The Last Party at Vassar St

How sad. I love parties. I'm like...90% extroverted or some shit like that so yeah, I love parties. At our new apt, scary landlord Linda would probably come banging on our door and shut us up real quick. However our current landlord, lazy pot smoking ass that he is, cares about nothing, hence last party for a long time (since I'm moving in 18 days).

So the big day....I slept for most of the day because I worked the night before, then I woke up at 4:30. I took a shower, went to Wegmans with Angela, cleaned up a little, arranged food/drinks, got dressed, and waited. A few stragglers including Lindsey and my brother and his friends showed up early, the rest of the people showed up around 9:30 or later. I wish Joe and Sue could have come, but oh well, it was still fun. In all I believe we had about 30 people at the house. It wasn't as big as last year's Vassarfest, but I didn't expect it to be. (and nobody stole a computer this time)

Some highlights:
-me getting fucking housed and offering Angela's birthday cake to anyone who would listen to me
-my brother calling every girl at the party "Rachel"
-Catharine ripping up pictures of herself from my photo album
-Pat (work Pat not ex Pat) saying I looked like a miniature greyhound and me putting him in his place by tickling him into a corner where he proceeded to have sex with a huge blowup monkey
-me telling Maura she looked "boobalicious" all night
-Cindy licking both Andrew's and my head (that sounds so wrong)
-playing the "What the Fuck" game
-Erin getting offers to do "Richard Simmon's Disco Sweat" (don't ask why we have that) in front of everyone for 100 dollars
-my brother's friend throwing up on the front lawn and then passing out in Adam's old room by himself
-the attractive policeman standing outside my door at 1:30 AM who told me that a bunch of neighbors called and made complaints and that the last straw was my brother's friend throwing up outside
-missing 3 calls from Lauren, 5 from Chris C, 1 from Charles, and 1 from Pat because I was too drunk to locate my phone
-Andrew and my brother's non-passed out friend bonding over liquor filled oranges

After cleaning up yesterday morning, Angela and I realized we have about 40 full beers of all different varieties and 3 full liquor bottles, mostly vodka. Woohoo!


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