Garden State

I finally went to see a movie in the theatre tonight, for the first time since Spiderman 2 about a month ago. I'm glad that this was the one I picked to see. Garden State is basically just one of those character study films, but it's very entertaining. Some of it was a tiny bit contrived, but I'll chalk that up to Zach Braff's first time directing/writing/acting at the same time. Not only is this Scrubs star very talented, but he also writes in a blog, which I found courtesy of my good friend Doug. It's pretty hilarious, and all of you Hollywood stalkers (like myself) would find it interesting. Here's one excerpt:

"Also, many of you have commented that I seem like a normal, down to Earth guy. This is true. But it got me thinking of ways that I could become more of a Hollywood dickhead: Starting tomorrow, I will only drink milk from Doves. If it turns out to be true (as some have said) that Doves do not indeed produce milk, then I will move onto Eagle Milk. But not before we get to the bottom of this whole Doves pretending they don't produce milk thing."

Well I thought it was funny anyway...

PS: you should go see the film even if it's just for the previews. There was one for a new film by Wes Andersen (The Royal Tenenbaums) with Bill Murray and Owen Wilson that looks great. There's another one about all these mental people with tons of stars, like (one of my favorite actresses) Naomi Watts, Mark Wahlberg, Jason Swartzman, Jude Law, and Dustin Hoffman. I forgot what these films are called, but they look like they could be winners.

On a different subject...why the hell are Joe and I in a fight? I ignored my cousin for a guy once when I was drunk and now apparently we aren't speaking except to make fun of each other to all of you people. Does that make any sense? I tried calling him tonight and he didn't call back. Fine, if he wants to keep this up, then I guess that's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna stop my low blows (which I have a whole arsenal of) and maybe he'll do the same. Whatever.


Joseph said…
"I'm gonna stop my low blows (which I have a whole arsenal of)"

See, isn't that basically a low blow right there? Letting everyone (or all 4 people that read this) know you have tons of shit to make fun of me about?? Yeah...

and don't ever use the phrase "ignored (whoever) for a guy" and "once" in the same sentence ever again. =)
Anonymous said…
Really sounds like this Joe guy likes you and is jealous if you look at or talk to other guys. UMMM? I could be wrong. I won't say what else I'm thinking yet. Unless you really want it posted here.
Erica said…
1: Okay Joe...I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry about everything I have ever done that was wrong in my life. I'm sorry I'm not perfect, or as perfect as you want me to be. I'm sorry I can be a bitch at times. I am through insulting you, and through talking to you period, unless you are going to say something nice, because this whole thing is exhausting and totally not worth the effort of fighting over.

2: Though I'm wondering what this mysterious thing is that you're thinking right now... no, Joe does not like me. He does not like women at all actually, and I'm only saying this because he told someone he was gay in a comment on his own blog, so I'm assuming it's okay to say. But who knows with him lately. Anyway, he doesn't have a thing for me.
Anonymous said…
All I was thinking was that he is jealous because you were talking to the guys he was interested in.
Sophia said…
Joe, I don't really know you, but I know that Erica cares a lot about you and is concerned about you. Maybe her concern is just comming out as anger. And Erica is not a skank (as it was implied.)
Erica, you and joe should make up. You guys have obviousely been friends for a while. Maybe you two need to sit down and have a mature dialouge about what the real issue is. You probably already know, and just neither of you wants to confront it.
Or, yo u could just throw away a perfectly good friendship.

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