Ben's Party

I figure I better do this while I'm in semi-okay spirits because I feel like later I won't want to do anything.

So last night Andrew and I were still not okay, but we decided to go out to Ben's party together anyway. We met up with Chris and Maura and all drove to Brockport. We randomly see Arick and his ex-girlfriend in the parking lot (wtf Arick are you guys dating again?) and all go in together.

We get in and I'm already in a friendly mood, even though I hadn't had anything to drink yet. So I'm all "hi" to just about everyone I see. Ben shows me to the coat closet that he says will make my coat smell like ass, and I'm like "sweet that's exactly what I want my coat to smell like" and then we really get down to business, Castle.

Now Castle just may be the best drinking game ever invented. Okay well Asshole is very high on my list too but anyway, what you do is get in a line like you're playing flip cup. Even numbers on both sides of a table. At the very start of the relay, everyone claps twice and hits the table three times, then the people at the end start. They take a quick drink of whatever they've got, then take 6 cups and stack them on top of each other like a pyramid (or like those crazy 8 year old cup stackers). Then they quickly unstack and slide them to the next person, who takes a drink then does the same.

Now it may seem as if this game is not that exciting, but think about what your hand-eye coordination does after you get drunk, and think about people slamming beers down onto a table and what THAT does. It was very fun and entertaining, and we only stopped because people were getting dizzy moving around the table (you move around in a circle).

So we played that for about an hour, then Pat's brother came.

I had never met him and I find family members together interesting (plus I was drunk) so I was like "Hey Brothaaaaa" upon meeting him. He was....very drunk....and took that as I was coming on to him. I think. Either way, when I shook hands with him he wouldn't let mine go, like at all, and kept trying to talk to me. Andrew came over and slickly said "what's up guy" and pretty much made him let go of my hand. Pat's brother still didn't realize that this was my boyfriend and hugged me and hit on me some more. While Andrew was standing RIGHT next to me. I was laughing because he was so drunk, but Andrew got mad because Pat's brother just kept challenging him with things, like "I play rugby here what do YOU do" and Andrew's like "I had 6 years of wrestling wanna go outside?" Nothing came of it because Pat stepped in and I stepped in and Pat's brother eventually got bored and talked to some other girl for awhile.

After that fiasco Maura and Chris were ready to head in, since Maura had skating at like 6 in the morning and she was kinda drunk:

So we went out with them, but not before I took some pictures of the leaving boy and probably the last happy one of Andrew and I:

awww cousins

Ben and "the hottest girl I've ever seen" according to him (who happened to become his girlfriend after he said that...oh and he's not drunk, he was drinking vitamin water all night)

Andrew self-confessedly pointing to my "baby maker"

So the four of us very hungry, but we couldn't find a single pizza place that had a table open late in Brockport (you Brockportians don't know what you're missing, come to Geneseo at 3 in the morning on a weekend) so we went to Mark's Pizza, got slices, and ate them in the car.

After the slice on the way home, (this was sans Chris and Maura) Andrew started talking very harshly about our relationship again. He kept saying I was stupid and a fool and told me I was hurting him about 8653 times. I know that I'm hurting him and I hate it, so I said "okay let's break up then" which was met with the response of "one day I'm just gonna leave you". Umm what? I just said let's break up. I think we just weren't on the same wavelength in the car at all, but he gets home from work at 1 today and I'm sure we'll just have a grand ole time fighting. Which is why I wanted to post semi-happily before that happened.

So right now I just want everything to be over as quickly and painlessly as it can be. Which is gonna be very slow and painful I'm sure but right now I think it has to be done.


Sophia said…
Oh Erica you are in such a state! I know that you will make the right decision, just make sure you are not making it based on some ideal of what love should feel like. Life is hard and love is harder. Just remember that love is hard and painful and real. There is a point where it changes and doesn't feel magical anymore, but maybe it isn't supposed to. I wish that I could give you some excellent advice, but it sound like you have made your decision. Give me a call.
Anonymous said…
being that I have a special gift for making relationships dysfunctional, I won't say anything advice-y....just *hugs* for you, whatever ends up happening.

Erica said…
thanks guys! Whatever happens happens for the best, but for now I'm still on the fence...

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