
Showing posts from July, 2003
Exciting thing #1: I'm going to Martha's Vineyard tomorrow!!!! Me and Joe have separated ourselves from each other for the week until we leave b/c I think that's best, with our history of fighting every 2 seconds. If we don't see each other for awhile, it's all good. We get to see Sue in a day, it's so cool. Exciting thing #2: Pat got a new puppy!!!! I love puppies and take advantage of people who have them just so I can play with them. Actually I would probably do that with most animals. Pat's coming to Geneva tonight, otherwise I would have been happy to go to his house so he can show me "Tess". Tess is a Scottish Terrier and Poodle mix, I believe, and sounds adorable. I want to hook her up with Cooper. I won't get to see her til next week, but I can't wait til then. Exciting thing #3: Me at a gay bar? No way......ha. Well I went to one last night with Nene and it was really fun. I was in Rochester anyway for an ori
Heellllooooooo everyone. This is Erica after two consecutive nights of social drinking. I am sooo tired and lazy right now. All I want to do is sleep, and I can't b/c my brother is being all loud and it's 12:30 anyway. First of all, friday night was spent in Auburn with Patrick and his friends, celebrating Tom Nolan's birthday. He is the last of Pat's friends to turn 21, so they had a party for him. It was a very good night, and I actually talked to girls at the party for once instead of just all Pat's guy friends. I also was sporting a candy necklace which was a hit with Mr. Tim Hanley who stole it and wore it for a little while. Pat had to work on a paper for school yesterday all day so I left pretty early in the morning. Then OF COURSE last night when I went out in Geneva I had an interesting night. Well first I was just talking to Joe and his cousin/cousin's wife, just chillin at Gallaghers. I got to meet Steph's new boyfriend and I saw Ca
Pirates of the Caribbean......AWESOME. That's according to me, who saw Johnny Depp in it and immediately fell in love. If you ask Joe, he will say that it sucked and was horrible and not worth 2 hours of his life. So if you're a Johnny Depp fan or like funny little pirate stories, then watch it. I really think I'm obsessed, I've seen it twice and wouldn't mind seeing it again....and again....and again. Damn you Johhny. I also spent friday night with my suitemates. It was mostly fun, but I wanted to go to the movies and Sara didn't want to b/c "That's 2 less hours we have to talk." Umm we talk too much anyway, talking is overrated, I want to see a movie! So of course I got overruled and we just went to the lake and ate dinner (from Wegmans) and basically did nothing. I also almost got mad at Sara (already, good thing we aren't living together next year) but I controlled it. It was really great to see Maura though, since she was in I
OH YEAH I forgot one thing that happened a long time ago but I forgot to post: CODY MORROW asks for my phone number about 5 years too late for me to give a damn about it, I find that soooooo funny and ironic. Hahahaha.
Where am I? What is this place? Oh yeaaaaaaaaah it's where I used to go to write down my happenings in my life. I should just quit altogether but I know I'll want to write in this at Geneseo. ONE: I have learned to drive my car fully now. I went to Pat's last weeken Well anyway I'm at Joe's right now and I think he's trying to seduce me as we speak....but I can't hear what he's mumbling so it's okay. I STILL don't even feel like writing in this, I just feel obligated to do it, so I'll quickly just say some important things that have happened. d in it and it was a disaster (someone bumped me from behind) but after that it was like I HAD to do it right, so I just started driving and now it's fine. TWO: Last weekend was the long-awaited anniversary weekend with Patrick. It went very well, Pat took me out to dinner at a really nice place and had gotten us tickets to go see "Singin in the Rain" at the Merry-go-Roun
Okay I might have all of what I'm gonna write deleted b/c this new template for postings is weird and I don't get it...oh well I'll try to make it work. So I haven't written in a looooong time and so much has happened over the past 2 weeks and my life is about as crazy as I can handle right now. I just want to say before I get into my craziness that I had an awesome time in DC with Angie and Joe. I got to see a lot of things I hadn't before, and Georgetown and Dupont Circle are both so cool. The first day we had a tour of where Angie works, which is where the senators have their offices. We ended up getting waved to by Robert Byrd, who is a pretty high up senator. We didn't get to see Hillary or Ted Kennedy though. (sigh) We also saw some sights, museums, went to a farmer's market, etc etc and I really want to tell about them all but I can't. Sunday we went to Dupont Circle and to this water fountain thing in the middle of the circle. Alllll
I'm behind on the blogging, it's a summer no time disorder....or something. I just want everyone to know that I HAVE A CAR!!! (that I can't drive b/c I need to learn standard driving 1st) It's a 97 Jetta. But as soon as I learn to drive it, I will be visiting a lot of people. Okay I need to go to work now, hopefully I'll write before next week.