Hmm I see a trend with who in Hollywood I am attracted to: (besides Hugh Jackman, who is just, in general, the perfect man)

Colin Farrell
James Spader
Sean Penn
Olivier Martinez
Michael Madsen
Russell Crowe
The Rock
Edward Norton
Justin Theroux

In case you can't guess....they've all played some real badasses and/or are badasses in real life.

I guess I'm just one of those know, the girls who go for the bad guy. Not all the time, but I've noticed I am dramatically more attracted to someone in a movie when they become "bad". Say for instance....Sam Rockwell in Charlie's Angels (I know, bad film, whatever, but it's the perfect example) I could care less about him until the scene where he starts dancing and smoking a hot.

Maybe I'm like the people in Crash.....maybe I just get off on violence. I don't think so though, I think I just like the power in people. Power is hot. So is a disregard for the law....but I think I just get my love of rebelling from my dad, since he is the king of the hippies, so that doesn't count.

Eh I'm just rambling anyway, all of my exes have been very non-confrontational (with the exception of Pat when he's drunk) so what I like and what I get are two different things I guess. Whatever, it's like 5 in the morning, the blog people should turn a blogging system off when it's this time, people are more likely to say weird shit. Oh well, I guess what's done is done.


Anonymous said…
Also a trend: about 4 of them are somewhat overweight and out of shape (and ugly) :)
Erica said…
Thanks "random person" who I'm guessing is Joe (because only you would make fun of people I'm attracted to) but Russell was in damn good shape in the days of Gladiator, Michael Madsen has put on some weight but still has the sexiest voice ever, and the rest of them are definitely not overweight. And isn't "ugly" just an opinion anyway? Who are you to say who is ugly and who isn't?
Joseph said…
yes, your higness, you have your opinions and I have mine. I never said I was right, did i!

turn off your comments if you don't want opinions.

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