another freakin survey

....because I'd rather do it here than in a stupid chain email....and because I have to be at work but I can't think of anything to do.

The basics

Name- Erica S. Howard
Age- 23
Height- 5'8
Weight- 127
Birthday- April 4, 1982
Birthplace- Geneva, NY
Current Location-Rochester, NY
School/Grade- out, baby
Zodiac Sign- Aries: energetic and passionate, that's me
Chinese Zodiac Sign- hmm dog I believe
Righty or Lefty- righty but randomly lefty sometimes
Haircolor- dark brown
Eyecolor- green
Skin Color- olive-ish

About You

What's Your Family Situation- 2 parents, 2 brothers
Any Pets- my family does
If So What Are They- 2 cats and a dog
Favorite Relative- Lauren and Maria
Least Favorite Relative- if we're going cousins I'll say Jason
What's Your Heritage/Race- 50% Italian, 50% mutt
Political Affilation- liberal

Love & Sex

Sexuality- straight...for the most part
Are You In A Relationship Now- yes
If So, With Whom- a wonderful Hispanic boy named Andrew
For How Long- about a year and a half
Are You In Love- sure
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone- when have I not had a crush on someone
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex- just once, and she knows who she is
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss- 12 yrs, football game, Cody Morrow
Virgin- Hahahahahahaha
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?- 19 yrs. Shut up.
Was It Enjoyable- Eh....could have been better
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone- all the way baby
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed- on my neck and stomach
Best Love Quote- The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love, and to be loved in return

Your Friends

Best- Joe, Angie, Sue
How Many Do You Have- lots
More Guys Or Girls- guys
Love Them All- well that's kinda strong I like them a lot
Any You Wish You Were Closer To- sure
Oldest- Chris C., since I was born
Newest- Mike I suppose
Pen Pal- umm no.

Friends And Words: Associate Them

Pen- Joe
Flower-Charles at the Prom (random reference)
Window- Me when I almost fell out of one
Heart- Andrew
Mother- Marilyn
Bread- who the fuck can associate bread with a friend
Insane- Angelo
Sunglasses- Sue
Pimp- JWPimp
Cross- Jesus?
Lonely- Joe
Car- Angie
Music- Joe

This Or That

Boxers or Briefs- boxers
Thongs or G-Strings- eh either
Shorts or Pants- a skirt
Shoes or Barefeet- barefeet
Books or Movies- I can't choose
Night or Day- Night
Dark or Light- Dark
Mountains or Beach- Beach
Snow or Sun- SUN
Pepsi or Coke- I don't drink soda
Guys or Girls- guys
Swim or Surf- swim

For or Against

Gay Marriage- for, of course
Abortion- right to choose
Bush Getting Re-elected- NO OH GOD NO
Suicide- if people want to die, let them, unless they are my friends
War- against
Pants- hahaha against I guess
Clothes In General- well that's going a little too far, some people just don't need to be naked
Penises- yes, yes and yes


Color- to wear, red. To look at, blue.
Number- 3
Holiday- Christmas
Season- Summer
Movie- The Usual Suspects
Book- Any of the Harry Potters
Magazine- Entertainment Weekly
Food- cheese and bacon
Drink- strawberry milkshake
TV Show- If I had to pick one at this moment, I guess Lost
Song- Sound of Silence
Band- don't have one specifically
Computer Game- I love those yahoo games like bounce out, jewel quest, text twist
Video Game- I will always have a special place in my heart for old school Nintendo....Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, Punch Out, California Games, Double Dragon....I could go on
Anime/Manga- VASH THE STAMPEDE.....Trigun
Shirt- the new one I bought with Sue that I can't wait to wear
Pants- My black ones I guess?
Actor- Went from Kevin Spacey to Russell Crowe to Hugh Jackman to Colin Farrell, now I love Olivier Martinez and Justin Theroux
Actress- Angelina Jolie, Naomi Watts
Singer- Dean Martin
Flower- Lilacs or Lilies
Scent- crazy enough, lilacs
Animal- any type of large cat
Cookie- omg those girl scout ones..umm....Caramel Delights

The Future

Want To Go To College- already been there, but I suppose I'd go back to get a masters
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up- a film critic
Want To Get Married- yes
Want To Have Kids- yes
What Would Their Names Be- Alexander or Nicholas and Isabella or Gianna
How Many?- 2 or 3
Where Do You Want To Live- somewhere not here
Where Do You Want To Get Married- it's not the marriage it's the Honeymoon, and that will be in Italy
How Do You Want To Die- when I was in 8th grade I answered this question with "cutting my hand off and then hanging myself" which I got from a book and which my teacher thought was really I'd just want to go in my sleep

More Stuff About You

Piercings- 3 in ears
Tattoos- nope
Smoke- not anymore
Drink- oh yes
Do Drugs- not in awhile
Skinny Dip- I'd love to!
Greatest Fear- being pushed off of a high building
Chocolate or Vanilla- strawberry
Go To Church- not anymore
Religion- defunct Catholic
Scars- one on my knee from racing Mike Passalacqua, one on my hand from a cat scratch, one on my thigh from an iron falling, one on my arm and chest from chicken pox
CDs Owned- I own an eclectic array, ranging from Green Day to Eminem to Simon and Garfunkel to The Best of Kodo
Collections- I collect lists of movies.... :-/
Like To Be Naked- *sigh* I have exhibitionistic tendancies
Ever Eaten Sushi- only the kind without the fish
An Entire Case Of Oreos- Not that big of a fan of oreos
Been On Stage- of course, high school play and college sign language show, among others
Danced In The Rain- yes
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex- not that I had a choice, but yes
Weirdest Dream- you don't want to know
Best Dream- probably the one where Kevin Spacey hung out with me all day....I'm such a dork
Saddest Dream- probably the dream I had the other night where people I knew had randomly died and were all laying around me (which I'm blaming on my neighbor most likely being dead in his apartment)
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True- any of my celebrity dreams
Think You're Attractive- most of the time
Shoplifted- I had a problem with that, back in the day
Been Caught "Doing Something"- ....yes.
Weirdest Makeout Place- I don't know about place, but the weirdest time is when I was 15, drunk, and playing "spin the flashlight" with people in the meadow at my house while my parents were spying on us
Like Thunderstorms- if I'm inside, yes
Favorite Shoes- my black ones...?
Favorite Quote- No Regrets
Best Advice Given- remember that you are not your mother - Doug
Worst Advice Given- to buy a gerbil - Joe
Favorite Song Lyric?- "There's always something so tragic about a hopeless romantic"
What Quote Says Most About Your Life? Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can't build on it; it's only for wallowing in.
Glad This Is Over? God yes, this was long as hell


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