The Holidays....all wrapped up in a neat little ball

So I didn't really talk about Christmas much or what I did in Geneva besides find out dirty secrets, play Italian Christmas songs, and watch Ken Watanabe heat up the screen. And I have some good pics from Christmas and New Years so I'll just smush it all together.

First day I get to my parents' house I see the tree. The beautiful tree. Now you may not realize it from the picture, but this tree was in our yard surrounded by other taller pine trees. The only thing it could do to survive was reach up towards the sun. So all of the branches are pointed up. My dad thought it was great and said a new craze would catch on with them because you wouldn't get hurt poking around for presents. I thought it was just ugly.

So I hung around for a night, went out with Joe, his cousin, and cousin's wife. We played a drunken game of "tell everyone what you love about them" and though Jordan (Joe's cousin's wife) barely knows me she said all this REALLY nice stuff like how she can tell I'm a good person and even if she wanted to be mean to me she couldn't. Joe also said very nice things, for the record. I also got a marriage proposal from Joe's dad.....for me to marry Joe....and I just looked at him like "come on, you know that can't happen" (actually I said those words). Even though I wrecked his dreams of becoming his daugher-in-law, I still got free drinks out of it.

Christmas Eve Andrew came down and we all went to my grandma's for the linguini and red sauce/clam sauce dinner. Andrew was confused because he has turkey on Christmas, but hopefully he enjoyed it. And for ONCE I didn't have to play a thousand Christmas carols on the piano while everyone else sings into my face.

The next day my dad woke everyone up at 8 by playing loud Christmas music and we opened our presents. My favorite present (because it was so unexpected) was Flight of Dragons which Keith ordered for me off Ebay. It's about a wizard named Carolinus who has 3 other brothers in the magic realm that control everything. Obviously one brother is bad, Omadon, and he tries to take everything over and uses dragons to make it happen. Anyway the movie also includes talking wolves, giant ogres, and so on and I thought it was amazing when I was little. Now the ending is completely ridiculous, but I still love it. And John Ritter and James Earl Jones contribute voices, so really how bad can it be?

So after that I made pancakes for the grandparents and we ate a nice big breakfast and then played Cranium all day. Which I won. Of course : )

The rest of the day was quite boring, as I was playing with the animals and Andrew was....sitting around being bored. But he went back to Rochester and I went to the movies with Joe and everything was fine again.

Actually I think they're both bored

Cooper's new bed! He loved it

The cat is nuts, I swear. And I measured his tail, it's a foot long. I guess that's what we get for finding him in the woods behind our house.

The rest of the week I basically slept in, cleaned my room, watched movies, and went to Joe's house. Every day. The details vary but pretty much the same. I loved it though, I always love spending time with Joe and Sue.

So last night I had a few people over. It was (Maura's fiance) Chris' birthday, and Andrews is actually New Years day, so we had a New Years/Happy Birthday party which really just included playing games and getting wasted. Sarah N. came down from Conn. though so that was cool of her.

There was some great food, great drunken phone calls (I'm pretty sure I told Sjene she was hot and I know I called one of my techs) and great fun making people drink whilst playing Asshole. By the end of the night Andrew and I were so trashed that he was throwing food puffed pastries at me for calling him a woman and I was dancing around blowing a party favor for like 10 minutes. Here are some pics for your enjoyment:

Getting ready beforehand

A little trivial pursuit

Yep I made those weiners. And I'm proud of it!

A little Asshole

A little drunkenness (those aren't his fingers btw, the picture just came out looking like that and we made it into a recurring picture theme)

More drunkennes, and drunken phone calls with Sjenenenene

Fun with birthday cake

Winding down....

That was longer than I thought it would be. OH WELL, SUCKERS.


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