
Showing posts from April, 2003
Hugh Jackman grows his hair to an obnoxious length and my boyfriend cuts his must be a tradeoff.
It's saturday evening...and I'm hoping I get to do something fun tonight. I like to go out at least one night out of every weekend, but my suitemates (besides Emily and Becky) never go out and aren't even on campus now anyway. Maybe Emily will come back tonight and want to drink. I think I just want to drink b/c I haven't in a long time (a long time being a few weeks...hello alcoholic) and it's nice out. Plus I did more than I thought I was gonna get done of my huge paper today and I want to celebrate. Pat had a rugby tournament outside of Geneva today, and The Vikings were in it too, so my dad went with my brother. My mom said my dad talked to Pat and watched him play, but I haven't talked to Pat since he had to wake up rediculously early this morning, so I'm assuming he's asleep now. Asleep or of the two. Well let's go back to where I left off last tuesday. Wednesday I was sooooo tired from multiple factors and I can n
This past weekend was very interesting. I've been getting accustomed to going out on thursday nights, and it's fun b/c it always seems like an extra long weekend even though I still go to my classes on friday. But last friday I had a huge test so thursday I just stayed in my room by myself (Sara was at a party) and studied alllllll night. Well actually I talked to Angie for part of the night and studied the rest of the time. Usually Pat stops by after his escapades on thursday nights but I had told him beforehand not to stop by. I ended up wishing he would, but it was better for me to totally pay attention to my studying, since I'm trying to bring up my grade big time in my biopsyc class (which I still love, but he gives tricky tests). So I was in a good mood on friday after my test b/ was after my test, and it was friday. PLUS Joe came up here for the first (and most likely last) time this semester so I was very excited for that. After my classes
Yeah I'm sporadically posting. Get over it. Last weekend was very interesting. Well thursday night was only fun b/c I went over to Pat's while he was out drinking. Actually I tried to fall asleep in his bed but I couldn't really, and he came in only like 15 minutes later. But it was still fun b/c it was like "look I'm in your room!" like a surprise thing. Nevermind.... Friday I did basically nothing. Sara, Sarah, and Angela had never watched the 2nd Harry Potter movie so we watched that and it took up most of the night. Saturday was a whole different story. That whole day and night was extremely interesting. I came back from Pat's saturday morning/afternoon and my parents came at about 1:15 for lunch. We wanted to go eat at Fratelli's b/c I've heard it's good, but after we got there we figured out that it's not open for lunch. So we just went to the Omega Grill, which always has decent food. Because my parents can talk
Well I got accepted for an internship somewhere in Rochester next semester. I'm really scared now, b/c it means I have to set up interviews and have a resume and all that wonderful stuff. I'm also wondering if it's really worth it to be a psyc major. I mean, I looked at a page on the U of R Sleep Research Lab's website where they wanted to hire a clinical psychologist. The HIGHEST this person would get paid is 45, 000 a year. Sara told me that's what she's gonna be making after undergrad. Grrr maybe I should change to speech therapy now. I guess it doesn't matter too much, my mom only makes like 10,000 right now and she's perfectly happy. Okay some other happy news that is waaaay less scary: I got accepted into Psi Chi, the psychology honor society. All I have to do for that is pay some dues and go to an induction ceremony. I think the reason I'm freaking out is that there's this HUGE world outside of college, and with a BS in p
I AM 21 YEARS OLD. It's awesome. Well it's not like I buy alcohol every day now or something, but it's good to know that I won't have a problem getting into a bar ever again, and I don't have to sneak alcohol anywhere. Let's go back to the beginning....or at least thursday. Thursday night at midnight (friday morning, whatever) was technically when I can get into the bars on my real ID, so I was gonna go have some fun with the girls. Well they started dropping like flies, which I knew would happen. My suitemates are a little less socially adept than I am, with the exception of Emily. She's way over my head most of the time. So Sara promised she was gonna go to the bar with me and Emily that night, but she was having all these problems about going away to New Jersey the next day, so she didn't go out. Me, Emily, and her friend from down the hall (Peter) went to 5-2 before the bar. The guys are always drinking there on thursday nights, so we
In the spirit of Joe's blog, I've been taking online quizzes. (And in the spirit of being bored and procrastinating) So here's the results from a few of them: Cocaine. You like to talk, you like to run, but most of all you like to have fun. Which drug should you be hooked on? [now with pictures] brought to you by Quizilla Oooh I like this one: (acchhem Patrick) -Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend. What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Ummm :-/ to the next one: bondage What's YOUR sexual fetish? brought to you by Quizilla Hahahahaha: narcissistic Which Personality Disorder Do You Have? brought to you by Quizilla Now th
An update on the blog!! Wooohooo! Okay last week wasn't tooooo exciting. The first weekend I was home I went to Ithaca and Nazareth, like I said before. At Naz we did some drinking and were gonna go to the mixer at around one, but as soon as we got there some mishap occurred with the speakers and the whole thing was shut down. Angie went to go try and help with everything, and I spotted my old friend Charles, so I just talked to him for awhile. He ended up telling me that he liked me all through high school but just didn't tell me. I was like "mmmmkay". What do you say to that? So after I was done talking to him I rejoined Joe, who was hanging out with Jenna and some weird boy that was following us all around all night. Angie finally came out from behind the stage or whatever, and we saw this guy that she thinks is really hot so we went to go talk to him. He ended up trying to get Angie to go home with him, but Angie just fell on the ground so he wouldn'