
Showing posts from March, 2003
I had an internship interview on thursday last week. I think it went a little worse than it could have gone, but not totally horrible. He told me that my interests in psychology are a lot different than the other people that usually want internships, so it might be difficult for me to be in the seminar that I have to be in. In the seminar I have to tell the people what I'm doing at my internship and listen to them say what they are doing. Most people want to work with kids or schools or something, but I want to work with the more physical side of psychology. I like neurology and behavioral psychology, so I told him I wanted to work in the U of R Sleep Research Lab. He seemed kind of put out that I want to do something different but he said he'd still help me, so hopefully it'll happen. I am currently at Joe Perry's household in Geneva, New York. Last night was the start of my spring break (but you can also say it started on thursday night b/c I skipped my on
I've gotten drunk 3 out of the past 5 days....I think that's a record for me. Hey, it was St. Patrick's Day weekend, what else was there to do? Friday I was soooo tired, so I took a nap that night then went over to Pat's for awhile. They were having a party over there and I didn't drink but I just kinda hung out and talked to people. I drove some drunk people to the bar and went back to my room and fell asleep. Pat called and woke me up at about 2:40, so I went over there wearing my pineapple pajamas and nice black shoes, with black socks with fire on them, and a shirt that says "Entomology" on it. Stylin..... Saturday night was a lot more fun. I went to Pat's house around 9 or so and watched him play some darts with this other guy. He was drunk already, since he'd went to a parade in rochester at 11 in the morning and started drinking at that time. I played a few games of beer pong against Tim and Tom Nolan, and Pete came over. He
Hmm well now that it's this weekend I barely remember last weekend. I dont' think it was a very big weekend for anything. Friday night I think I went to a party at 5-2 Meadows. Oh yeah....I went with Pat and Emily and her friend Mike that just transferred here. He's a really nice guy. So we partied it up over there, played some beer pong and stuff. One of the rugby players brought his dad to the party and I swear the guy kept trying to talk to me or look at me. I was like "ummmm". If I remember correctly, I got pretty damn wasted and just went back with Pat to his house after the party. Saturday I ate for the first time at IHOP. My suitemates wanted to try the stuffed french toast so we went there for dinner. The dinner was just okay...not too great. We went to the movies after that to see Drumline (for 2 dollars otherwise I would have never seen it.) The drumming was cool....? The plot was basically nonexistant or really unbelievable. A fresh
Yeah so I'm STILL behind....but I'm really tired and have a game to go to so I'm gonna have to put this off yet again. Tomorrow....probably....I'll update
Okay I'm a little behind on my postings. I've been yelled at by multiple people to update my blog more often so I'm gonna try, but I make no promises. Let's start with last wednesday. In case you haven't noticed, wednesdays are usually the night me and Pat hang out. We usually go to a movie or rent a movie or something and I just stay at his house. Last wednesday Pat said he wanted to go to The Big Tree to eat dinner. We haven't gone out to an actual nice dinner since probably Christmas break so I was surprised. I had a townhouse meeting to go to, so after that I went to his house and we were off. We tried to go there without reservations and the girl there was a LITTLE bitchy with us. Pat was determined to eat somewhere nice, so we stopped at Villa Carlo next. Pat had never been there, but I have. I think it's a cute Italian restaurant. It's a little too expensive, but oh well. I couldn't eat meat because it was Ash Wednesday, so I
Thursday night.....yeaaaaah. I knew it was gonna be interesting, and it was. Sue came to get me at like 5:30, then we went to dinner and to Justin's apartment in Fairport. He has a really nice place and when we first got there Justin was the only one home. I didn't realize that it was actually a party for Gabe's arrival back in New York State. Slowly more and more people kept coming, and we had fun playing fooseball and beer pong. Sue got drunk pretty quickly and Gabe got drunk even more quickly....he was passed out on the bathroom floor by 12. So the annoying the beginning of the night Sue announced to everyone that I had a boyfriend. I sure as hell wasn't gonna just yell it out, so I'm glad that she did. Apparently that didn't matter to some people..... There's this guy named Paul. He goes out with one of my good friends from high school, Danielle. They've been going out for about 3 years, and I always thought he was an a