you are getting very sleeeeeepy

No, I'm not talking about me at work right now, (only because I just finished my vanilla capuchino and my leg is twitching like crazy). I am talking about the hypnotist I saw at Comix Cafe tonight. And no, he didn't say those cliched words.

Hypnotists for me now are like Santa Claus or my job. The magic is gone. They have been exposed for what they really are, hype. I used to go to the hypnotist at my college every year and laugh my ass off at those crazy kids who clucked like chickens and danced around the stage because I was like "haha they don't know what they're doing, this is so great". Mmm no. I will tell all of you that are not in-the-know a little secret. I bet less than 1 out of 10 people really get hypnotized at these shows. Most are acting the entire time.

In college I thought that the show was so cool that I made sure I got picked to go up on stage and be in the show. I sat up there and tried really hard to go "under". Since I am easily suggestible, I was really out of it up there and was doing stuff for a few minutes, but I never really felt like I was hypnotized at all. Then some ass sitting next to me in his chair practically fell on me and jerked me out of it completely so I was like "wtf whatever" and just got off the stage. After that I talked to a lot of people who have been in those shows and they all said they were acting the whole time.

Now these hypnotists are smart. They are educated in the ways of manipulation (obviously). Tonight "The Sandman" as he calls himself, had the balls to say to the people up on stage "now you may not even feel like you're hypnotized at all, but don't worry, you will be." Then he proceeded to "hypnotize" them at the end of the show to think they were never hypnotized, it didn't work. Good job buddy, so when they tell their friends "it was all bs I was just acting" they'll be like "yeah he said you would say that".

Now I don't doubt that in some capacity this can work. I believe it has a better chance of working in a non-show biz atmosphere like in a psychologist's office, where the person can get one-on-one attention and they don't feel like they have to live up to something in front of a group. I just wish I never knew about the whole acting it all thing, it would be much more fun for me to go see a show.

PS: Where are the comments, people? Am I writing this stuff for myself nowadays or what?


Joseph said…
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Allison said…
I've been to an actual hypnotist. I'm open to suggestion and it didn't even work for me. That crap is difficult and allowing one self to be hypnotized is something that takes practice.

My conclusion: unless you're a person that can relax superbly well it's most likely your ass wont get hypnotized.

Additionally, I can't believe in an environment where everyone is do damn aroused, at a college show, that there would be a remote possibility that even one person could fall under that.

I couldn't even find the student's actions funny when I did witness the show. I was rather bored and thought, "you people buy this crap?"

I guess I should STFU now seeing as I could go one for another several paragraphs. And hell, girl, it's your blog and I'm not trying to take over.

Great topic to post about, btw!

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