more blathering about movies

I know what you're thinking, "Does Erica ever STOP talking about movies?" and the answer is "Shut the fuck up, this is my blog and I can talk about what I want."

So that being said, I saw Crash last night and Revenge of the Sith tonight. I have things to say about both:

This is a new film (as opposed to the same-titled film with James Spader getting turned on by car crashes). It got good buzz and on Howard Stern Roeper said it was his favorite film of the year so far. Sooooo I had to go check it out and pull Andrew along.

Good film overall, I was happy with the way it was done. There were many characters in the film, with interlocking storylines all dealing with racism. With the characters interacting with each other so frequently without planning to, I think makes the movie seem a little fake for some. But if you overlook that aspect, you can see how society molds our values and opinions and even unconscious cognitive thinking patterns, and how everyone can both be a victim AND a perpetrator of this thinking. People who haven't seen the film probably won't know what the hell I'm talking about, but even so, GO SEE IT then read this again.

Andrew didn't like the film and I'm not really sure why, he just kept saying it was too contrived (which is the word I usually use about films I don't like) but I don't think it was contrived. There have been many similar films in the past, but the directing style, witty diologue and awesome characters of this film (the hispanic guy with the daughter is my personal favorite) make it awesome.

Revenge of the Sith
Ah the 6th film of the Star Wars franchise. All you Star Wars psycho fans, don't kill me for anything I say in this, because although I enjoy the films, I've only seen all of them once.

First of all, from word of mouth I heard the IMAX theater had a digital movie screen that showed the film with exceptional clarity, so I decided we should go there to see the film. The movie screen itself, besides being really clear, was sort of wraparound, the biggest screen I've seen a film on. Both of those things were really cool, although I don't think they interfered with my perception of the film.

Well I liked this film. In fact, I liked it better than the other 2 prequels. I thought it surpassed both of them by a lot, but Andrew told me that it was rated 3rd among them, which I think is crazy because Jar-Jar himself should just bring The Phantom Menace down in rank. As expected, this film was very dark and depressing. I applaud George Lucas for actually using a script that has the characters saying more than 5 words in each scene, and the scene with Obi-Wan and a not in such good health Anakin on the lava planet has great emotional impact. The plot, at least for me, was well rounded, and fit in nicely as a lead in to Star Wars.

Since it was the darkest film out of the three new ones, and I love myself a good evil film, I could be biased with my opinions, but the 2 and a half hours just flew by for me.

As an aside: I read Ralphy's review of the film and found this hilarious b/c it was so true: Course, for some reason, R2-D2 screamed about 15 times in the first 20 mintunes. Weird.

And now I REALLY want to watch the first film again. (which I haven't seen since I was about 13)

**My personal web page designer (tee hee) is planning on making me a website devoted to movie reviews, so soon posts like these will be over there**


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