...and more ponderings

Well I was going to do a run-down of the weekend, because it was highly interesting (with much singing and dancing) but I decided instead to have a very intriguing conversation with someone online and now I'm too tired to post what I was going to but it's all good, I'll just go off on random tangents.

Anyway after that little intro: I was thinking earlier today that I kinda bitch sometimes that I don't meet "relationship" type guys often enough, but sometimes that can be a good thing. I mean not really a good thing but okay....I broke up with Pat because I needed to see what else was out there, no offense against him b/c he's awesome, but it was something I needed to do.

This summer I've met so many amazing people, and I wouldn't have gotten a chance to know them if I hadn't of ended things with Pat back in April. One person gave me great conversations, was an awesome movie watching partner, listened to everything I had to say, and was hilariously funny all at once (and I still hang out with this person but nothing more), another stays up late with me as we sing both parts to "Summer Lovin" and fixes my broken bracelets. (And just tonight I had an amazing online conversation with someone that was, seriously, almost 4 hours long.)

I just love the uniqueness of life, how you can get to know a person in so many ways and find out so many interesting things about them that is so different from everyone else. (Did I really just say the word "so" that many times?) I kind of started this entry off talking about guys I was interested in, but it's not just about that, I really don't care that one of them is obsessed with an ex and another one is just typical horny guy, it's not like I hook up with them or that I'm in love with them or something. It's the fact that people can be so fun and interesting, it's great. Grrr I can't really convey what I'm talking about here and it's coming out all wrong I think, I'm sure I'll get some random comments like "wtf?". However I have gotten NO sleep this weekend, have a splitting headache, and am about to fall into bed (and the damn mosquitos and millipedes better stay away). So maybe tomorrow I'll try this again.

Ooooh by the way, bought the Garden State soundtrack....good stuff.


Erica said…
yeah I was sooo extremely tired last night I think I should just delete this post or something

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