more of the same

Today is the first day I've gotten any kind of sleep in quite a while. I slept 10 hours last night without waking up once. In the stories that shall see why.

Thursday night....sitting quietly and peacefully with Adam watching Emiril Live (his thing) and playing on the computer. This was at about 12:30 at night. Adam gets a phone call, says about 10 minutes later that Ben and Jen are coming over (haha I just saw the funniness in their names, especially since Ben = Ben Affleck anyway). So I decide to stay up for awhile and hang out with them. Yeah that turned into staying up til about 5 playing Mario Party. It was fun, but I was supposed to work at 10 the next morning. Needless to say, I didn't get in to work until 12.

Friday night...traveled with Angela home to Geneva for the portion of the Whale Watch that involves drinking in the streets. We decided that since we were a little late we were just gonna drink 40s in cars in the DHS parking weird. We got that accomplished with the aid of Charles and Joe, then went down to the bar area. Angela and I each got a huge can of Labatt Ice (baaad idea) and went around drinking it. I saw more people I knew, of course, and thank GOD I did not see Bill at all. We found Brian in the street talking to Wylie, and I got to meet his mom. She's so tiny, it's cute. I ended up getting pretty damn drunk and trying to find Lauren but not being able to. She finally showed up and said something about breaking up with her boyfriend, then she just left and I couldn't find her. (Apparently this was a horribly bitchy move on my part, though she walked away from ME and I talked to her the next day and she was perfectly fine) Anyway for some reason I was talking to Brian for most of the night, and he decided to go crash at my place with Angela and I. It's a good thing he did, because I wasn't in any shape to drive my car home. The bad part was he lives in Newark and I'd have to take him home the next morning, which I didn't think about that night.

So we leave, get back to my house, Angela goes straight to bed. Brian and I talked in the kitchen for awhile, then sat down in the living room for another while, and by this time it was getting to be like 4 in the morning. I finally went upstairs to bed and he slept on the couch. I had to take him home early the next morning because I was going to see my aunt's old mansion at 10:30 (this will be explained in a few minutes) so I woke up at 9. Again, no sleep for Erica. So I wake up at 9, go downstairs, and see that Brian is sitting at my kitchen table with my parents eating breakfast, talking to my dad. Kinda funny since they really had no idea who he was before this. My mom goes psychotic and takes pictures of us together (probably just b/c Brian's cute and a marine) then I'm allowed to bring him home.

After that adventure, we went to Rose Hill Mansion.( This is a Greek style mansion, fully equipped with giant columns like the white house or something. My aunt's great great grandfather bought the mansion at one time, William K. Strong, and her father, Joseph Strong, fixed it up in the 1960's. So basically we went around all the rooms (the historical society owns the place now, it's like a museum) and my aunt showed us places she made out with people, her old bedroom, and the old servant's quarters. It was really really cool. I guess president Martin VanBuren hung out there once or something too. I can't really describe it too well, but if you live around the Geneva area you should go out to East Lake Rd and check it out. The place has 12 fireplaces for god's sake, it's enormous. My aunt got married there, and on one of the patios there's her and my uncle's names in stencil. She also has her name carved into the floor in one of the rooms. How cool is that?

Anyway so after all that we went back to Rochester and took Maura out to dinner for her birthday (along with Sara). It was cool, but it depressed me. I'm usually the least depressed person you will ever meet in your life, but lately I'm definitely going through something. I'm like a fucking human contradiction. I bitch about how I need variety in my life, and when something changes I go nuts. Let me explain further: at this time for the past 4 years I'd be getting ready to go back to Geneseo, or actually at Geneseo. As much as it's cool to be done with school, I really wish I was still there. I'm about to tear up right now, it's making me so sad. It's not really just Geneseo, after I graduated from HS all of freshman year of college I was just a little depressed, just because I missed high school. Now that my life is overhauling again, I know I'm gonna be depressed, again. I just have had such good times at college, some of the best in my life, and now it's all over. Sometimes I wish I would stay the same age forever, but doesn't everyone? It's so annoying to me that I get sick of things so easily in my life, but when it comes to my overall life and how it's structured, please don't change it or it won't be pretty. I bitched at Angela and Sara today, basically for no reason, and I've been just sitting on the couch lately not wanting to do much (except weekends). Most of my friends are moving out of state or have moved, which sucks A LOT. I know a year from now I'll be perfectly content with being free from the whole undergrad thing, but right now life is just sucking.

And not to end on a depressing note (I'm trying to be upbeat) I'm getting 87 extra dollars in my paycheck this week, I got called beautiful the other night, I ate at a new restaurant tonight, and I watched a new episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force tonight. So it's not all shit.


Anonymous said…
you left out the part where you MADE OUT with Brian, the cute marine boy
Anonymous said…
"She finally showed up and said something about breaking up with her boyfriend, then she just left and I couldn't find her. (Apparently this was a horribly bitchy move on my part, though she walked away from ME and I talked to her the next day and she was perfectly fine)"

I think she left because she felt that she was being ignored by her cousin. And I don't think you even looked that hard for her. Only one bar was open when she left.
Erica said…
1: I left out that fact on purpose because I know for a fact that Brian's parents have read this...guess the cat's out of the bag now though...

2: First of all Joe, why the hell do you keep posting anonymously, like I won't know it's you? Secondly, why don't you stop lecturing me when I feel like shit about my life already, are you just attempting to make it worse so you can feel better about your own depression? I explained that I talked to Lauren the next day, she was fine, she didn't want to drink, she was tired, and she wanted to hang out with Carmen. I've known her for MUCH longer than you have, and I know how she thinks and how she feels a lot better also. So give it up, because you're just pissing me off.
Sophia said…
Woah, that doesn't sound like the Erica I know and love! Good for you, making out with someone! You sould just make out with random people from now on, but only cute ones (or at least ones that look cute through beer goggles)
About the whole college thing, at least you enjoyed it. It is better than having a sucky college expierience where you live off campus, get really good grades, and have one friend (who doesn't really count, cause he's your boyfriend), and can count on one hand the number of times you go out in a year.
Joseph said…
Uhhh do you know Erica at all?? She'd make out with anything that had a penis. =)
Erica said…
at least they're all over 16...
Joseph said…
and at least they are all attractive?

we can go on like this forever. =)

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