a genius, but I just saw Kill Bill 2 yesterday, and he
I think I'll just write in this while I'm at work all the time. I do have like 5 hours to kill every time I work, so it seems like a damn good idea to me. So last sunday was my birthday (22....yay?) I got a lot of cool stuff, including many cds for my NONEXISTANT car stereo. (It's okay, I'm getting a new one soon). I wanted KFC for dinner randomly, and a lemon merengue pie for dessert. Pat came back with me and we all ate dinner, along with my grandparents and other grandmother. We basically just went to eat, then drove back to Geneseo immediately. Monday through friday of last week were basically hell. If I wasn't working, I was sleeping, at class, or looking at apartments. That's IT. We looked at some cool places though, and I logged 40 hours for my next paycheck (CHA-CHING!). We finally today settled on an apartment on Vassar, right near the restaurants of Park Ave. I haven't actually seen the place yet, but if Angela and Emily like it (t
I'd like to wish a happy birthday (belated) to my baby brother, who is now 15! His birthday is april 2nd, mine is april 4th. Kinda strange but at least it's not the same day. I ended with Davey's birthday party, so I guess I'll start there. It was at Janelle's house, and when I got there, a million sigma kappas (the most popular sorority on campus) were there. I was like "greaaat" but most of them were ones I knew from classes so it was cool. Basically I spent the entire party on the couch playing various drinking games. There was also a rousing game of catchphrase, which I'd never played before and thought was fun. We got kicked out of there and went to 9-4 with some other people, and I just ended up getting completely trashed. Davey's....umm friend I guess (they're not exactly together) made me drink the rest of her vodka stuff which just topped off the evening, resulting in me throwing up at Pat's later. This past weeken